《Magnify [Wonwoo]》M 14 [Wonwoo]


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Goo JeongMin....

My step uncle.

The most cruel villain roaming on this entire world. He offered to take me out of institute, but I knew he is a man full of devious tricks. Always trying to convince me to follow him, I baffled my anger against him. For someone that comes into my life, with claims he's my step uncle, it's crazy.

The day he brought me out, was when I escaped with Nabi. Knowing that Nabi has a key sense towards knowing the good and bad sides of people, I secretly took her out of the institute and we fled together. Getting our bare feet caught against bristles of dead leaves and branches, we managed to escape the unbearable hell. We were hunted by him, and the institute. Crying softly, I remember holding Nabi close to my arms, assuring her that we won't be caught.

But all that was broken due to that evil mastermind. Now I didn't want to back down and lose.....but it felt like my whole world did crumble into shattered pieces.

The gun is pointed at me, and I look at Nabi with hope, knowing that she can survive. I mentally prepare myself to be shot, or hurt in any way. I open my eyes slightly, and see Nabi standing up, with her legs untied from the rope. She uses the chair to hit Jeongmin on the side of his rib cage, and he triggers the gun. Releasing it, I scream at the sight of seeing Nabi being shot right on the shoulder. She doesn't hinder at the cruel loss of blood, and stabs him hard with the broken chair piece as she has fallen.

Jeongmin triggers the gun again, shooting her forearm. She cries in agony, and I am at a loss of words.. I couldn't even save her... Nabi hits Jeongmin in the eye, grabbing the gun and tossing it at me. She chucks a piece of sharp wood at me, with her stronger arm. Jeongmin grabs onto her forearm, pushing the bullet down into her arm even further. She cries and tries her best to survive. I immediately cut the rope loose with the sharpened wood end, and rush to Nabi's side. Holding the gun, I point it at Jeongmin. All his men come rushing inside, with their guns shooting at me.


Nabi somehow manages to dig the bullet out of her shoulder, clutching onto her forearm. I look at Jeongmin and threaten him, "Let us go."

He stumbles to stand up, and I pull Nabi to stand behind me, making sure no more guns are pointed at her. Jeongmin says, "You can't survive without me. I am the one to-"

I interrupt him by shooting the ground, aiming for his feet, purposely missing to scare him. He backs up a bit, making the guys around him more tensed up. I shout, "Shut the fuck up. You don't deserve anything that you have right now, you devil."

I feel a tug on my shoulder as Nabi signals me to run as there is a slight opening behind us. I still glare at Jeongmin, backing up slowly with Nabi. Jeongmin says, "You can never hide from me Jeon Wonwoo. You are bound to comeback."

I smirk devilishly at him, and whispers, "Watch me."

I grab a piece of a steel lid, using it as a shield. I aim right at his chest, shooting him viciously with two deadly shots. He stumbles back and bullets start flying at us. I escape with Nabi, running away hastily from the warehouse. There are shouting, shooting, and footsteps that follow immediately after. I realize Nabi is losing her energy more as her whole left arm is covered with blood. I drastically pick her up bridal style and continue running.

However, I realize that the front of my shirt is getting wet as we continue to run. I look down at Nabi, and I see her clutching her side. Tears run down my face as my heart feels like it's ripping apart. No longer how much I run, her breathe shortens slowly. I look at the crowd following after us, and jump into a nearby cave. Twisting my foot, I clutch onto Nabi, making sure she's not hurt even more.


She looks up at me, with tears falling down her face. She clutches onto my shirt and whispers, "It's okay...it doesn't hurt."

I shout back with tears, "Stop lying! I'll get us out of here."

The pain in my left leg is slowly throbbing painfully, up to my kneecap. I carry Nabi in my arms, hastily trying to forget the growing pain. I limp my way towards an opening of a creek, washing the side of her stomach to clean the blood. She winces even more, sweating as she is bleeding constantly.

I kiss her dry lips passionately, then peck her sweaty, cold forehead. I say with fear growing inside my throat, "Don't leave me. I'm going to get us help."

She looks up at me, stroking my cheek weakly. She smiles a bright, faint smile.....whispering, "I never stopped thinking about you Wonwoo."

I glare at her, with tearful eyes, shouting, "DON'T SAY THAT RIGHT NOW."

I hear my heart bursting with pain and I can hear it running lively....I know...that I need to save her...or I'm going to be lost in the hellish world again..losing my insanity.

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