《Magnify [Wonwoo]》M 11 [Nabi]


Something is peculiar and off about Wonwoo as we eat breakfast together. He seems to be out of it whenever I call his name. Did he have a bad dream? Is he feeling unwell?

Worry starts to fill the inside of my head, stopping me from eating further. I place the fork down and Wonwoo looks up at me. He asks, "What's wrong...?"

I sigh and reply, "What's going on Wonwoo..... I mean... your face is pale with worry and complicated thoughts."

Wonwoo flashes a slight smile and places his hand over my head, making butterflies start in my stomach. I blink a couple of times before being able to face him. He says, "I was just a bit tired. How can I sleep properly with you around me now?"

My cheeks flush pink and turns warm, so I look down at my food. I smile to myself as Wonwoo lets out a small chuckle. He adds, "I've been having dreams....as well....of how I lost my memories."

I look up slowly, as I know what happened that day... well it's unclear but I know bits of it. A lump creates inside my throat, and I quickly drink water to help make it disappear.

I look at him, seeing he has desperate eyes of wanting to know what happened. I lean in and stroke his cheek, which surprises him. After a few seconds, he smiles and I reply, "I don't remember the clear details.... but I'll help you get it back as I need them back too."

He places his hand on my own hand, then pulls my chair closer to him. I look at him surprised and he responds, "Thank you. But...you lost yours too?"

I shrug my shoulders, leaving my hand there, and reply, "Yeah... it's only bits of small memories."


He nods and uses his free hand, and wipes my lip with his thumb. He says, "I don't want to lose my memory again....and I'd want you to know that."

I smile at his words, and he kisses my hand. I blush and look away, trying to hide the fact that I want to kiss him as well. I realize that my hate for him has disappeared in an instance. Who could resist this guy?

He stands up and pats me gently on the head. He walks off into his room, and I watch him leave. His own image.... he doesn't remember it all....

He seems colder than the first time I met him....

It's a blockage of memory.

But I don't want him to remember the past.

It was a huge pain in the ass for me.

I know....he would regret it.

It's still a nightmare for me...knowing that he had to lose his memory because of me.

I look at the empty plate in front of me, realizing that tears are welling up in my eyes. I wipe them quickly before they drop. One tear falls onto the empty plate, but I know no one would recognize it's a teardrop. As my whole life has been empty like this plate, a tear drop is as big as my self confidence.

I don't know if he can handle it. I sigh hopelessly and place the empty dishes inside the sink. The maids come running over to me, pushing me inside my room as they don't want me to work at all. I smile back in return as they hand me some orange juice. I lay down on my bed, placing the empty cup on the desk next to me.

I look around the heavily decorated room. It feels like a palace compared to my old one.


The bright, shining ivory walls.

The lightly dusted blue pillows and covers.

The massive window, which the sunlight seeps through and brings a warm welcome into the room.

The black and white curtains that are matched with Wonwoo's.

I lay on my side, tracing hearts along the covers as I anxiously wait for Wonwoo to come visit my room. He hasn't been feeling well. Something about his new self worries me. After all these years, he seems different.

I don't want to be a burden, yet I don't want to leave. It's been hell without him.

I slowly drift off into sleep, even though I've been sleeping all night long. The orange juice seems like a trigger for my sleeping senses to kick in. The blurry visions of the room seem just like a dream.


Something seems fishy...

Why is that?

Before my eyes completely close, I find the door opening.

And...a person comes inside.

It is already too late.

As I know it's not Wonwoo... but someone else.

Someone that gives off a vibe..where I've felt before... it seems like I've been through this before.. but where?!

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