《Searching Mrs. Angelo (✓)》2.9 The CEO, midnight call & devil's tight embrace


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The huge built bodyguards escorted their Big boss safely to his car which was already parked outside the apartment building waiting for him.

The car door was already opened by the chauffeur as the powerful attractive young man slid inside it elegantly, buttoning up his suit jacket with one hand and pulling out his phone with other hand. His dark hairs complimenting his sharp cut facial features while his dark grey eyes neutral along with his emotions.

The peoples around them pause to see the scene unfold in front of them but no one dared to approach the fairly eye catching mens looking all high profile images wrapped up in business suits excluding the security which were scary in first glance.

The door swiftly closed behind Andres, the car started moving as the his phone connected the call to directly to the high profile Public Relation Officer, Jacob Evans of Angelo corporation.

Officer Jacob who was busy going through piles of files in his office, was suddenly disturbed by his personal phone vibrating beside him. Grumpily he placed back the files and peeked at his phone.

The caller ID made him nearly jump in his seat. Woah! Why the big boss is personally calling me?

"You can leave. I'll let you know when it's done." He hurriedly sent away his assistant before picking up the call in Second ring. He composed his racing heart and answered confidently.

"Good evening Mr. Angelo."

There was a silence at a other side and then came the deep authorative voice of a man in-charge of everything.

Quickly an order followed by.

"Mr. Evans, I want detailed report about Khanna and Partners Corporation's progress and it's failures in market by tomorrow morning with its CEO's personal close relationships in recent times by tomorrow morning in my office. Am I clear?"

" Yes Mr. Angelo."

* Beep * *beep*

That was it.

The Big Boss personally called him to dig under some recently successful company. It can be easily handled by other officers. Nevertheless, he cannot disappoint Andres Angelo or it will be his last day in in his job.

Andres' face remained without any expressions with not much clue about his future destructive plans. Plans to revenge his wife's sad face. She is his woman. Which no one can harm under his watch.

Hanging up, he opened his laptop and continued typing.

Beside him the other busybody Angelo, who was quite amused by his brother's action decided to tag along with him to get something out of his brother's thick unapproachable head to entertain his boring life. It was his birth right afterall.

He continued to look at Andres, observing him. Nothing. It was not shocking. Whatever. Boring.

"Sooo, Brother what are you going to do with this information? You know.. Information about Viraj Khanna. Any special plans?" He acted uninterested but failed miserably.

He was infact very much interested and cannot rest peacefully without knowing everything about his brother's life.

Andres fingers stopped above the keys, before his dark eyes met Alan's, a dangerous glint passing through it as he replied calmly,

"Nothing new."

Two words and the talk was dismissed for now.

Alan smiled ruffling his light blonde hairs, as he casually leaned over the comfortable car seat understanding the dark meaning behind his two pathetic words.

He too pulled out his phone to make arrangements for his sister-in-law's arrival and typed a professional message to the person who was sitting beside the driver in front seat.

Assistant Robert who was summoned by the big boss accompanied him to Lady Boss' apartment and waited for his return. It took more than half an hour but finally he was here with young boss tagging along with him.


His phone pinged as he unlocked it and indeed it was a quiet shocking message from Second Boss. His face wrinkled in shock and he cannot help but turn his neck to look back at the two powerful mens.

His eyes flickered between both the Brothers, finally stopping at the one will be willing to speak more than two or three words. The Big Boss always store his words like precious jewellery, spoken extra and it will be stolen.

"Second Boss, Is-s the Lady Boss really joining us from tomorrow on work?" He asked in state of shock.

Alan winked at him.

"Yes. Why not?"

"Did you do this?"

Alan's shrugged.

"It was all his plans. I am innocent."

He pointed his finger towards his brother who gave no attention to his actions at all.

Assistant Robert's eyes sparkled with admiration once again looking at his boss' calculative serious face as his long fingers typed continuosly on the keys. Indeed the working style of Big Boss is out of everyone's reach. No one can compare his smartness.

"You complete the arrangements. She should not have any problems in company or your head and his doggies"

He nodded quickly a little scared in his heart. He won't delay it for anything. Finally the Lady Boss is coming to work with them.

The image of Big Boss' dogs made him shudder in fear.

He was about to turn back, but stopped. His eyes focused on the big red bump on second's Boss' handsome face. Sparkling, shining, showing off its red swollen beauty mark. He couldn't hold back his tongue & blurted out.

"Second Boss, where did you get the hit?"

"This?" Alan touched his wound and smiled bitterly.

"Heroes get hit all the time by evil womens."

Assistant Robert bit his lip to comment further. He sighed and turned back in his seat. Both of the Brothers are secretive with their words. Indeed they match so well but still unique in their personality.


Meanwhile, Saanvi read the private message again and again to confirm whatever her mysterious stranger said is real. She couldn't believe he promised to help her.

"Building Number 3 was declared main building after death of Martin Angelo. You got lucky here, he wants to meet you there. I never got a chance to go inside. The peoples work there are more professional and higher ups in their position." Tina read the message and started speaking.

Saanvi's face scrunched in confusion, she moved her eyes up to meet Tina's.

"Tina how do you even know them? Are they.. related to you anyway?"

She saw her friend's facial expression changed into comical state.

"Uhh.. I sort of work for them. I mean for their company. But not in main building."

"Hmm.." she hummed. Now it makes sense.

She tried to act uninterested and rolled her black curls around her finger "And . . what's their names?"

Andres. A voice in her head whispered back.

She could still hear his magnetic voice inside her ears. The way he whispered his name to her almost made her feel gullible. Damn that man! Seducing me again. She cursed him mentally.

But he did nothing wrong. Just told you his name. Is this a crime huh?

You are a dirty minded girl, Saanvi Roy.

"The one who's real boss and incharge of everything for years is Andres Ron Angelo." Tina's voice pulled her back to reality.

Tina thought about the moment the legendary, not many times spotted, Big Boss of Angelo corporation was here. And to make things more embarassing she was caught with his younger brother lips sealed, and in the crime she never comitted. Unfair.


"Really?" Saanvi's eyes lit up. Finally she can know something about the man she's still confused with or have tiny bit of crush "you know more about him then. Tell me na?"

Tina didn't think much about Saanvi's odd behaviour because she was already lost or rather struck with certain charismatic shameless man. Pig. Definitely a pig.

She felt herself getting lightly shake and moved her attention back to Saanvi.

"If you want to know about him, search on internet. Andres Angelo's pictures are not clear as he does not make public appearances but you can read about his basic achievements or sucess."

"Oh." Saanvi was about to type away on her phone but stopped in middle. No. No.no. what am I doing? I am not a stalker creepy girl like him. I don't kidnap drunk womens and sleep beside them inside hotel rooms. And he still needs to answers many of my questions.

"I'm not checking up on him."

Tina didn't comment instead she went back to put the tray she was still holding above the dining table. There's so much work to do. Cleaning kitchen and these dirty dishes. Ofcourse she's not going to do anything alone.

"Hey Tina"

"Ha?" (Yes)

"What's the name of the other guy? The one with different hair color from Andres."

Tina started picking up the dirty plates and replied without turning "different hair color? Blonde?"

Saanvi thought about the childish man. So Strange, he even became a taxi driver and one time wanted to sell her ring.


"Pig Angelo." Tina answered subconsciously still busy picking up the dirty bowls.

Saanvi blinked. "Pig--g what?"

After a while, Tina realised something was off. And before she could correct herself it was already too late.

Saanvi was already bursting with fits of embarassing laughter behind her.

Tina: Sigh! ಠ_ಠ


Next Morning at 8 A.m.,

Scene: Inside taxi

Saanvi fidgeted on her seat with different emotions building inside the pit of her stomach, nervousness, excitement and the worst emotion, anxiety. Her good night wasn't good either. Her head was occupied all night in countless long discussions about her future, even when she was in deep slumber.

Currently, She is wearing one of Tina's causal office outfit, which mainly wasn't much consisting white underneath t-shirt paired with white coat. She wasn't comfortable with the heels so instead matched her skinny grey jeans with white sneakers to complete the look. Because according to office girl like Tina Sharma 'dressing is important for work'. Especially when you're going meet the 'BOSS'. which to think is weird. Since she only knows Andres as her stalker Beautiful man whom she had newly found tiny winy crush, nothing serious.

Her foot tapped the taxi floor as her face was glued to the window watching the vanishing long London roads absent-minded.

"For once ,Give break to your overthinking brain, Saanvi."

Tina scrolled through her laptop and commented without looking up.

"I am not overthinking. It's just crazy. Everything around me is going crazy." Saanvi's face struck to the window as she didn't bother to turn back to look at her friend.

The whole night, when she was fighting with her own mind, something nonsense happened.

At midnight, when anyone least expect their phone to ring with one of the dumbest song to play as your ringing tone, and the caller is none other than your ex who you are eager to erase from your memory, can counted as worst night as ever.

Yes. Exactly all those things happened to her.

I cannot believe I lo- naa.. Liked that shittty guy all those years. What a waste of my time and heart?

She scoffed thinking about her

yawn full conversation with that despicable man, Viraj.

At midnight,

2:30 A.m.

Saanvi's eyes twitched as her forehead wrinkled a sign of restlessness. Everything happened throughout day repeating continuously, echoing inside the empty hole of her head.

'You lazy idiot girl, how did you get so lucky to even talk to the rich handsome man of London. Ooo lala . .. you won a lottery he wants to meet you again.'

'Can you Shut up! Gold digger conciousness.' she scolded back to her head.

'Who are you calling gold digger ? You are just stupid soft hearted baby. No wonder that fool looking toad was able to cheat you so easily to come London.'

'Huh! Repeat that again.. I dare you.. teri himmat kaise hui..'



So, this was just starting of war between her and her intelligent concious brain who decided to have a talk in middle of her deep sleep.

She rolled all over the bed, trying to find the one position where she could sleep comfortably. But it was impossible. Because this time it was her own mind who wants to go one & one with her.

*Ring **

🎵 Kamariya hila de hila de hila de hila de

Hila de hila de nazariya...🎵🎵

It was one of the song she was regretting that time to even made her ringing tone.

'ohh.. I don't want to move my waist ..stop it'

She shook her head in 'no' still half asleep.

🎵---Hila de hila de hila de hila de

Hila de hila de kamariya

Hila de hila de hila de hila de

Hila de-- 🎵🎵🎵

'No please.. stop it .. I don't, don't want to move..'😪

🎵...hila de nazariya

Hila de hila de hila de hila de

Hila de hila de...🎵

Suddenly it became more louder, as she gasped finally breaking out of her slumber.

Confused she moved her eyes everywhere and the culprit was still ringing non stop.

*Yawning *

Rubbing her half closed eyes she reached her hand towards her phone from on the table and swiped the green icon. And it was definitely a big mistake.


"You are still awake.. *hiccup * good good.. haha."

A deep familiar mocking voice greeted her in return.

" Hauhhh *yawning *" Saanvi replied in return.

"I diid good han-ding you over to Alan-n Angelo. But don't worry babyy *hiccup * you can return to me anytime.."

The voice was slurred and the loud music was clear on the background.

"Wro-ng number *yawn *" Saanvi rubbed her half closed eyes. Where have I heard this annyoing voice before.. where? Where?

She pondered on the question. It was difficult considering she badly wanted to go back to her sleep.

"You still loove mee..so last ch-hance c'me here and-- you can satisfy me in --"

"Pillow?!" This was all she could mutter before her struggle went in vain. Her eyes closed automatically and she drown back to dreamless sleep.

Present result:

/Puffy half red eyes with racoon circles around under eyes.

Last Caller ID: Viraj

Tina closed her laptop after saving the data and turned to her left to give Saanvi her full attention. The whole time she can feel Saanvi move her butt here and there anxiously.

"Saanvi, Andres Angelo is not someone who cannot do anything. And I meant it when I say anything." Tina smiled lightly "If you don't believe yourself. It's fine. But you should 100% believe in him. Getting a college letter is measly little thing for him."

Saanvi pouted still confused.

"Why would he even offer to help me?"

Tina thought for a while. Then her eyes slide upon Saanvi's face as she started noticing her features intensely. Two eyes, check. One nose, check. Two lips, done. Not bald, perfect. Is it possible he took fancy of her?

Saanvi touched her face conciously. Something on my face? I knew it, that cream doesn't suit my skin tone.

"What? I am looking like joker right." She puffed her cheeks getting annyoed and touched her upper lip with her finger "I told you this pink doesn't suit my lips."

Tina blinked. So childish. Nope. Legendary Andres Angelo is off limits. He won't fall for my dummy. Impossible.

And where would they even meet?

"Just sit quietly. You're looking perfect. And this office outfit suits you well. So stop complaining. And wait and see where this job thingy goes."

"If you say so."

Saanvi shrugged. It doesn't matter how she looks. Because on bright side, she has better chances to be kicked out on her first day. Why? Well, first, she doesn't even know ABC of business. Second, something seems suspicious with whole situation.

Why would he, the king of business in London would want someone common non-existent peasant girl to work in his castle.

Suddenly realisation dawned in front of her eyes as she clutched Tina's sleeves panicked.

"Omg! Tina. Is going to make me clean his office toilets and bathrooms. They stink. I can-not work there."

Tina's eyes soften unsure but she patted Saanvi's hand anyway. A cleaner..h..mm.. not a nice job for a science nerd.

"Nothing like this will happen Saanvi. Stop overthinking always. Anyways you still have your job in pub."

"Right." Saanvi answered quickly.

Job in pub. If I go there Mark will kill me.

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