《Searching Mrs. Angelo (✓)》2.3 Devil In Shining Armor and Suit


"Love protects us like Armor and heals wounds like medicine"

✿ ♡ ♡


Startled Saanvi quickly pushed down her phone and into pockets of her shorts.

With a little innocent smile she turned to face her bestfriend Tina, who was for god knows how much has seen her posing stupidly for photos and giggling like a fool teenager girl who wasn't close to menstruating phase of her life.

"Continue Please. I'm quite enjoying the free comedy show here."

Tina chewed something and casually waved her hand in gesture of continuing.

Saanvi's face redden instantly with second hand embarrassment. This little vixen has actually seen everything.

She tried to control the change of color in her face and shrugged. With fake confidence she turned back to look at her appearance in mirror.

Tina smiled secretly.

Hmm.. her cute little bestie was back. It was such a bad heartbreak but unexpectedly she handled herself so well.

Her eyes filled with admiration as she looked at her cutely paired outfit. Her choice of clothes were simple like her but suited her casual look and according to the little chilly weather outside. Her blue sweater was paired well with the denim shorts and brown boots to go with. While her long black hairs flowed behind her back freely like waves of ocean.

Tina's eyes moved along with Saanvi's small movements. She was adjusting her sweater for quite a while and frowing before adjusting it again. Her eyes lit up suddenly with realisation.

"My god!!"

She gasped in suprise when realisation hit her hard. She was so easy to read now a days. How did she miss such a big change in her behaviour.

Taking long steps she was instantly standing in front of Saanvi with knowing look.

"You know.. you are looking very radiant today.. almost happy.." Tina's voice lowered as she noticed the small changes in her make up.

Saanvi frowned at her friend and ignored her to focus on current matter in her hands. What to do something with my open hairs?

She was about to make a high ponytail but instead tightly grasped with her shoulders by Tina.

"You got a man. Right?" Tina's eyes sparkled evily "Who is he? Tell me! Tell me!"

The dark image of a man with silver eyes regularly visiting the pub wearing his custom made shining suit flashed in front of Saanvi's eyes but she was quick to dismiss the image.

"No?" She pushed back Tina's hands off her shoulder and picked up her handbag to leave. It was better if she leave from Tina's reach as soon as possible. She's scary.

Tina did not give up instead started following her outside "Then why are you so dressed up Missy? Huh! Unlike the times, when that scumbag broke up with you, you did not care about putting on a single layer of makeup."

She pulled her friend by her shoulder and with her finger wiped off pink lipstick mark from her lips on to her finger as an evidence.

"And these days.. you are smiling more and frowing less and less. What's your excuse? Trying to hide your secrets from yours bestfriend now."

Saanvi held her head in annyonce. This stubborn woman wasn't going to let her off the hook so easily. Right?

Her eyes started wander around in search for any lame excuse but failed. Then it fell above her outfit. Her lips twitched in smirk. Gotcha!

She crossed her arms together and wider the gap between her legs in confidence. And then pointed her one finger up and down on Tina's pure white coat with peach colored knee length dress paired with her white sandals.


"And what about you too Missy? All dressed up in shining white dress for whom huh!"

Tina's eyes soften and she was caught off guard. But she was fast enough to put eyes blinding smile on her delicate looking face.

"John is coming back today from his business trip. Oh right! I forgot to tell you right? I am sorry.."

Saanvi's heart melted looking at her friend's brightly lit up face. Aw.. she's so cute and beautiful. She deserves all the happiness in the world. If it wasn't for her here to help her in this foreign country..

"I will forgive you this time. Do not forget to let me meet my future Jiju (brother-in- law). Okay?"

Tina quickly gave her a tight hug nodding. And finally they bid goodbye.

But before the door closed behind her, Saanvi poked her head inside to remind her friend.

"One last thing Tina baby?"


"Do not forget to use protection I do not want to become beautiful aunty so soon"

"You--- perv---"

Tina's cursing was blocked by the door closing and Saanvi finally laughed outside the hall imagining her bashful face.


Saanvi like everyday went inside the room available for staff to put on her apron before coming out.

She wasn't sure why she wanted to dress up and look nice all of a sudden. Maybe it was the influence of seeing everyday her mysterious man sitting like a king in his expensive custome made shining suits and supressing everyone's aura inside the pub except him.

By now she was habitual of coming out and secretly glancing at the same table in search for his oppressing figure sitting there undisturbed working radiating the dangerous yet attractive aura from his perfect tall dark profile.

He would not talk to anyone not even the women's who tried to come and hit on him openly. She wasn't that naive to not to notice why the young womens suddenly started coming here more and more. But ofcourse he was silent as mute doll with no battery inside her back to get her speak.

It was clear he did not belong to this place.

Like everyday her eyes betrayed her again and wandered around the sea of customer in search of him.


Her eyebrows knitting in frown. He wasn't here today. Where is he? He was here by now without any delay.

Her joyful mood was suddenly spoiled and she was no longer playful as before to tease or talk to anyone.

With low spirits she started her day. Not long after the glass door opened again.

With hope shining inside Saanvi's dark orbs she looked up and was crushed again. Her excitement to see that godly craved face was was crushed again. He was late.

Her fingers subconsciously started playing with the small ring around her neck to get comfort while the sad expressions coating her eyelashes.


A shriek broke her thoughts and she watched amazed as Bella jumped inside the arms of a man who just entered. His young radiant face was full of tease as he looked at the woman jumped on him as soon she saw him.

"How are you my tasty fruit pie?"

Saanvi internally cringed.

Tasty fruit pie... Eww..

The man was average height with muscles. In his printed white shirt and blue jeans he was quite eye catching but not more than someone wearing formal suits and giving only her secret breathtaking smiles.

She shrugged and was about to check the order list when something happened..



Saanvi's jaw dropped open in shock inviting all the flies for free feast. Did he just? What I saw..


Shocked with the loud sound of smacking which reached her innocent ears shook her internally but the more shocking was just how much Bella giggled.

This was none of her business if her companion in work enjoyed any man smacking her butt openly in public.

"The order's ready for table no. 7!"

Saanvi looked at her feet and went inside the kitchen to collect the order.

Little did she was aware the moment she stepped her foot outside with tray full of food, she will meet the same fate as flirting princess Bella.



The tray on her hands almost fell on the ground as she was more shocked than before.

Saanvi's face which looked innocent and pure moments ago suddenly turned purple. Her dark bright eyes which resembled the stars turned dark as any vicious ruthless woman.

She watched calmly the two persons in front of her laughing in joy. One was the same man named 'Richie' called by Bella giving Saanvi a look of pure satisfaction a smirk curving on his lips.

"Hey new little beauty." He gave her a toothy smile.

Unaware of the dark clouds possessing Saanvi's frozen body Bella moved forward to introduce the man who was still smirking giving her a seductive look with his eyes.

"Sam please don't mind Richie. He's really a funny man and welcomes the staff here with his charming actions." Bella playfully slapped his chest "Mark is not coming today so he sent Richie to replace him. He is Mark's only son."

Saanvi's dark meaningful eyes snapped up with dark ideas swirling inside her mind. She stared at both of the clowns in front of her and without saying a word turned on her heels and went back inside the kitchen.

Richie smirked and pulled Bella inside his strong arms but his eyes never left Saanvi's little figure disappearing inside the kitchen. His eyes glued to her back with dirty look.

"Don't mind her manners Richie. She new to London and slow in pronouncing english words. Poor girl you know.."

Bella tried to explain to Richie pouting in process. Whatever she was just another girl working here.


His lips twitched in appreciation. No wonder he was attracted to her the moment he saw her little different face among the peoples inside the pub. It wasn't problem for her to highlight more as her skin was naturally more tan and face was different than the common crowd here.

After searching for her weapons Saanvi's lips twitched and satisfied she walked outside. Malicious features suddenly coating her whole gentle features.

He's really funny right? Let's have some fun with him too..

She smiled after finding the duo standing in a group around the single table talking and laughing instead of working.

Her eyes zeroed on her target.

With her long powerful weapon grasped tightly between her fingers she moved forward and attacked.




Everyone: ..........

Pin drop silence.

Everything suddenly went quite, people looked at each other in shock.

What just happened?


Silently Andres took small sips of his tea and time to time glanced at the wall clock. After finishing the board's meeting he directly came here to meet his mother.

He was in hurry but cannot interrupt his mother's scolding session for now. He should have just Alan take care of her.

But then he remembered his brother's words when he was least interested in paying attention.

What should I do with Mama Bear continuously threating me with my life.?

Brother, I cannot hold on the truth for long.. my poor heart..

Alan wasn't the right candidate in this matter. Because Madam Joana wasn't someone who would hesitate to assinate her own childrens.

"Andres my good child.. I want to meet my daughter in law. Why are you so cruel to let your poor mother live happily. Just let me see her once and I won't bother you again. Alright?"


Frustrated Madam Joana gritted her teeths. Her elder is so stone headed man even she cannot break past his cold personality. What did she even ate while giving birth to this ungrateful child of her?

No, getting angry would not benefit me..!

Deep breaths..

Calming herself down this time she tried to emotionally blackmail him with her health. Maybe this could trespass his brain and she will soon meet her impossible yet happened daughter-in-law.

"My good child.. look at me.. how old and weak I am getting day by day---"

Andres still managed to keep his calm. He wanted to disagree with her mother's words but keep quiet. She wasn't looking old and weak at all instead he can notice the more fat added on her cheeks. She was even more radiating than before. So the news of him married did good to her health.

Suddenly Andres'phone vibrated in his hand indicating the notification of a message.

Andres face immediately went dark with dangerous aura engulfing his cold body once again. His calm facade broke instantly and he quickly got up on his feet to run and protect his wife.

"Andres!! You cannot leave now. Sit down!!"

Andres did not stop instead gave her mother a look before turning back and out of the door.

She stopped yelling, after thinking about something must be bad happened or he won't leave like this. Afterall she believed both of her sons capabilities.


Andres entered inside the pub with murderous expressions on his sharp godly face. Two of his bodyguards trailed behind carrying same intentions as their big Boss.

Andres was lucky and stepped inside the pub at the same time to witness the unbelievable scene happening in front of him.

His wife who was beautiful as spring carrying the cheerful waves around her looking malicious and laughing like a mad lady.

But that wasn't the thing which made Andres suprised. Instead, he saw her holding the longest and solid fatty spatula in her fragile soft hands and smacking the butt of a man with brown curly hairs mercilessly.



The sound echoed around the silent pub like a revengeful music with only sound of smacking spatula against someone's behind.

Her big brown eyes were dark as empty night as she screamed loudly 'Want me to smack you burnt buttocks again sir? Or you prefer smack on your fake face Sir? Do you need me to greet you welcome with more strikes?"

He watched how the man was now red with anger and humiliation.

His eyes flashed with alert sensing the danger moving towards her and he was quick on his feet to reach inside the scene to protect his wife.

With instinct to protect he quickly pulled Saanvi by her shoulder and pushed her behind his back. The man was just centimetres away from punching but the role was quickly reversed by the cold devil himself.



Crowd: *gasp in shock and suprise*

And with devil's one punch on the built man's sensitive point he was out like a broad daylight with no fuse.

No one can bully his woman. Only she was allowed to bully others.


A/N: As promised I uploaded another of the chapter with full action. Hmm.. I like both hero and heroine in punching mode 👊

I really love to read all your comments. Thankyou so much for all the support ❤️😘🥺

P.S: Few of you are complaining about not frequently updating, but I am sorry I cannot do it.

*Every chapter is newly written, edited ,organised it takes time and pressure to write everytime.

*No chapter I already written. So I write new chapter everytime

*Everyone has responsibilities of school or work. I do too. And cannot compromise.

*Writing is just my hobby not profession.

And Like you all every character is my favourite too. Even the evil ones😈 but My Ali bear (Alan) is on top. How about finding him a wife too to lessen his burden *wink*

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