《Searching Mrs. Angelo (✓)》1.9 A Drunken Mistake at The Bar



Hua hai aaj pehli baar

Jo aise muskuraya hoon

Tumhe dekha toh jaana ye

Ke kyun duniya mein aaya hoon


Track "Armaan Malik"

With you.

I am home.

✿ ♡ ♡

Riverside Palace House No.1

oud footsteps of clicking heels ascending over the stairs..

Followed by the sharp high pitched shouting of a woman..


"Andres.. .. Come out now..."

The man quietly sitting on the chair in front of his open balcony, a half burnt cigarette resting in front of him as he was still deep in his thought but with the chaos outside he came out in present displeased with the noise.

"Andres... !!!!!!"

"Where's he?"

"Madam.. Sir instructed to not let anyone disturb him.."

"Disturb.. Uh!" The woman outside scoffed and ignored the terrified helpless faces of workers and barged directly towards his room.

The voice became more and more clear as the footsteps was not far enough from where the man was sitting without any movements processing his thoughts.

His ears alerted when the sound became more louder and he nodded to himself.

He swiftly got up from his seat and walked towards the electronic thing resting above his table in the corner of the room. Instead of approaching the angry figure outside his room he opened his laptop and to the random file to go through.

He already has idea about her visiting him soon. But that was actually fast.

Alan..The one particular name popped inside his head and he knew who has so much free time to gossip around. Increasing his work will be better.

She was so impulsive that she won't care even if he might make himself busy in meeting with the king.

*Thump * *Thump *

As expected she started pounding outside the door in anger.

"Andres... You stupid child.. open the door..."

"Let me in..."

Andres looked at the door once and replied calmly "The door is not locked! You can come in" and went back to busy himself in work.

There was a pause outside for a moment...

Then with clicking of doorknob it opened from outside.

First came inside the pair of two long legs wearing designer white shoes, a beautiful dark green blouse matching with white pants. The woman looked all well maintained and her skin was still glowing in her age. Her long tangled blonde hair were tied above her head in a bun but her blue eyes was darker shade filled with anger.

"Who said I need your permission to come inside your room?"

She was so angry she could just beat her cold statue son with her shoes. This child.. so smart.. yet did something idiotic... forget about her other blabbering son.. he was no better either.

The woman was Madam Joana Resemee Brown, a university teacher in London Fashion University, and once that wicked woman Rebecca was her student.

Her face resembled the angry mother hen as she approached her calm looking elder son working on his laptop like any other day. But the problem was this wasn't any other normal day...

Yes she wanted her son to get married soon or was suspicious of him for a very long time for not getting interested in any woman or angry at that rascal Charles... But this was outrageous and not acceptable...

Without talking in circles she asked the key question, "Andres, have you gotten married to Rebecca Stark?"

Then she waited..

One second..

Two seconds..

This child!!

Her mood quickly lifted up resembling angry volcano. She was so impatient and crazy to get answers out of his sealed lips.


Why can't he talk more than few words? And that other brat he cannot stop talking for a second.

Ahh..these two idiot sons of hers..

She tried to ask again controlling her emotions,"Is she now my daughter in law?? Oh my god... Is she?" And finally she panicked from outside, ".. Andres.. stop torturing your old mother....she is ? right? I knew it..bad.. very bad.."


Madam Joana halted between her ramblings and looked at his son, trying to register his single cold NO.

Her panicked heart finally calmed down.

"No?? Good, that's good." She patted her weak heart and sighed relieved "You're not married to her good.. actually it's alright if you're not married.. "

"But I am indeed Married."


Indeed Married?

She looked dumbfounded at her son whose eyes were now fixed on her as well. A serious expression crossing over his defined face.

"Married.. " she mumbled and suddenly broke out into a beaming smile. "Really? Who ? Don't tell me that girl Rebecca?.. Andres you cannot lie to your poor mother again. This is not the time to joke..,"

But the problem was his son never joked. He was smart , cunning..yet boring and scary..

Andres repeated his words this time more slowly, "I'm indeed married but the woman is not Rebecca Stark."

She went silent and started remembering her conversation with her second son. So, Alan wasn't lying but instead trying to explain her it wasn't Rebecca but some other girl. But she misunderstood his words...and panicked..

Sigh! No problem.

He was... MARRIED!!!



Her eyes suddenly sparkled like twinkling little stars thinking about her own future grandkids. Mmm..lots of grandkids..

Andres looked at his mother and can easily read the dreamy expressions plastered on her face. But she wasn't getting one anytime soon.. if grandfather was here they both have by now choosing names together.. sadly, she needs to up for another suprise.. there wasn't going to be any Daughter-in-law or grandchildren..for now!

Madam Joana broke out of her daydream and clutched tightly her son's shoulder and asked with curious and impatient voice. She couldn't not supress her emotions now.

"Who's she? Tell me her name? When are you going to make me meet her? Is she here with you..?"

She looked around the black and white painted room in search of any woman face but failed. It was empty like other times.

"She's not here." Andres replied.

She looked back at her son frowned, "Not here.. then where's is she? Have you fought with her already?"

"No. And I don't know."

Now she was more confused than before. Her frozen head son.. did he hit his head somewhere.

"What do you mean you don't know? Andres.. Explain NOW!"

The man met his mother's eyes and without blinking answered her in his clear cold dominating voice.

"I don't know who she is. Or where's she now. It was a drunken mistake at Bar, nothing more."

Madam Joana: (●__●)

Andres: Typing..

And here she thought.. her son finally fell for a woman.. she was so relieved to even forgot he got married without informing her ..

She held her forehead defeated. My head hurts...


Back to Platinum Hotel , a day before,

Saanvi's head was spinning as her eyes reflected all the sparkling decorations around the large place. It was like someone was knocking hammer in back of her head. She already gave up trying to remember anything from last night considering the bone crushing headache including her tired body.


With one hand rubbing her temple she was aimlessly moving around. Why was she so careless to drink so much alcohol? For a first timer how can she drink all that bitter liquid like thristy dessert girl?

Isn't it better? Now just wait and see your liver get damaged..

Ahh! Her liver!!

That cheater will be responsible if I needed a new one ... It would be if I could steal his..


She was so lost in her inner battle she has not noticed the big built man standing in her way. A Bluetooth attached to his ear, & was wearing white t-shirt and black pants. His both muscled arms tangled together. A batch attached to his chest pocket with his name ''.

Saanvi's head suddenly collided with some hard surface.

Frowning she looked up and meet her eye to a chest. A large chest to be exact. Her big brown eyes moved up following the way to the neck and then finally landed on a shaved chin. A man..

She tilted her head upwards and came eye to eye with the most scariest face she has ever seen.

"Mummy..!!" Her face quickly changed into one of horror. She was so scared she nearly fell on her butt while trying to back away.

Is he a human?

She looked so tiny in front of him, like a little ant standing in front of a elephant who looked down at her with scary expressions.

She took a deep breath to calm her adrenaline pumping body and quickly turned away, deciding to change her path. By looking at this big man it would be wrong decision to tell him 'Excuse me'

She was just about to take first step when a hard deep voice called her.

"Stop Mam!"

Saanvi warily looked back at the man who was now standing more straighter. His expressions more softer than before.

"Me.." She raised her eyebrows while pointing at herself while looking behind her just to be sure he wasn't calling someone else.

The man gave her a stiff nod and pulled out a card and turned around for her to look.

"I'm the cab driver you called for."

I called him?


Nevertheless, She took a closer look to the card in his hand. It was correct. Infact his name mentioned was same as his batch with licence number & other details.

Then She shook her head in denial, "I'm sorry Sir. But I did not call any cab for me. You have misunderstood me with someone else."

But the man still stood straight and did not budge.

"Are you Miss Saanvi Roy?"

Saanvi looked at the man puzzled. How.. does.. he... when did she...

"Am I right Mam? Is your name Saanvi Roy?"

She nodded but tried to deny him again.

"Yeah.. but I did not---"

"Please this way Mam. Follow me."

He did not give her a chance to complete her words or reject again and started moving ahead of her.

Confused Saanvi followed behind him. She has no other choice anyway. She still remember She just came here to London and was still unaware of the places around here. She wasn't even sure where she was currently. But by the ins and outs it was an expensive hotel.

Hesitately she entered inside the back seat of the cab when the man opened the door for her to enter and then he closed the door behind her before moving himself inside the driver seat.

"Where to Mam?"

"Umm.. Royal Apartments building No. 17.."

She thanked her memory for still remembering Tina's address even after she had not payed any attention to it when Tina took her there from the airport.

Her eyes subconsciously looked outside the window and towards the bold shining letters of the large buliding.

The car started moving and she anxiously looked at the driving man. There was still a big problem. She has no money with her at this time..

I will ask him to wait once I reach home and quickly grab the money and pay him..

She calmed down a little assured with her plan.

Her eyes moved to look at the mirror which reflected half of his face. Suddenly a flash of memory made in front of her eyes. Why this man looks so familiar? Where have I seen him? But... it's my first time coming here to London..

She shrugged her thoughts off. It was useless to assume something impossible.

After hour or so the cab stopped and the man turned to look at her with unexplainable expressions in front of his face.

"We are here Mam."

Saanvi looked outside the building and then looked back at the driver nervously.

". ..How much money I have to pay ?"

The man did not say anything for a second then got down from the cab and moved towards her door.

Saanvi panicked looking at the scary man getting down from the car and coming outside her door. Oh my! Does he know I am penniless? Is he going to blackmail me or worse.. I cannot even scratch his single eyes with this height.. why was foreigners always so tall?

But surprisingly the man opened the door and said in a polite manner.

"You don't have to mam. It's already paid."

"Already paid..?" Saanvi was now more puzzled than before." Who? Who paid for me?"

Was she going crazy already? Or she got Amnesia. London really has a bad effect on her memories..

"I don't know Mam. My company received the pay."


Without wasting more time she got down from the cab. It was already awkward the guy was standing outside holding door for her patiently while answering her questions.

"Thankyou.." She looked at the man gratefully.

The man gave her a stiff nod and got inside the cab driving off in another direction.

Saanvi stood there bewildered watching the car disappear.

Something was definitely wrong with her. First, She did not remember how she end up sleeping beside a stranger then she booked a cab and do not remember at all.. and how she got inside the hotel ..

She swore to never touch alcohol in her life again..

Inside the car, the man driving dialled a number and with the help of the bluetooth attached to his ear reported his boss.

[ Boss, I have dropped Lady Boss to Royal Apartments safely.]

Saanvi took the lift and reached the 15th floor where was Tina's house.

She looked at the close door and ringed the bell.

No answer..

She tried five more times and than gave up.

Maybe she wasn't home..

Her eyes moved down to look at the doorknob and without much thought she twisted it.

*Click *

It actually opened.

Smiling widely she entered thanking her luck. But then got anxious. Tina is really silly for not locking the door. What if it wasn't her but a thief?

"Tina!!! I am back..!!"

She shouted loudly but when she recieved no answer it was clear she wasn't home.

So, after getting rid of her heels she made her way towards the door to her room. Her legs felt tired including her whole body. Her headache.. for once she completely forgot about it.

But first it was time to take a bath, brush her teeths and change into something comfortable.

She opened the door to her room and entered inside after locking it.

She directly headed inside the bathroom to wash her face.

It was split second when her eyes flashed with something shiny reflecting inside the mirror. So she looked back inside the mirror again and was surprised.

Her heart started racing and with careful slow moves her fingers reached to touch the thing hanging around her neck inside a silver chain.

Her cold fingers trembled touching it lightly. Her chest suddenly tightened. Something was up with the way it shined around her neck..She did not notice the whole time it was hanging around her neck all the time.

She quickly tried to unhook the chain by looking inside the mirror and held it between her fingers.

It was a silver color small beautiful simple ring.

Her brown orbs dilated with different voices suddenly echoing inside her head.

"A ring.."


"For what?"


She held her head tightly with her free hands. Her headache became more worse and she quickly put down the ring above the sink panting loudly.

Small dots appeared around her eyes and the last thing she saw was the sunrays falling above the ring making it look enchanting. And darkness finally engulfed her.


A/N: A simply Beautiful ring💍

How are you liking the story so far, let me know with your beautiful comments.

And the story is slow but I hope I am able to make u all enjoy it.

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I've started going back to my college to attend classes so it's a heads up , the updates will be slow.

©2021 Sapna Sarkar

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