《Rejected and pregnant (#1)》Chapter eighteen


"Fuck! Give us a minute guys"I tell my friends as Calvin closes up to me.

"You sure? Because he looks pissed"Dylan states

"Yeah I'm sure. I can handle this. Thanks guys"I say.

Mi na gives me a kiss on the cheek, Dylan and Cole give a kiss on forehead before they left me to the beast.

"Did you see the show?"I ask trying to push his buttons more.

Why am I doing this? Why didn't I just shut my damn mouth?

He narrows his eyes at me.

"Now I can see why you needed our help"

Seriously? Are you trying to get choked? Do you want him to attempt to kill you, because that's where your leading.

"I asks you guys to come here to train them not to send them to coma"

"Okay drama queen. I barely touched her"I lied.

His jaw clenches and if I didn't think that was sexy as hell. He doesn't say anything but glare into my soul. I in return give him a sweet smile. I know if I was a dude, I could definitely have a sudden black eye or be 6 foot under.

"Look I don't know what happened ok."I lie again and also tell the truth. "Maybe she hurt my ego or pissed me off in my pass life" I joke.

"There is something about you that's not right."he says.

Which subtract my smile. I almost choke on my saliva.

"I have no clue what you mean Alpha Calvin but it has been lovely talking to you"

I attempt walking away from him but I sense that he was about to grab my arm. I quickly dodge him. I look at him and he gives me a strange look... like he's trying to figure me about. Don't hurt your head pretty boy.

"Right! Germ freak"he tuts

I nod.

"Except you let people hug you and kiss you. You also get into fights. All of this require people touching you or you touching them...lots of germs"

I swallow a gulp. I mean what am I suppose to respond to that.

He walks closer to me, toe to toe. He leans down so he's in my face, his eyes never leaving mine. I gulp and he notices this which I could let from his growing smirk.

"Maybe you just have a problem touching me"

For a second, I stop breathing. Just for a second as I progress what he just said in my brain. I took a step back and glare up at him. Damn he's tall. And super hot. Why does he have to be so hot for?

"When you see red, trust me the last thing you would care is about germs"I split out.

His smirk turns into a smile.

"and allowing Cole, Dylan and Mi na to hug and kiss me is...they are family so they don't count" I mumble looking down at my feet.

Shut up shut up shut up.

-no seriously. Please do-

I don't have to look at him to know his smile grow. What weirdo..wasn't he just pissed like 2 minutes ago?

"Well as I said before. Lovely seeing and talking to you but I must go."

He took a step back and allows me to walk past him. I let out a deep breath. I can feel him watching me, feel the heat on back, well actually my backside. That perv!


-good thing you done your squats-

I really need to stay away from him.


I decided to take the twins to meet Amy with me. I should have ease her into it but what the hell, it's not something I could do. I like to just shove it all in there quick and hard.

-that's what he said-

Real mature snowy...real mature.

-hey, you said it not me-

Anyways that's why we are here in our favourite childhood ice cream place and why she has been staring at me for the past 10 minutes not saying anything. Maybe I should have just ease her into it. I think I shove it in way to hard and fast, got the woman feeling dizzy.

-seriously stop saying that-my wolf snickers.

"Mama why she staring at you like that?"Lily whispers to me.

"Why her one eye blinking so fast?"my son giggles out.

Amy's right eye was twitching, I'm having a hard time keeping it together.

"Amy say something, anything please"

Amy doesn't say anything for another minute before she shakes her head and clears her throat.

"I'm fine"she repeats this for one minute.

"Jee we got it, you're fineeee"my son snaps slapping his forehead.


"But mama I think this lady is craaazzzyyy"he draws out shaking his head.

"This lady is your Aunty"

This makes him sit straighter and frowns.

"But I already got an Aunty"he replies.

"You are allowed to have more than one"

"So I got two"he pulls out his index and thumb to show me how much aunties he got.

"Yeah baby. Aunty Amy is my best friend"

"But I thought Aunty Mi na was your best friend"

"She is too. Aunty Amy and I knew each other since I was your age"

"That's a loooonnng time"he replies.

"But mummy if she was your friend since our age, how comes we didn't see her until now?"my daughter asks

"Because mummy had to move away"I answer.

"Why?"she asks

Shit...what do I say to that?

Amy, my best friend, my sister, my soulmate and an angel saved me by saying "how about we get ice cream"

To which my children reply with a cheer.

I send her a grateful smile and she blows me a kiss before standing up.

Amy knows the way to get into a child's heart is by buying them ice cream. I couldn't tell her much about what happened because the twins were with us but I told her some. Broken details but Amy was smart enough to put it all together. When she asked who was my mate. I just answered with Alpha. She choked. This lead to the twins chuckling (angels my ass!) and me slapping her back.

I made sure we spent the day together, after ice cream, we went to the park. Then we had dinner at a lovely, kid friendly restaurant( when to have kids...restaurants are hell). It was great, minus the tantrums the twins pulled. This told me that they were tired since the missed their nap time. I called it a day promising Amy to call her.

We didn't really speak about her and Tom. I think she still needs a couple of days. This day was about not stressing her out and making her forget about reality for a second. She loves the twins and I'm glad because they love her too. It might have been because she brought them lots and lots of toys. She's buying their love and she doesn't care. At the end of the night, the twins kissed her on the cheeks and muttered "bye Aunty Amy". She might have had tears in her eyes but she quickly told me that something went in her eyes.



I blow my whistle and gather my group in. Today is the first official training day and so far everyone is doing well. No one is back cheating, even Quinn the bitch. The boys are replying with yes Ma'am or okay Miss. It's annoying but I rather them calling me that than Blair since that's not my name and I'm having hard time answering to that.

The girls are trying too hard to get in my good place. Most are fighting each other to be the teachers pet. Cute but totally annoying so I told them off. Some are loyal to their queen bee and tried to give me attitude. I told them I'm not trying to be their friend, I'm here to train that and that's all. They don't like me, tough! They are stuck with me.

I'm a coward, it's official! I might as well tattoo that on my face. I have been avoiding Calvin today. He's at the same field as me, training with his father but I could feel like gaze on me. Maybe he's watching to make sure I don't put another one in 'coma'.

-maybe he's checking you out-

He's not...he better not be!

"Quinn get in the circle with Mia"I ordered

I want to see their weakness during fights with my own eyes so I know what area to help them with.

"Can't you give me a worthy components?"she replies in a bitchy tone.

Mia, who is so far my favourite student, looks down at her feet embarrassed. I know I'm not supposed to have a favourite but she too cute. She's on the plus side, curvy and tiny being. She has black hair with beautiful bright blue eyes. Cherry cheeks which goes with with her olive skin tone. She has a heart shaped face and long hair that she put up in ponytail.

She reminds me of old self, so in my own world. Insecure because of other people's opinions. She's perfect, totally gorgeous and if I swag that way, I would snatch her up within a sec.

"Mia and Quinn in the circle now"

Mia moves but Quinn pouts.

"But miss..she's gonna squish me"

Mia doesn't defend herself.

"Don't be a bitch Quinn and get in the circle...unless you're afraid she would beat your ass" I say.

She walks in the circle still pouting.

"Okay...show me what you got"

Mia has no confidence at all. Quinn is slow. Her punches are okay. She needs more help dodging. Mia is excellent at dodging, she's fast but she's not fighting so I can't judge her on that.

I blow my whistle again when I see this fight is getting no where.

"Okay ladies that's enough."they both stop.

Quinn is out of breath whilst Mia is not.

"Okay Quinn take a breath and drink water whilst I talk with Mia. Everyone find a partner...Jake partner with Quinn and show her your punching technique"

I pull Mia to the side. She doesn't look at me but I know she listening.

"You're good Mia. You're fast but you have zero confidence and that's what is going to make you lose. You dodge well but that's only gonna get you far enough"

She nods.

"Please look at me when I'm talking to you"I say in a soft tone.

She looks up at me and my heart stops for a sec. I see pain, the same pain I used to see in myself.

"You're so talented. You could be the best fighter, if you know...fought"

She let out a soft chuckle at that.

"Okay Miss"

"Have confidence! If you want I could give you extra training. Private off course until your more comfortable"

She nods eagerly.

"Okay it's sorted it"

After training I made sure I got Mia's number and she got mine. I'm not trying to give her special treatment but I want to make sure she has someone in her circle that she knows got her back. I want to help get that pain from her eyes. I don't really remember Mia. She's younger than me by two years and I guess she became the victim when I left. I know I have no reason to feel guilt but I do all the sudden. Maybe if I stayed, she wouldn't be a victim.

-you don't know that. Babe you were a victim and was busy being a victim that you might have missed other victims. She might have been one before you left-

I get my towel and wipe my face on it. I turn my head only to see Quinn push Mia to the floor. They are far away from me to hear what was said but I know it wasn't great by Mia's face. I start my way there before I'm struck to a stop when I see my mate pick Mia up with one head and set her to her feet. He gets in Quinn's face and says something to her. This makes Quinn cower down.

Quinn walks away in tears and I roll my eyes at that. Bitch acting like a victim. I watch as Calvin turns to Mia, hands to her shoulders and says something to her. To which she nods too. Calvin surprises me by pulling her into a hug and kisses her on her hair and continues to say something to her. Mia hugs him back but doesn't say anything. Calvin pulls away and Mia says her goodbye and walks off.

As if he could feel my gaze on him, he turns to face me. We don't move for couple of seconds, just stood there staring at each other. Couple of seconds quickly turns into minutes.

Remember when I said I was a coward? Yeah well I wasn't lying because I turn my head, pick up my stuff and run out of there. Fast.


I'm sorry about the grammar errors. Sometimes you get in the zone and forget to write in English. Anyways I updated. I hope you liked it. This chapter had a bit of everything.

Stay tuned.. xoxo

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