《Kissing School》Chapter 11--Kissing School is Still in Session, Whether You Like It or Not


Chapter 11

I open my mouth to say something, but no words are coming out. Instead, I sit with my mouth agape, staring at Damien. I'm sure I look like an utter idiot, but I can't seem to fix my situation. Damien wants to go out tonight and part of me wants to go with him, but I already made plans with Cameron. However, it isn't like Cameron and I are going out on a date; we are just having one of our "lessons." Would it be in bad taste to cancel on him? Do I even want to? The idea of getting to kiss Cameron again sends me into a blushing fit which tells me exacly who it is that I really want to be with tonight.

"I'm sorry Damien, but I already made plans with Maria tonight." His face falls visibly when I turn him down, and I had no intention of trying to reschedule our date. Well, that was until he looked so sad when I turned him down.

"Maybe I can come visit you at the club this weekend, and we can get together the next time you have off?" The words are out of my mouth long before I wish to take them back.

"That'd be great! I'm off not next Saturday. Would that be okay?" Nodding my head, I agree to that date, and with a final smile, Damien leaves me and Maria alone.

She gives me a look and is about to rip into when the bell rings for us to go to our next class. I don't hesitate to jump up from my seat and practically run out of the cafeteria, leaving both Maria and Cameron calling after me. As much as I love them both, I really don't feel like answering their questions about Damien right now. I don't even know the answers yet, so how am I supposed to tell them?


Slinking out the side entrance, I manage to make it out of the school building without anyone noticing. I set off toward the football field, crawling under the bleachers when I get there. Lowering myself against the cool metal pillars, I slide down onto the hard dirt flooring. This is such a mess. I swear. If it weren't for Cameron, I would probably still be with some sweetheart of guy who I really liked. That never happened though because I was too busy being in love with Cameron to ever fall for someone else. Hell! It is even his fault that I met Damien! If it weren't for him being such a jerk, I would never have gone to the club and been so daring!

"Panda?" Cameron's frame comes into my vision has he ducks under the bleaches, towering over me. He gives me a hesitant look before sliding down onto the ground next to me. I look at him, but do not respond. He knew I wanted to be alone. That's why I am out here, yet he follows me anyways. If he wants to talk, then he can talk. That doesn't mean that I have to be doing all of it.

"That was the guy? The one who you, um, you, that you were..." He looks at me, pleading to not make him go on, but I sit silently waiting for him to finish his question.

"That was the guy who brought you home?" I nod my head yes.

"Did he ask you out today?" Again, I nod my head yes.

"Oh." He drops his head, hiding his face from my view. We sit in silence for a few moments with me just watching his downturned face.

"Did you say yes?" His voice is barely above a whisper as it wafts up from his down-turned face. Once again, I nod my head yes, but it dawns on me that he can't see me nodding my head.


"He asked me out for tonight, but I said no. I told him next Friday." Cameron turns to look at me, and I can see conflict in his eyes. I'm not sure why, but a terrible feeling seeps into every inch of my pores.

"You should have said yes Amanda. You should have blown me off." Cameron's face is set in a hard line, and I cannot look away no matter how hard I want to. Even when the tears start to well up in my eyes, I cannot look away from his face.

"I could never—."

"I know Amanda. You could never do that to me because you love me." How did he know that? He knows I'm in love with him. My jaw hands open as I stare at him in shock.

"Cameron—." His hand comes up and covers my mouth.

"Look Panda, I know you love me okay? I've known it for a long time, but you have to hear me when I say I'm no good for you. There are things about my past that Maria has kept from you. Hell, there are things from my past that I've kept from Maria. I don't known this kid, but he seems like a decent guy. Don't put off a chance at being with him because you think you have a chance at being with me. I'm not looking for a relationship with you Amanda. This is purely physical for me." His voice is so strained at the end, and I can see why. It isn't like it would be easy to tell a girl who is in love with you that there will never be anything more than a physical relationship between the two of you. He is right. I can't blow of Damien just because of Cameron anymore. However, if he thinks that I'm just going to admit that this is anything more than physical to me, he is wrong on so many different levels.

"Cameron, that's sweet, but I never wanted anything from this other than make-out lessons which you have so dutifully given me. I would like to continue them because I have a feeling Damien is much more experienced than me in the field of sex."

"Sex! Who in the f***k said anything about sex?" Cameron's once passive face is now filled with anger. Can you say bi-polar much?

"I'm going to have sex one day Cameron, and that one day might be with Damien. You never know, but I want to continue Kissing School so that I can know what to do. Especially if it comes down to you know, doing it." Standing up, I begin to walk off, leaving a still disgruntled looking Cameron under the bleachers, but I stop half way.

"Kissing School is still in session Cameron. Be at the factory, and don't make me wait."

I'm not sure what just came over me, making me so in control and bossy, but I think I like this girl. Especially since this girl has just decided to make Cameron fall for her whether he likes it or not.


Author's note:

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