《Kissing School》Ch 2--Morning After


***guys who have read this before: I just seperated this from Chapter 1. Don't freak. There really hasn't been much content change. I just toned down the first chapter!***

Chapter 2

I never thought that the clock would strike seven a.m., but when it did, I was out of the bed so fast it would make a sane person’s head spin, but seeing that I’ve been up since one, I can no longer be considered sane. I head downstairs in the clothes I attempted to go back to sleep in which in turn were the same ones I was wearing when I had my little run in with Cameron in the living room.

You know that saying, ‘don’t do things at night that you’ll regret in the morning?’ Yeah, I wish I would have remembered that last night because I have some severe regret going on right now. Without even meaning to, I am in the kitchen and starting breakfast. Cooking always calms me down, so I hope everyone wakes up hungry because my hormones are in full throttle and I’m not sure just plain jane scrambled eggs will fix them.

I just put the last of the waffle batter into the waffle iron, topped off the eggs with shredded cheese that needs to melt, and now I’m starting on the bacon. It only takes a second before the savory bacon aroma is filling the whole house. How do I know this, you ask? Well, I’m a genius, and maybe because the scream from upstairs alerted me to Maria being awake, and she might have screamed something about bacon. I’m still leaning towards the first one though.

I hear quick footfalls on the stairs, and I turn around just in time to see Maria happy face standing in front of me. She comes towards me, acting like she wants a hug, but I know better. I point the fork I’m holding towards the table and give her a stern look. “No bacon until everything’s done, Maria.”

“Awe come on Amanda, I just wanted a hug!” I open my arms, but she fakes left, grabs a piece that I had sitting on a napkin, and off she goes, knowing she better run or suffer my wrath.

I’m so engrossed in flipping the bacon, checking the eggs, and waiting for the exact moment when the waffles turn the perfect shade of golden brown that I miss two people joining me and Maria in the kitchen.

“Mmmm. What smells so good?” I jump about a foot, forcing my back to be pressed into Cameron’s shirtless chest.

“Take a chill pill Panda. I didn’t mean to scare you.” I hear Maria and Timothy, his friend who spent the night last night, laugh behind me. I just shake my head and attempt to move away, but Cameron has a firm grip on my waist. His lips gently brush my ear as he breathes huskily on my neck before pushing me back towards the stove.

“So, what’s the occasion?” Cameron asks as he picks up a piece of bacon despite me battering him with my fork. Before I can respond, Maria pipes up.


“Did you not sleep last night? I felt you get up around one, but you never came back in the room.” I can feel my cheeks heating up just thinking about what I was doing around one o’clock this morning, but only Cameron and I know what happened no one else. Thank goodness.

“No. I woke up and went to the guest room. I didn’t want to bother you.” Maria shakes her head in concern, but that’s all I see on her face before turning around to remove the waffles from the very hot waffle plates.

“Is the same nightmare again?” My body goes stiff all over. I cannot believe she is bringing up my nightmare with the guys in the room. What the hell is wrong with her? Her and I both know where this conversation leads, straight to her telling me I need to go to a shrink to try and resolve whatever keeps these nightmares coming back.

“No. I just had a lot on my mind.” I lie through my teeth, but I only feel a tiny bit guilty. She knows better than to mention the nightmares because I hate talking about them with anyone. It took me almost a year to tell her about them.

“Okay. I’m going to go shower before I eat. I’ll be back in a bit.” Turning, I see her exchange a glance with Timothy before prancing up to her room. She and Timothy have been sleeping together behind Cameron’s back for about a month now. They aren’t serious about each other. They just like to have together, and right on cue Timothy claims he needs to call his mom and climbs up the stairs, answering the booty call he just received.

Turning back around, I silently chuckle to myself. Cameron is so daft. How could he not see what was going on right under his nose, his sexy nose. As I’m pulling the final pieces of bacon from the frying pan, I feel a body press against me from behind. I can feel every inch of Cameron behind me, and oh, did he feel good. His head is resting on my shoulder as I cover up the bacon, not even trying to push him away.

“You couldn’t sleep, huh?”

I just shake my head ‘no’. I sure can’t trust my voice because I know it would be a traitor and let Cameron know how turned on by him I am.

“I couldn’t sleep either even after an hour long cold shower, might I add.” His voice has an edge to it, but I can tell that he isn’t angry, just annoyed. Well if he is annoyed now, let’s see how annoyed I can get him.

Pressing my butt back against his happy stick, I feel him stiffen in every sense of the word. Cameron flips me around and sets me on the counter. Now, a normal girl would open her legs and let him push himself against her. Me? I cross my legs and swish my feet back and forth. The look on his face is priceless. He is beyond pissed off as he is tapping my leg trying to get me to open them, but I won’t. Finally, losing all patience, he wraps one hand around each leg and forces them open, pulling me to the edge of the counter in the process. His lips are moving closer to mine, and I can see the pure lust in his eyes and something more, but I don’t have time to analyze. I have to stop this kiss, and I do it the only way I know how by turning my cheek.



“I’m sorry Cameron. I just..I just…I can’t.” His fingers pull my chin towards him so that I have to look at his gorgeous eyes that are shaded slightly darker than normal.

“What is it? Why can’t you?”

“Promise you won’t laugh?” He just nods his head in response. Some of the arctic coloring is coming back into his eyes. Good. He is calming down just as my pulse is taking off.

“I, uh, I have never really kissed anyone before.” I could have sworn he was going to laugh; instead he looks like he is about to start yelling.

“Don’t bullshit me Amanda. I know you have two ex-boyfriends, and the way you were acting last night and just now is not the way someone who has never been kissed acts.”

I run a hand through my hair, at a loss for words because I really never had a real kiss before. Don’t get me wrong. I have done the whole peck on the lips thing, but never have I used tongue, ever, and yes, I still possess my V-card which is hard to believe since I’m the head cheerleader. It’s true though. Last night, I don’t know what I was thinking. I wasn’t. Something else had taken over my body is the only reasonable explanation I have come up with because I don’t know what I was doing. I’ve never been that big of a tease before in my life. So what do I tell Cameron? I wouldn’t believe me if I were him, especially with the way I’ve been acting, but I go for it anyway, hoping he’ll believe me.

“So, you’re telling me you’ve never made out with a guy?” I shake my head no. This is probably his fiftieth question, and all he is doing is pretty much asking me the same thing just in different terms. I think he believes me, but he is struggling to swallow it. Quick as a whip, his confused expression is gone and a look of complete satisfaction comes over his face.

“Well, we can fix this.”


“I’ll French kiss you right now. Then that’ll be another thing you can say you’ve done!” He begins to move in closer to me, but I stop him once again.

In the smallest voice I can muster, I ask him my deepest fear. “What if I’m not good?” At that he begins to laugh, until he realizes I’m being completely serious.

“That’s impossible, of course you’re going to be a good kisser.”

“Don’t say that. I know people can be bad kissers. Maria has told me all about it.” Cameron just shakes his head, biting his lip. What is he thinking? Is it a complete turn off that I’m this in-experienced? Not that I want him to be turned on since he is Cameron, my best friend’s brother, but still.

“I’ll teach you. We’ll meet up every day, and I’ll teach you how to kiss. I’ll also teach you what guys like and what not. I mean if you w-.” I cut him off by giving him a bone crushing hug. This is perfect! Now I’ll know if I am doing it right or not, and I won’t have to stress about whether or not he likes it.

“I’ll take that as a yes?”

“Yes!” I shout in his ear, and he ends up backing away a bit as if it really hurt, which it probably did. I hear footsteps in the hallway. Crap, I’m not done talking to Cameron yet. He has to teach me a lot.

“Where’s your cell phone?” He asks in a hurried whisper.

“Upstairs. Why?” With a devilish grin, he runs out of the room to I can only assume get my phone. Just as he is leaving, Timothy walks in followed a minute later by Maria. Nice timing guys, no one would have ever guessed you guys just did it. Not.

I’m setting the table with all the food when Cameron runs back in a little out of breath. Every one gives him a crazy look, but no one questions it as we begin to eat.

Climbing towards the guest room where I slept last night to fetch my phone, I have a small knot in my stomach. Throughout breakfast I didn’t get to ask Cameron what he was doing up here, and afterwards everyone shooed me out of the kitchen so I wouldn’t help clean up since I cooked.

Finally, I grab my phone off the nightstand. I scroll through the contacts looking for Cameron’s name in the C’s, but it’s not there. I could have sworn he came up here to put his number in my phone. On a hunch, I keep scrolling through all my contacts, and that’s when I see it right there in the W’s. Cameron had saved his name in my phone as ‘What Great Abs You Have.’

He must think he is so funny, but somehow I can’t bring myself to change it. I’m about to turn off my phone to conserve the little battery I have left, when a text message comes in from ‘What Great Abs You Have’ himself.

Kissing school starts tomorrow at five at the abandoned mill. Just FYI, the teacher doesn’t like to be kept waiting.

Well, teacher, A.K.A., ‘What Great Abs You Have’, A.K.A, Cameron, A.K.A., my best friend’s brother, tomorrow should be one hell of a lesson.

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