《Just Kissing》47.
"A recomendation letter?" Vickie grinned closing her locker and we headed towards the canteen, mixing with the rest of the student's tide. "That's good, right? It's what you wanted."
"Yes!" I beamed cheerfully, almost jumping as this excitement flowing through my veins like fire. "Now I can apply for Brown, Vickie. Brown! Ah, I'm so excited, you got no idea!"
"I can tell."
"I don't even care that I'm stuck with Logan." she grimaced and too late I realized who I was talking to. "Sorry."
"Neverind. But... is he really that bad?"
"Mhm.. no... He's kinda rude." I shrugged, not wanting to increase the growing resentment she was building up towards the reporter. Logan was a bit more than rude, he was insolent and bitchy. But I could tell for the guilty looks he'd been giving me during the meeting we just had with Mrs Gleenson that he too knew he crossed the line last week. I scurried out the class rushedly after she gave me the letter but I think he was going to apologize if I hadn't.
"It doesn't sounds like him." the red-haired pursed her lips as we reached the line to get our lunch. the buzzing of the canteen drowning our conversation and allowing us some kind of privat halo in been speaking this matters out loud despites being in public. "I know you mentioned it before but he just didn't seemed like the type of person to be rude. More like a teddy bear."
I bet he does. So far the only person I'd seen him being rude to was me, so I guess I could understand her.
"Whatever. Has he talked to you? He keeps bothering me each time we cross paths."
"Not really." her eyes found instinctibly the table at the side where the blond was sitting with a couple of his friends. "He keep sending me mixed signals and it's getting on my nerves."
"Aw, is Fatoria getting emotional again?" just then Bear appeared at her other side pouting mockingly. "If you take my piece of advise, don't shelter yourself on food. " he grimaced making my blood boil. "After all, it's not love and you can't afford to gain more pounds."
"Shut up." I snapped as she burned red shaking in rage and glaring daggers back.
"And Gracie," he greeted as if I hadn't said anything, eying me up and down amusedly. "Is it true what I'd heard? They try and spike your drink? That's just so lame."
The weirdest sensation overpowered me, like paling and blushing at the same time and I get lightheaded at the reminder. This time it was Vickie who stepped in for me: "Why don't you mind your own business?"
"Hey, citizen's concern here. The club is now under inspection for serving alcohol to minors and most likely they'd never allow us in again. So, thanks a lot."
"Do you ever stop talking? Might as well do the world a favor." frowned Vickie taking my arm and tugging me as the line move, but to our dismay Bear followed suit.
"Oh, fatty, if you wanted to do the world a favor you wouldn't had put on that." he tugged lightly the strap of her purple top making her slap his hand away, crossing her arms as he laughed punishingly. "If I wanted to see a clown I would go to the circus, and if you were going for a slutty look let me tell you you need at least ten pound less and tones of make up to look anything remotedly attractive."
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I snarled, not believing my own ears. Bear was usually nasty and a dick, but it was more like pranks on the background or name calling when they cross paths. It'd been a while since he openly approached her. Especially after the whole New Year scene. As far as I know, this was the first time they were talking ever since, and he was doing this?
"He's being a mono-neuronal idiot." rolled her eyes Vickie advancing with the cue not minding him that much. "Can't expect more of the poor thing, after all, he's a jock. And blond." she leaned as if to whisper that last part but made it pretty loud to make sure he heard as well and his fists clenched in reprimed ire.
"It's not like it takes a lot to realize what a desperate whore you are. It's written all over your ugly face."
"Yeah, yeah. Are you done now?" dismissed Vickie boringly taking her tray with both our plates, making me proud of her but also infuriating Bear to whole new levels. I only took a bottle of water for us, not surprised at all when instead of serving himself Bear followed her closely to keep up the argument.
"Pretend all you like, but anyone can see clearly the odds of being close to you. Any thought why the nerd never spoke to you again?" him bringing Logan up succeeded making her faltered for a second and at the sight of her jaw clenching Bear hold on it with that maliciousness again. "Poor Fatoria, wanna know why hasn't he come near you again?"
"Because you broke his nose like the moronic animal you are?"
"Because he doesn't want you." smirked Bear and I wanted to slap it away from him.
I reached them then since they'd stopped advancing and stepped beside her again, anger boiling in my veins. "Bear shut the fuck up."
Vickie's eyes sparkled, her hold on the tray tightening so her knuckles went white for a second and shove it in my hands before I could utter another word to defend her. "No, uh?" Bear's attitude fell as she fixed her clothes and hair, sending him one last disgusted glare. "I'm done with this." she sirked back and marched determined to where Logan was sitting, slamming her hands in the table and catching the attentions of their whole group.
From where we stood we couldn't make out what were they saying but what I could tell was how Bear stiffened all over, getting more worked up as he watched them smile and chat from affar. A spark of whicked pleasure shivered through me. Serves him right.
"What Bear, jealous?"
"Jealous?" he snapped out his glare and turned it towards me but I was too amused to care. Karma was a bitch, and he was rotting in his own hell because he basically forced them to interact with his childish behaviour. "Why would I be jealous the fat slut whore herself out, uh?"
"Come on Bear, you like her."
His eyes widened. "What?! I do not." but the vehemency in his voice didn't fool me, not when he keep glaring the table where Vickie and Logan were now laughing about something. "Stop talking shit about stuff you just made up, Gracie. Is that a trick you've learnt from mommy?"
I scoffed at his mock, inimpressed and instead threw his own words back at him: "It's not like it takes a lot to realized what a desperate jock you are. It's written all over your face. You keep fighting her and acting all worked up but deep down you're just too scared to properly pursue her and realized you're far too late for that." I smirked just as he'd done a few moments ago. "Because she doesn't want you."
For a second it hanged in the air, something flickering in his eyes and I wondered if I'd stepped too far. But, what the hell? He's always picking up on my friend, insulting, mocking... a little reality check might do him some good. And it felt damn good to tell him.
But the very next second whatever vulnerable that shone there was covered once more and an awful, malicious smirk stretched his lips and made my stomach dip. "Oh really?"
I couldn't even react as I was lightly yet harshly shoved, sending me to stumble a step backwards and right in the path of a passing student... a student holding a full tray. I gasped as the hot sause of whatever he was having was pressed against my chest, making sure to stain everything and as the trey fell to the floor and the startled guy began to apologize a pin-dropping silence was suddenly settled in the canteen.
"O-oh my god! I-I'm so sorry-" the freshman that'd bumbed into me as I glanced down, shock and embarrassment choking me as I took in my messed clothes with that unfixable blemish all over my torso. What the hell?
"Starving, aren't you?" I look up, too bewildered to utter a word yet and saw Bear standing right before me. Smirking. "Now now, you can't have lunch without something to drink, can you?"
Before I could process his next move he'd lifted his arm and something cold and wet slid from the top of my head, soaking my hair and sliding the sides of my face and dripped down my chin. I gasped, too startled to move as he dropped the whole smoothy over my head and just stood there like a moron as the whole canteen hold their breath and the tainting liquid leaked my cothes and hair, pooling at my feet.
I burned in rage but embarrassment was stronger as there were the first snickers across the crowd of people gawking what Bear's just done. All while the culprit stood there, proud of his work with a mocking smirk that made my eyes burned all the more in frustration and rage. "Oops."
"What the hell is wrong with you?" squeaked Vickie snapping out her shock before me and coming closer, making me feel less vulnerable against the amount of judging eyes. She stood before me as a screen and that helped somehow as realization sink in me. "Are you nuts?"
"What? Is now my fault Gracie can't watch where she walks? Some people is just clumsy."
"The fuck is going on here?" My heart halted at the aggressive new voice form the canteen's door at my back. In a second Nate was by my side, confusion all over his features as he took me in, the smoothy in my hair, dripping from my chin. I hugged my middle but still felt awfully vulnerable. "Are you okay?"
I lowered my gaze in shame as I saw anger fired in his but didn't dared to answer too shaken inside and still too humiliated to function properly.
"Just a little drenched." mocked Bear still not done with his little stunt. "I stumbled on her."
"You throw it at her, you big idiot." gritted back Vicky and I felt Nate tensing at my other side but keep my eyes to the floor.
"You what?"
"Harmless joke."
"Very funny." spit Nate with agressive sarcasm and I could feel the air in the room getting heavier, tension grewing in that pin-dropping silence as everyone gawked at the scene unfolding.
Bear too sounded way less amused and more enraged next time he opened his big mouth. "This is between Gracie and I, Herond. Stay out of this."
"Nate just seems to mind everyone else's business lately." chipped in Seth almost maliciously and my guts tightened.
I hadn't seen him arrive but I thought we were on good terms... yet he was Bear's friend only an acquaitance of mine. There was an obvious double meaning in his words but I didn't fully get it, it must had something to do with the inner-group-drama both Kimberly and Nate'd been feeding me lately.
I couldn't really expect Seth to take my side, but to take Bear's when he'd clearly wronged me? I thought better of him. Worst, what would Nate do?
Yet to my relief his answer was almost instant: "That's my girl you're messing with, so yeah, I step in."
"Fuck off."
"No," for the first time I found my voice, attracting their attention as I wiped the humiliating liquid from my eyes again. "It's okay."
"What?" Vickie eyes flared. "It's not. He's a major dick."
"I know." I squared my shoulders, projecting a dignified image I was far from feeling but I made it work. "I got this."
Before they could say anyting else I reached to the nearest table grabbing the first plate and trowing it back at the idiot, immediately erasing that mocking smirk as the hot red sauce stained his clothes as well. It felt so good, I smiled as the snickers were now directed towards him as some jaw's gawked open.
"Oops. Must have slipped."
Vickie covered her mouth in shock, amusement swirling under her green orbs as well at the startled squeal Bear made.
"What the- You fucking bitch!"
I got scared as he made a move to launch at me but before he could there was Nate pushing him away firmly. "What? Now you're even, right?"
Bear glared at him, wiping the remaining food off making it fall to the floor with a sloppy sound. "Don't start something you can't end."
"And why can't I end this?" retorded Nate.
"Really?" scoffed Bear, getting back to his previous attitude, not caring he was as messy as myself. "Haven't thought you would stood this low."
"Haven't thought you'd stood this low. Do you feel better now?"
"I feel better knowing where my boundaries are."
"And where are those?" Nate pushed him again as he stepped forward. This was escalating fast and everyone could sense the aggressiveness between them.
"Girls before friends?" Bear shoved him back with a sneer and my stomach twistched. "You're whipped."
"Bear, come on." Seth finally decided to step in, pulling him backwards before they could get more handy.
"Come on what?"
"Come on, stop being a dick." spat Nate back earning himself another push, that he returned, and another... Vickie's arm kept me in place and only then I realized I was to step closer.
Luckily, not me but a couple more guys from the team intervened and pulled them away just as a teacher entered the canteen. Mr Ross, of course.
"Hey, hey!" he stepped in between, scowling at them. He eyes both guys inquiringly as Bear shrugged the team out and Nate stepped by out side again, the teacher took good note of the food in the floor and in Bear's clothes and I felt my stomach twitching as he noticed my appearance as well.
I adverted my gaze, still unable to act normal in his presence, and with this whole scene going on the awkwardness only increased. Instead I instinctibly reached for Nate's hand and tugged him closer as he kept glaring tensedly Bear, but allowed our fingers to intertwine.
"What's going on here?" No one aswered and his eyes narrowed. "The three of you. Direction, now."
They let me out the principal's office not longer after entering with a slap on the wrist. Bear exited it before me and none of us utter a word, slamming the door on our way out. I glared his back as he made his way through the empty hallway and had to fist my hands tightly not to let this anger control me again.
His constant mocks and sly comments were one thing.
Him not respecting my relationship was... tolerable.
Even him luring Seth into being more resentful than I knew he would had been wasn't completely unforgivable.
But messing with Hailey?
Now that is where I need to draw the line. Bear had it coming for a long while, lately he'd been extra unsufferable, but never would I'd thought I'd actually snap at him if it wasn't because he crossed the line. First Ryan, now Bear, at this rate I would end up bad.
Nah, I wouldn't care that much. I already felt sore from last night great comeback, defending my girl won't be such a sacrifice.
It was halfway next period, and despites what the principal had said, I didn't feel like interrupting the class only for the last half an hour. Instead I headed towards the locker rooms, changing off the tracksuit and hanging the sport bag on my shoulder before moving to the girls' room. I barely hesitate before opening the door, knowing it would be almost empty. Almost.
Vickie's green eyes met mine, alarmed at first but then relaxed as she realized it was me. There were muffled sounds of the shower on the background and it didn't take a genious to know where my girl was. The red headed nodded knowingly, getting up from the bench and walked towards me. "What are you doing here? You'll get in trouble if they see you in the girls's changing rooms."
Really? But instead I held back my sarcasm and asked: "How is she?" closing the door behind me.
"Altered." Vickie bit her lip looking over her should hesitating before meeting my gaze again. "Thanks for stepping in for her."
Why is everyone surprised I did? "How could I not?"
But she shook her head. "Nevermind, thank you. Bear is just- Well, sorry. I know he's your friend but he's a major dickhead."
Friend. I inwardly scoffed, remembering the whole scened that just happened there. "Tell me something I don't already know."
The read-headed smirked, sliding the strand of her backpack over her shoulder. "Glad we agree, then. Makes it all easier." her brows pursed. "But I guess not for you. Is he gonna take it out on you too now?"
As if. "He can try."
"Right." she glanced at the back of the lockers were the steam of the shower was coming. "Well, She'll be out at any moment and I guess I'll leave you two to it... Make sure to lock the door."
"Yeah." I chuckled. "Wouldn't want more problems, now would we?"
"Exactly." Vickie grinned but there was a blush in her cheeks. "Take it easy on her, okay? She was... shaken."
"I got this."
I took the tip and locked after her, not really feeling like getting interrupted by incomers and reached the bench; laying on it and feeling all my muscles finally melting into relaxation, exhaustion getting its hold on my being.
I barely feel my lids falling, my whole body relaxing into the uncomfortable bench, my mind drifting away as the sleepless night settled in the pit of my chest. I didn't know if it passed a second, a minute or a month; time stretched weirdly as my mind disconnected...
"Hey..." I was jolted awake but a sudden touch in my cheek, sitting at once and Hailey pulled away just in time not to knock heads. "Whoa, there."
"Sorry." I brushed my eyes, getting rid of this exhaustion. "How are you? And... and what is that?"
"Matt's shirt." she glanced down at the huge cloth that fall loosely around her. Her damp hair was pulled up in a messy bun and the towel rested over her shoulders, but under she was wearing her jeans and that shirt. "He lent me this last year and it's stayed in my locker ever since. But I guess I'm lucky now."
"No." I furrowed my brows, something unsettled in my guts. "If you need a shirt I can lend you something mine."
"But I already-"
"I mean it."
She looked up, startled, and smiled lightly, quavery, as our eyes met, letting go of the shirt. "Do you want to lent me something?"
"Hey," I tugged the back of her thighs so she stood closer between my knees looking up at her. "I'm just saying that if you're gonna be wearing someone else's clothes, why not mine?"
- In Serial9 Chapters
Ruining Happily Ever After
Laia is pissed. When she kills off a fan favorite from her successful novel series, she elicits the anger of some chuunibyou god-child. As her ‘divine punishment’, she gets thrown into a world of her own making– literally. Waking up as the villain of a shitty CEO romance novel she wrote long ago, Laia has to satisfy the life wishes that character has. If she does, she can get out of this world and return to her own. If she doesn’t, she dies. Armed with a talking fox-cat-thing to navigate the system mechanics of her punishment, she’s ready to turn the place upside to get what she wants. She's also not opposed to having a little bit of fun in the process. The original protagonist is in love with her, the original love interest is thoroughly destroyed, and– if it wasn’t already obvious– the original storyline is up in flames. ⋅ ⋆ ⋅ ⋆ ⋅ One crappy romance novel was enough, but another? “I fucking completed everything that stupid system asked of me, so tell your idiot brother to bring me back to my world.” The handsome man languidly sitting on the throne sighed dramatically, “Unfortunately, father and mother heard about what he did to you. He’s currently under guard and won’t be able to get you out of here.” “Why didn’t your parents get me removed from here first before locking your brother up?" "They forgot,” he simply said. He showed a regretful expression. She knew it was bullshit. Her temples throbbed, “So what are you doing here?” A beautiful smile bloomed on his lips. It was enchanting, bewitching, and made her want to bash his face in. “I’m here to keep you company,” he winked, “My Empress.”God. She wanted to stab him in the heart just to shut him up. ▽▽▽ System but not really. Barebones shit. This book may end up reading like crack. You have been warned. Each 'arc' is a new novel our wonderful MC visits. There are three arcs to this story. one (1): CEO/Contemporary two (2): Eastern Historical three (3): Fantasy World Chapter Length: 1k-1.6k words. Upload Schedule: As of 01.04.20, daily updates for two weeks. After that, probably 3-5 a week. Estimated Novel Length: 150-200 (each arc will have about 30-70 chapters).
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