《WILD CHILD • Emmett Cullen》In The Air


I was sitting on Bella's bed watching Alice curl her hair while she squirmed under all the attention. I laughed a little and smiled at Alice in the mirror.

"There all done." Alice says as she lets the last curl fall against Bella's back. "Celeste go get ready."

"Yes mom." I say and get up from the bed. My hair also curled, by Rosalie earlier in the day. "Have fun wrestling her into her dress." I walk out of Bella's room to my own and sit on the floor in front of my mirror to do my makeup. My desk full of pencils and papers from doing some new sketches.

Honestly I didn't feel like doing a lot of makeup. Alice had suggested a whole long hundred product routine and Rosalie agreed, saying it's senior prom, I had to do the most. Needless to say I'm not going to be listening to the vampires today. Besides the dress is beautiful on its own, I feel as if makeup would be to much. Plus knowing myself I wouldn't take it off after the dance which would be a problem for my skin in the long run.

I sit on the floor until there's a knock on my door and Bella walks in all dolled up, with her giant boot cast on one foot, and her white converse on the other.

"Well don't you look pretty as a princess from some far away land." I say and stand to grab my camera from one of my draws.

"Oh no Celeste no pictures." She whines and hides her face behind her hands.

"Hush Bella. Just one please?"

"Oh fine just one." I smile and take a picture of her attempting to smile, how adorably Bella of her.

"Plus the one we take of the both of us." I tell her. "Now for me to actually get dressed." I pull the dress out of my closet and pull it on. "Help me with this." I hand her my necklace and turn to her and she fumbles for a second before she gets the clasp.

I go to sit on the bed so I can pull on the heels I got on.

"You look beautiful Cel." Bella says.

"Thank you Bell. You look beautiful too." She blushes and I laugh at her. I can't help it she's so cute. "Okay time to face the wolves." I twist my lips to the side. "Or the vampires I guess." She groans at my joke and takes hold of my arm as we walk, or she hobbles down the stairs.


Emmett and Eggward are waiting at the bottom with dad who is glaring at Eggward with such hate he would be dead if not for his immortality.

"Here take a picture of us." I toss the camera down to Emmett who smiles as Bella hides behind me. "Bella just one." She whines and doesn't smile. "See was that so hard?" She glares at me and I smile.

"You girls look beautiful." Dad says as he comes over and hugs us.

"Thanks dad." I say and Bella just hides her face again. Edward and her leave as soon as possible with my dad glaring at them as they leave or more so Edward.

"What are you two waiting for?"

"Leah, she's coming to get Ruby." I tell him. "She's going to prom with Alex."

"Playing matchmaker I see." He says and goes to get a beer from the fridge.

"What can I say it's fate." I shrug a little and Emmett laughs. "Just like you and Billy could be."

"Oh look there's Leah now." Dad says pushing me towards the door. "Be safe and I put a new pepper spray in your sparkly purse thingy." He motions to the clutch I picked up.

"No taser?" He shakes his head. "Boo." I open the door to see Leah standing by her truck fidgeting with her cuff links. "Oh damn you look hot." I tell her and she blushes. "Don't fuck up my car and no car sex."

"Give me the keys." She says and puts her hand out, I look at her hand up to her face again. "Okay no car sex." I wait. "And I will not damage Ruby." I toss her the keys and head to Emmett's Jeep, which he has to help me into.

"You look beautiful." He tells me once he's in the car.

"Thank you." I smile at him and he leans over and kisses me. "My dad is watching through the window." I whisper and he laughs before driving off.

"Oh wait." He says and pulls over before reaching into the backseat. "This is for you." He pulls out a box with one of those flowers that are usually ugly but this one is so pretty.


"Oh wow, it's beautiful Emmett." I say and I lightly touch it. "You didn't have to you know." He smiles as he puts it on my wrist.

"I wanted to, prom is a very important part of life, according to my sisters." I laugh a little, of course they would say that. "So I wanted to make it the best I could."

"Thank you." I whisper and lean over to kiss him.

"Hey Celeste."

"Yea Emmett."

"I love you." Bitch what the fuck, how is he so casual about that? I'm pretty sure my whole face is red.

"I love you too." He leans over and kisses me again. "Now drive, we have a party to get to."

"As you wish."


"Why didn't I know you're valedictorian?" I ask Viv as we sit in Ruby waiting for the ceremony to start.

"You didn't ask." She says and I lean back to smack her arm. "Ow."

"This is it, no more high school." Alex says sounding a little sad. "Finally." The four of laugh and I lean over to snatch some candy from Conner.

"I'm kinda hungover right now." I tell them and Conner nods in agreement. "At least we had fun."

"Best prom ever." Conners says and Viv nods in agreement. "And now we're off to do big things."

"Like a six foot werewolf with daddy issues?" I ask him and wiggle my eyebrows.

"Exactly, or a six foot vampire with a trust fund." He says back. "Oh look we're lining up."

"Thank god you're right after me." I tell Conner as we start putting on the cap and gowns. "Also yellow is the ugliest color ever."

"Honestly." Vivian says agreeing. "Pin this for me." She hands me a Bobby pin and turns so I can fix her hair for her. "Okay I think we're done." I look around and nod.

"Look at the graduating class of 2005." Paul says as the pack, Billy and my dad come around.

"Oh take a picture of us." I say and toss him my camera, we stand around Ruby and he takes like 1000 pictures. Am I exaggerating? Yes. Did it feel like that because I had to smile for so long? Also yes. Besides the point. I took one with my dad and Billy too, plus the pack, obviously. "Okay let's go." I grab Conner hand and walk towards our section, zipping up the stupid gown as we go.

We sit and listen to the principal who's name I never learned drone on and on about something, eating skittles that Conner had on him.

We stand and cheer obnoxiously when Viv is called on stage, Alex does too, from a few rows ahead. And we cheer even louder when she finishes her speech.

They start calling names and again me and Conner cheer obnoxiously loud as Alex and Viv go up, and when the the three vampires cross as well, purely because.

"Ready?" Conner asks as we stand waiting for our names to be called.

"Ready." I nod, they call my name and I hear the pack shouting and being themselves, loud, as I walk across the stage to grab the little paper with the ribbons. I see Emmett, Rosalie and Calvin also in this hideous yellow clapping too, and Esme and Carlisle. Emmett winks at me. I see Bella in the back with Edward and she gives me a really awkward thumbs up, and I laugh. Ms Gilmore is the one to hand me my diploma thing and she hugs me. I look out to the crowd again and see dad and Billy tearing up, the old geezers. I'm so making fun of them for that later.

I wait at the bottom of the stairs as they call Conner and clap for him, he bows while at center stage and someone, Paul, whistles while others laugh. He comes down and we walk back towards our seats. When it's all over we throw our hats and shitty little fake diplomas in the air and cheer.

Finally no more school.

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