《WILD CHILD • Emmett Cullen》I Warned Her


I was laying with Emmett in the shitty hotel I was staying in while waiting for Bella to wake up. I visited her at the ass crack of dawn everyday so far to steer clear of Renee and her face. We were currently watching Naruto because despite being an immortal with infinite time he's never watched the anime. And that is unacceptable in my opinion, besides it always made me happy even with Saskue's annoying ass, something about him irked me.

"Bella woke up." Emmett tells me. "Alice texted." I jump up from the bed and rush to change and pull on my shoes.

"Let's go." I say and rush down the stairs of the hotel almost tripping and pulling a Bella. Emmett drives because I let my dad have the rented car. Much like the last time Bella was in the hospital I'm out before Emmett can fully park and speed walk into the hospital, since running is frowned upon. I don't even look at Renee as I rush into the room. For the first time Edward is actually "awake" with his stupid ass. I glare at him until he kisses Bella's forehead and walks out the room.

"Hey Cel." Bella says and I put my hands on my hips.

"Why would you leave the protection of Jasper and Alice to go meet a homicidal maniac?"

"I thought he had mom."

"So? You're life is more important than hers." I hold up a hand at her face. "It is don't argue."

"I'd rather it be me than her." I go and hold her hand.

"Of course you would, and that makes you an idiot. Sweet but an idiot." She laughs a little.

"She asked me to move to Jacksonville with her."

"I'll kill her." Trying to take Bella from me, out of her goddamn mind.

"I told her no." I smile at her.

"Because of Edwin?" She just blushes a little. "Always comes down to the boy."

"And you, I know you'd never go especially not willingly." Got that right.


"Now look at you, gonna have to lug you around the house." I snorted a bit. "We should put you in one of those giant bubble balls to keep you safe."

"Very funny Celeste."

"I know." I smile at her. "Man I'm starving." I plop down in the plastic chair besides her bed. "So aside from the obvious going wrong how was the baseball?"

"They're so fast it's like terrifying." I smiled at her. "And Emmett and Edward hit each other and it sounded like a rock slide."

"That I've heard before Emmett and Calvin tend to get into it a lot." I tell her. "Over the most ridiculous things too." She laughs a little and my dad walks in with. "Food thank god."

"You act like you haven't eaten in years Cel." My dad says shaking his head and handing out the food he got us.

"What can I say I'm a growing girl I need food." I tell him and bite into the burger.

"Doc says Bella can leave tomorrow night so we'll book a flight back for the morning after." Dad tells us as we eat.

"Thank god." I mutter. "Hate it here."

"Did you go to the cemetery?" Bella asks me and I choke on my burger a bit.

"No I didn't."

"You should go." She tells me. "Tell her dad."

"Well Bell I can't really tell Cel what to do." Dad looks up at me. "But it wouldn't hurt for you to go Cel."

"Sorry what was that I've suddenly gone deaf and heard anything you two said for the last 4 lines." I tell them.

"You can't run away from everything Celeste." Bella says, scolding me a bit.

"Didn't you like just run away from home? Because of boy problems?" I tease her raising a eyebrow. "Talk about hypocrisy."

"That's different and you know it."

"Hypocrite." I tell her. "Me and Alice got you a prom dress." Alice had dragged me out of the hotel room to and I quote 'sight see'.


"I'm not going to prom."

"Yes you are if I have to carry you there myself." I tell her. "It's the least you can do after you ran away from home and gave me a heart attack after promising you wouldn't be in a hospital again."

"Are you trying to guilt trip me?"

"Is it working?" I ask her and dad laughs a little.


"Then yes Bella I'm guilt tripping you." I look her in the eye. "Plus it's my last high school event, I want to share it with my baby sister."

"Fine Celeste I will go to prom." I cheer a little and laugh as she pouts at her burger. "I already regret this."

"That's how you know it'll be awesome." Renee walks into the room and I sigh a little. "Anywho, it's blue and short to make sure you don't trip on it."

"Smart." Bella says. "Is it shiny?"

"Not really just a little very light." I tell her. "Also got mine."

"Oh, what color?"

"Dark red, and then silver heels." I finish my food and sit back a little. "Real hot shit." Bella and dad laugh a little and I hear Renee scoff.

"That sounds beautiful Cel." Bella tells me. "So no way to get me out of it?"


"That's unfair Cel." Renee cuts in.

"My name is Celeste, I suggest you get it right." Dumb ass Whore. "Actually don't address me at all."

"I'm your mother."

"No, you are simply the sad wench who gave birth to me." I say standing up, I give Bella a kiss on the forehead and my dad one as well before walking out of the hospital room.

"I'm not done speaking to you Celeste." I walk don't into Emmetts arms and try to ignore Renee.

"Well I'm done speaking to you." I said, even though it was muffled by Emmett, I felt him laugh a little.

"Oh is this your boyfriend?" Ughhhhh. I hate her. "You know you should be careful with my daughter. She doesn't have the best track records with relationships." I turn around to face her because I wish she would. "I mean after all the last one killed."

Now children don't beat your mothers in a hospital unless, your mother is Renee and you are me. I've been in one or two fights before in my life and never had I cracked someone's nose as hard as I did Renee's. She hit the floor after the first punch and I went after her because she was gonna to feel my pain. I hit her four more times before I was being pulled up and off her and out of the hospital.

"Put me down I'm going to kill her." I tell Emmett who ignores me and sits me on the roof of his truck.

"Well that was something." I turn to see a nurse standing there with a smirk on her face. "Figured you might need this to avoid swelling." She tosses me an ice pack.

"Thanks." She looks vaguely familiar, from where I have no idea.

"Anytime." She waves and heads back into the hospital, just as Carlisle and my dad come out.

"You broke her nose and fractured her jaw." Carlisle tells me like he's scolding me.


"Celeste." Dad says also like he's scolding me.

"She shouldn't have brought up Addison. As far as I'm concerned I did the right thing." I tell him. "I'm not sorry nor will I ever be. And to be fair, I warned her not to speak to me. I even warned her shitty baseball playing boyfriend."

"Yea well." I look my dad in the eye and he sighs a little. "Alright fine she deserved it, but not in public next time. Alright?"


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