《WILD CHILD • Emmett Cullen》Baseball? No Thanks.


I was sitting in the Cullen house watching Emmett and Calvin play video games, not to interesting if you ask me but whatever.

"Ha take that!" Emmett said jumping up and dancing around a little. I'll take that as he won the game, Calvin groaned a little and Rosalie laughed a little, I just smiled a little and looked at the clocks.

"I gotta go." I said standing and stretching a bit.

"Boo we didn't even do anything." Emmett said putting down the controller.

"Not my fault you decided to play with Calvin." I tell him. "Besides, it's not like we won't see each other for a week or something, you're just being dramatic."

"He's always like that." Jasper tells me as him and Alice walk into the living room. Emmett scoffs and I laugh, I don't doubt it.

"Anywho, there's a thunderstorm tomorrow." Alice says clapping and the rest of the Cullens let out cheers. "So fancy coming to watch a game of vampire baseball?" She asks me.

"No thanks." I say pulling on my jacket.

"What?" Calvin says standing up like I just killed his dog. "It's amazing."

"I'm good thanks." I tell him. "Besides I already have plans with Alex, Conner and Vivian."

"But vampire baseball."

"No." I say again shaking my head. "Let me know who wins though."

"Bella's coming." Edward tells me as him and Carlisle enter the room as well.

"Bella? And baseball?" I ask and he nods. "Good luck with that." I tell him. "Now I really have to go home."

"Oh Celeste, your dads still at the precinct." Carlisle tells me. "There's been a death."


"Waylon Forge. I'm sorry, I know he was close to your family." I nod a little.

"Well, I gotta go." I say and wave as I walk out the house. Poor Waylon, he was always so happy.

"Let me drive." Emmett says as I open the car door.

"Do you even fit in my car?" I ask.

"Yes now give me the keys." I laugh a little and hand him the keys, he starts to drive. "Home or the precinct?"

"Home, I never liked the precinct." I tell him. "So vampire baseball huh?"

"Yea, sure you don't wanna come." He looks over at me smiling. "I mean not to brag but it's pretty amazing."

"I'm sure it is." I tell him. "But already made plans, besides, I don't really do sports."

"You wouldn't actually be playing." He tells me. "Just watching how amazing I am."

"I'm good, I'm sure you can brag about it all you want after."

"No fun." He pouts and I laugh again. "So what are you guys doing anyway."

"Driving up to Seattle, going to get tattoos." I tell him. "Maybe a few piercings."

"What are you getting?" He asks as he pulls into the driveway and we get out of the car. We walk into the house and no ones home.

"Not quite sure yet, maybe a dragon or something." I look up at him as he sits on my bed. "Maybe a vampire inspired one." He laughs and I shake my head. "I'm kidding, that'd be boring."

"How are vampires boring?" He asks sounding offended, even though I know he's not.

"You're real, meaning boring." I tell him. "Same with the werewolves."


"Wow I'm hurt." He tells me, I laugh and grab clothes to go change into for bed.

"I think you should get a tattoo for me." He tells me as I walk back into my room.

"That's bad luck, when you get a tattoo like that it dooms the relationship." I tell him. "It's like a bad omen."

"We're not going to end." He says pulling me onto his lap. "We're forever." I smile and kiss him.

"Still I'm not ignoring the tattoo gods with that one." I grab my sketchbook off my night stand and start flipping through it. "Maybe this one." I tell him showing him a picture of a dragon, snake and sword that I drew a while ago.

"I like it. Where would it go?"

"On my back. The sword right down my spine."

"I think that's be badass." I smile and kiss him again. "Not to mention hot." I laugh a little and we sit in silence.

I start to drift off until I hear car doors close.

"You staying up here?" He nods and I go downstairs to see my dad and Bella walk in. "Hey dad." I say and go hug him. "I'm sorry." He hugs me back.

"He was a good man." He says his voice sad.

"I know. I remember when he did butt crack Santa when we're like 4." My dad laughs a little and let's me go.

"That's Waylon, always making an impression." I nod. "Well this is for you." He says handing me a pepper spray. "Give me some peace of mind." I smile and take it from him.

"Can I also get a taser?" He shakes his head no. "Fine."

"Alright good night Cel."

"Night dad, love you."

"Love you too." He heads upstairs and I make sure the doors are locked before I head to Back to my room, knowing Evan Is probably already with Bella.

"Want to watch a movie?" I ask Emmett, who nods. "Horror or action?" I start going through all the dvds I have.

"You pick." I sigh a little and continue to flip through the dvds.

"The punisher it is." I say and put the movie in, before going to lay with him.


I walk downstairs to see my dad cleaning his rifle.

"Guess what?" I ask as I grab a apple and sit with him. "Bella has a date today." He looks up at me.

"With who?"

"Edwin Cullen." I tell him. "Going to play baseball with his family.

"Bella? And baseball?" I nod my head. "Are you sure?"


"Good luck to them then." I laugh. "Still going to get tattoos today?"

"That's the plan, also when Bella comes to tell you act surprised."

"Yes yea." He says and I sit and watch him clean his rifle while I eat my apple. We look up as Bella comes into the kitchen. I smile as I watch her grab dad a beer and then stand in front of him for a good minute before she starts talking. Awkward as always Bells.

"I have a date today." Dad looks at Bella and then at me.

"With who?"

"Edward Cullen."

"Dr. Cullens boy?" Bella nods and I hide my laugh. "Isn't he a bit old for you?" Oh man you have no idea dad.

"We're both juniors." Dad nods. "I thought you liked the Cullens."


"I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town?"

"Edward doesn't live in town. Technically." Oh man this is entertaining as hell.

"He's right outside he wants to meet you. Officially. " I laugh again. Dad snaps the rifle together.

"Alright bring him in."

"Can you be nice, he's kinda important." Dad draws a halo over his head and Bella goes to get Edgar.

"This should be fun." I say and watch as Edwin walks into the kitchen. Dad stands up.

"Chief Swan." Oh man I should record this. "I wanted to formally introduce myself, I'm Edward Cullen."


"Bella won't be out too late, we're just going to play baseball with my family." Man can you sound anymore unnatural? Like honestly, like he's reading a bad movie script.

"Right well good luck with that." Dad says and I laugh a little again. They go to leave but dad asks Bella if she still has the paper spray. Man this is good entertainment.

"Well that was interesting." I say once I hear the door close.

"He seems nice enough." Dad says. "Don't you gotta get going?"

"Trying to get rid of me?" I ask holding my hand to my heart. "That really hurt me."

"So dramatic, now get out of my house." I sigh and stand up.

"Alright I'll see you later, there's lasagna in the fridge you can heat up for dinner." I kiss him on the cheek as I pull on my jacket. "You could invite Billy over."

"Alright bye Celeste." He says and pushes me towards the door. "Drive safe."

"Bye dad." I walk out the house and go to pick everyone up at Alex's house.


"Welcome to Aced Inked." A girl says as we walk into the shop. "What are you guys looking to do today?"

"I'm here for a tattoo and tongue piercing." I tell her.

"Alright, which one first?" She asks me as she starts gathering papers.

"Tattoo." I tell her and she nods and hands me the papers.

"Sigh these and I'll get Ray for you, then I'll help you three." She says and walks deeper into the shop. I sign all the papers and take out the paper I had to print and get my dad to sign.

"So what are you looking at getting done?" A guy I assume Ray asks.

"Well, I want something like this." I tell him and show him some of the dragons I had drawn.

"These are dope. You drew them?"

"Yea, actually I also wanted to ask you take apprentices here?"

"You interested in becoming a tattoo artist?" Well obviously I asked.

"Yea." I say keeping my eye roll in.

"Well we can talk about that more, while we tattoo you." I nod as he looks through the sketches. "So where's this going?"

"Rib cage." I tell him and pat the right side of my body.

"Alright then I think this one is best." He says pointing to one of the drawings. "Colors?"

"Mostly black and grey and a little bit of red." I tell him. "Like the eyes."

"Alright, I'm gonna go make the stencil, give me like 20 minutes." I nod and walk over to Conner who's talking to his own artist, he's getting a huge back piece done.


"How's the pain?" Ray asks me as he works on my tattoo.

"Not bad." I tell him, Alex comes into the area and sits in the corner. "All done?" I ask her and she nods and shows me her ear and new industrial piercing. "Badass." She smiles and Ray laughs a little.

"No tattoos for you?" He asks her.

"No not today anyway." She tells him.

"Boring if you ask me." I tell Ray.


"Dude this is sick." I tell Ray as I look in the mirror staring at my new tattoo.

"Glad you like it." He says as he cleans up. "Ready to wrap it?" I nod and he puts the saniderm on the tattoo. "Okay let's take you to Kit and he'll price your tongue." I nod and follow him to the other part of the shop. "All yours Kit."

"Thanks Man." Kit says and motions for me to follow him . "Just a normal tongue right?"


"Here's the jewelry pick one." He says pointing at a shelf in the glass case. "I'll be back in a sec."

"Alex I need your opinion, you too Viv." I say, Conner was still getting tattooed.

"I like this one." Alex says pointing at a silver bar with a red gem.

"Ooo me too, plus red matches your aura." Vivian tells me.

"Alright." I agree, red is my favorite color.

"All good?" Kit asks as he comes back out with his gloves on.

"Yea I want this one please." I tell him pointing at the jewelry. He nods and picks it up.

"Can we watch her get pierced?" Vivian asks Kit.

"Yea come on." He says and we follow him to the back. "Okay sit." I listen and sit down while he peeps everything. He marks my younger and gets the clamp. "Okay breathe in and." There's a needle in my tongue. "Okay one more time." And now there's not.

"That was way less fun than I thought it would be." Vivian says and Kit laughs a little.

"Took it like a champ." He says. "Check it out." I take the mirror from him and stare at my tongue.

"I love it." I tell him and he smiles.

"Alright let's get you checked out." We follow him back out and god damn did I spend a lot of money. I make sure to tip both Kit and Ray good because they deserve it. (Seriously tip your tattoo artist and Piercers people.)

And after a little longer Conner came out and paid as well as tipped.

"That was fun." Alex said and I nodded in agreement. "Now food?" The other two agree and well I currently can't eat but I am thirsty so let's go.


I walk into my house and see my dad just sitting at the table with his head in his hands.

"Hey pops what's wrong?"

"She left."

"Who left?" Man talking with this kinda hurts.

"Bella." I sat down next to him.


"She said she didn't want to be stuck here like mom and she left." His eyes were watery.

"Oh dad." I say and hug him. "I'm sure she don't mean it, maybe she's going through something."

"I hope so Cel, I hope so." I sigh and keep hugging him. One thing for sure, I'm going to smack the shit out of her.


All tattoo art comes off of Pinterest

All credit goes to the artist and the tattoo artist

Also I change the Medusa tattoo that Celeste has so there's new art for that in chapter MEDUSA

Also there's like 4 or less chapter left before part 2

New Moon where I will break your spirits

Please vote and comment so I know to keep writing.



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