《WILD CHILD • Emmett Cullen》Bella's Turn


"Morning." I jump at the voice and turn to see Emmett sitting on my bed.

"Creepy dude." I say and turn back to my mirror to finish my makeup. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Can't come say hi to my girl?" He asks wiggling his brows at me in the mirror.

"We go to school together, couldn't have waited 20 minutes?" I ask going to sit with him. "Am I just that irresistible?"

"Yes but also I'm not going to school today."

"Why not?"

"According to Alice and the news it's going to be sunny today."

"Right don't want you melting in front of the whole student body." I tease, he shakes his head. "Disintegrating?" He shakes his head again. "Alright I give up, what happens when you're in the sun?"

"We sparkle." I laugh, I mean come on that's ridiculous and he's a vampire.

"Oh your serious." I say he nods, and I laugh again.

"Well then disco man, I'll see you later." I say and kiss his cheek before I walk out of my room. I walk to Bella's door and knock before walking in. "Fancy ditching with me?"

"I said you can't make that a regular thing." She said looking up from her shoes.

"But Bella it's sunny today." I say. "We could go to La Push and it's be like a real beach day."

"Just because the suns out doesn't mean it's hot enough for a beach day."

"But for Forks it is." I say. "Come on Bells."

"Mmm no, and if you want to skip ask dad." She says and walks past me but trips, I reach out a hand to steady her. I giggle a little and follow her downstairs. "Morning."

"How are doing on this fine morning dad?" I ask.

"She wants something doesn't she?" Bella nods her head and sits down to eat.

"A girl can't ask how her dads doing?" I say holding my chest, I sit next to Bella and grab the last green apple, need to buy more. "I'm honestly hurt." Dad just stares at me and waits. "Okay so maybe I want to not go to school today."

"Well what we're you thinking of doing?"

"Going down to la push, maybe surf a little." I say, please let me skip.

"Alright, I guess." Yes! "What about you Bells, wanna join Cel?"

"No thank you." Bella says. "I actually care about my future." Snotty.

"Who says I don't care about my future?"

"You're lack of college applications."

"College is a sham, Isabella. Besides you don't need a degree to become a tattoo artist." She shakes her head and walks back upstairs.

"You sure about not going to college Cel?" Dad asks. "Not saying you have too, but it could be a good experience."

"No thank you, 12 years of school is enough." I say. "Besides I get to make a living out of stabbing people and it's legal." I say, dad shakes his head.

"Come on pops, never thought of getting a tattoo?"


"Even when Billy and Harry got theirs?"

"No not even then." I shake my head and pull my phone out to text Alex I can't pick her up today. "When I become a tattoo artist would you get a tattoo from me?"

"Would I have to pay?"


"I'd give you a discount." I say shrugging.

"Mm if you mess it up your grounded." I laugh at him. "I'm serious I'll tell them you can't go to work cause I said no."

"Alright that's fair." I say, I go back upstairs to grab my beach stuff. "You're still here?" I ask Emmett when I see he's still sitting on my bed going through my sketchbook.

"Tattoo artist huh?" He asks.

"Yea why?" I ask shrugging as I sit down and change into a pair of vans, docs and the beach don't mix I learned that long ago. I grab a swimsuit out of the drawer and shove it into my beach bag.

"Nothing I could see it, the hot tattoo artist everyone wants to do their tattoos." I smile at him.

"Such a shame you can't get one." I say, I walk over to my bookshelf and pull down my copy of Dracula. "Hey get Jasper to sign this for me will ya?" I ask showing him the book.

"Come over to ours today and ask him yourself."

"No thank you I have plans already." I tell him. "The ocean is calling me and who am I? A mere mortal to ignore the call."

"Edwards right you're weird." He says laughing.

"Tell Edmund I said to get lose his virginity then come at me." I say and take my sketchbook from him. "Now shoo, I'm leaving."

"Wow abandoning me?" He says holding his chest.

"Yes yes I am." I say and grab a pair of sunglasses and put them on. "Now go home and fight with Calvin."

"Fine fine." He walks over to me and kisses me lightly. "I'll see yo later." I nod and he kisses me again before flashing out of my room. I shake my head lightly and go downstairs.

"Alright Bells be safe at school and don't talk to strange men who drive a Volvo." I say as she gets ready to walk out the house. She rolls her eyes while dad and I laugh.

"Alright I gotta head to work now, you heading out now?" Dad says while he slides on his jacket.

"Yea hoping to get breakfast at Emily's." I say.

"Alright well be safe and see you at the diner later."

"Alright bye dad." He kisses my forehead and walks out. "Stay safe." I call out before the door closes. "Okay keys, towel, shades, and cash." Let's go.

I leave the house and make sure to lock the door, as I throw my stuff into the backseat my phone starts to ring.

"Yo." I answer and start to back out of the driveway.

"Are you skipping today?" Vivian asks, I can hear the other two in the background.

"Yea it's sunny." I tell her. "And not to hot, therefore, I will not be inside today."

"Why not invite us?" Alex whines, I laugh a little at her.

"Didn't think you'd be interested in watching me surf for a whole day again."

"No we're coming you on the way there already?" Conner asks, he has candy in his mouth I can tell.

"Yea, head to Emily's we can crash their breakfast." I tell them and look in my mirror and see Vivs car behind me. "Race ya there." I say and hang up. She speeds up but not enough. I turn the music up and scream along to Bring Me The Horizon.


I pull into embolus drive way and get out of Ruby before Viv even turns. I start to walk towards them only to get jumped on halfway by Alex.

"How dare you try to abandon me?" She asks while I just carry her and walk to the door. "I mean honestly I'm a little hurt."

"Apologies your majesty, it was the drugs." I say and knock on the door.

"You better not be on drugs." Sam says as he opens the door and gestures for us to walk in.

"Sir yes sir." I joke which makes Alex laugh and Sam shake his head. "Take her." I say to Leah who's sitting at the table eating. I drop Alex into Leah's lap and walk around to the stove. "Good Morning beautiful." Emily kisses my cheek which results in me turning to face Sam and wiggle my eyebrows.

"What are we chopped liver?" Jared asks motioning to himself and Paul.

"Paul could never be chopped liver." I tell him going over and hug Paul, or maybe hugs the wrong word but who cares. "You on the other hand well."

"Don't you have school?" Jared asks clearly pouting. Emily hands the four of us each a plate.

"Don't you?" I shoot back.

"No they dropped out." Leah tells me. Excuse me? They what?

"Leah!" They say simultaneously.

"Both of you are grounded." I tell them. "And don't yell at Leah." I say slapping their heads.

"Wanna come down to the beach with us?" Conner asks, I wonder if he's specifically asking Paul.

"Hell yea!" Jared says.

"I'll make lunches for everyone." That causes everyone, minus the three, to let out whoops. I look over at Vivian and see her biting her lip.

"Say where's your brother?" I ask Jared.

"Patrolling don't worry girly he'll be here soon." He says winking at Viv causing her to blush and a round of laughs. Speak the devil and he will appear, Logan walks through the door and stops when he sees the overcrowded kitchen.

"Morning." He says before he grabs a muffin out of the basket and goes to stand near Vivian. Me and Conner lock eyes and start giggling like 5 year olds. I feel Paul shaking his head under me.


"So how's the pack?" I ask Leah, we're alone now in the water, her being the only one who surfs. We were just sitting on our boards.

"Horrible amazing you know normal." I snorted at that. "Sam hated it at first, it was awkward still is at times but it got better."

"Oh and what changed?" I asked dragging my fingers in the water.

"I want no jokes at all." I crossed my heart. "Alex changed it."


"I imprinted on her and it made a lot of the tension go away, and me and Emily reconnected."

"Good good, the fuck is an imprint?"

"Not my place to tell you, you'd have to ask Paul."

"Come on Leah, what happened to bros before hoes."

"I am not a hoe." Paul said as he popped up out of the water. "Second of all drown bitch." He flipped the board over before I could try to stop him.

"Fucking bastard." I said spitting water out. Leah was laughing at me, I looked at Paul and he flipped hers over too. She came up and started splashing us both. "Aw is the baby mad she's wet." I cooed as I splashed her back.

"I will end you." She tried lunging at me only to get pushed back under by Paul who I splashed in revenge for her.

"I was helping you." He said as I splashed him.

"Oops." I said and kept plashing him before I was pulled under by my foot. It was Leah, the bitch, ha the female werewolf is a bitch. I'm funny I don't care.

"Enough you three, lunch." Sam called out.

"Aye aye captain." I called before I swam out to get my board back from were it floated to.


"How was the beach?" Dad asked as we walked into the diner.

"It was cool. The boys came and joined."

"That's nice, oh Bell's isn't coming."

"Why not?"

"She went dress shopping." I started laughing hard, I mean Bella and dresses? That doesn't mix. "Oh you're serious."

"It's what she told me, prepping for prom with, Jess and Ang."

"Bella doesn't even want to go to prom!" I said shaking my head. "I swear she's out doing drugs or something." I say waving the menu around.

"Or she could be dress shopping for prom with her friends." I look at him for a while.

"And Jack the Ripper could've just been a nice person."

"Enough with the serial killer comparisons." I shake my head and his mustache twitches. One day I'll find out what magic that thing has.


"Celeste wake up." I'm being shaken I swear someone better be fucking dying. I open my eyes to see Bella hovering over me. I look at my clock.

"It's 3 in the morning Bells what the hell." I say trying to get her to let go of me.

"Celeste wake up now." She starts shaking me faster.

"What do you want?" I was whining, am I to old for that? Probably. Do I give a single flying bloodsucking werewolf turning fuck?

"Okay I know I'm going to sound insane but I need you to listen."

"It's not like I have a choice do I?" I say sitting up, god I was having a good dream to, don't remember it but it was good. "We'll speak child."

"The Cullens are vampires."

"I'm going to kill Edmund." I mumble.


"Nothing go on." I'm going to drive up to his house and beat him with my bat and then a crowbar and then I'm going to set fire to his dead rat looking as hair.

"Okay when we went to La Push, Jacob told me the tribe legends." Dumb fuck. "And why the Cullens won't go over there, so I did research and found this book, so today when I went to Port Angeles I went to buy it." Nosey child she is. Shame on her. "And when Edward saved me I was in his car and I touched his hand and it was ice cold and look at this story called the cold ones. And he told me he can read minds, just not mine."

"Back up. Saved you? From what dresses?"

"No a group of guys."

"What did Stanley and Ang do?"

"Oh I was alone."

"I told dad it was a lie." I said mainly to myself. "How stupid of you go to off alone to a new place." I scold her.

"Ok ok shame on me." Right. "That doesn't change the fact that they're vampires." I just stared at her. "Celeste your dating a vampire."

"And you have a crush on his vampire brother." I say.

"You already knew."

"To be fair I didn't want to know, men are just stupid."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She sounds to hurt my poor Bella.

"It's not my secret to tell." I say. "I'm sorry I didn't Bella."

"It's alright. I'm going to confront him tomorrow." She says looking determined.

"If you feels that what right." If he's even alive tomorrow. "Now sleep Bella." I say shooing her out of my room.

"Night Celeste."

"Night Bella." I wait until I hear her door close to get up and get dressed. I dress in black for the occasion of a murder. I grab my keys and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth cause hygiene bitches. I tiptoe down to my car and pull off towards the Cullens at full speed.

My phone goes off it's Alice. I pick it up. "He says he's sorry." She says before I even say hi.

"I'm still going to beat him."

"You can't hurt us." Calvin says from somewhere in the back.

"I can try. Please have him standing outside in 3 minutes."

"Will do." Alice says giggling. I laugh as I hang up and speed up a bit. When I pull into the driveway everyone's outside minus Esme and Carlisle, good I feel less bad now.

"To be fair, it's that mutt who told her first." Edward said as I got out the car.

"Don't call them mutts you pompous rat." I said pointing my bat at him. "And I suppose it's him who told her you read minds or is creepy in class?"

"Well not exactly." Thats not answer you fucking bitch. "Okay I can tell you're mad."

"Oh can you?" I put the bat over my should and he flinched. "Jasper stop trying to use you're weird witchcraft on me please."

"Sorry ma'am."

"I will personally burn you and dance around you're burning body if this hurts or affects her in any way do you understand me?" I ask him.

"Yes." Good, I swing the bat and it cracks him upside the head. He stumbles a little weather it was from the force or surprise I don't know. It makes everyone laugh though and makes me feel happy inside.

"I still don't like you." I say and turn around to get back in the car. "Good night." I say and wave as I drive away. I hate him so fucking much.

• • • •


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Anywho, if you're looking for a new book to read check out A_ngel_22 's book

Olympia High and say hi to her for me


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