《WILD CHILD • Emmett Cullen》Family Bonding


Few days later

"Isabella." I said as I slid into my sisters room in my socks.

"Can I help you Celestial?"

"That's not even my name."

"But it's pretty." I laid down next to her in bed.

"I guess, but enough about names, how have you been?"

"I've been good."

"Okay But give me details Bella!" I cried out shaking her shoulder a little. "Who has the worst breath in the gossip clique? Anymore dates to prom? Who is the worst flirt out of all the horrid choices you have?"

"Ok um, I don't smell their breath, that's weird and gross." I laugh and nod. "Tyler Crowley asked me but I think it's as an apology for almost crushing me." Fucking bitch I still need to kill him. "And honestly Mike because it makes Jess angry and his jokes are bad and he ways weird things and he nicknamed me Arizona."

"Woah there lots to unpack. Okay let's start with, Tyler Crowley and his invite to prom." I poke Bella's stomach and she giggles a little. "What did you tell him?"

"I said no."

"Aww you probably broke his heart."

"I doubt it. Like I said he did it cause he felt bad about the accident."

"Or maybe he asked because he thinks your pretty and he likes you because your nice." Bella blushes a little.

"Maybe but that's not the point."

"Okay so the only one left to ask you is Eric Yorkie."

"Oh god I hope he doesn't."

"Why not?"

"Because Angela likes him."

"Angela is the one who wears glasses yea?" I ask her and she nods. "I like her she seems sweet."

"She is and she's into photography."

"Nice. Okay now let's unpack the whole nickname thing. One you called Stanley Jess, and two what bad nickname did Mike give you."

"Well I mean Jess is just a nickname. And Mike calls me Arizona."

"Your joking?"

"Nope, he calls me Arizona." I can't help but laugh and Bella joins in. "The other day he was all 'Hey Arizona, how you liking the rain gurl?'"

"Oh no." I start laughing even more at her male voice. "Poor Bella, you made some weird friends."

"No overall they're really nice, little much but nice."

"Good I'm happy your making friends, speaking of you know how you told Mike your going to visit mom."

"Yea why?"

"He had his sister ask me if that was true."

"Your lying."

"Nope, her name is Jade, she's hot."

"Wow." I nod and we just lay there for a while. "Okay I'm going to bed now, you gonna stay with me?"She asks as she gets up to change. Girl it's like 8:30.

"Oh I would, but that would interrupt your stalkers schedule and I'd feel bad to the people he complains too." I tell her getting up from the bed.

"You make some weird jokes."

"Yea jokes." I mutter. "Okay good night Bells. And lock your windows." Seriously. I walk downstairs and sit next to dad who's watching a football home.

"Wassup pops."

"The water bill." He says back. I laughed, sadly.

"Was that a dad joke?"

"Was it funny?"

"Little bit."

"Then yes Celeste, it was a dad joke."

"I didn't know you could make jokes." I say teasing him.

"I made you and Bella didn't I?" He says laughing after.


"Oh now your just being mean dad." I said crossing my arms and sinking back into the couch.

"Aw did I hurt your feelings?"

"No it's fine, you made jokes but you also married one." He laughs harder at that. "Speaking of, hows the love life dad?"

"Nope we're not talking about this."

"Oh come on dad."

"Okay I'll tell you if you tell me." Nooo. I look at him and he just waits silently.

"Fine." I say. "What would you like to know?"

"Are you and Paul finally together?" Oh no no no no. I start laughing, like really hard. I almost fall of the couch from laughing. "What its a legit question."

"I know I know." I say still laughing a little. "Um Paul doesn't play for my team." Dad looks really confused for a second.

"Ohhh." Yes sir. "So what about Leah?"

"Nah she's into my friend Alex."

"Yea, I'm glad your making friends here." I nod. "So your happy here?"

"I've always been happy here. It's home." He smiles really big at that. "Now onto you." I rub my hands together like a villain. "Any women, men, or crushes?"

"No Celeste. My life is my job and the sports channels."

"Don't forget fishing."

"Yes and fishing."

"And your happy?" That's all that matters.

"Yes Celeste I am very very happy. I got my girls home with me and my friends. I'm happy." I smile at him.

"Good I just want to make sure your happy."

"I am, I really really am. Are you?"

"Yea dad, I really am."

"Good." We sit and watch the game for a little, even though I know nothing about football.

"Why not date Billy Black?" I ask him as he starts to clean up His garbage.

"Oh I don't think I'm his type."

"You don't know till you try."

"Good night Celeste." He says as he walks up the stairs.

"Night dad, love you."

"Love you too." I smile and stand up to finally go to sleep. United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru. Republic Dominican, Cuba Caribbean, Greenland, El Salvador too. Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana and still. Guatemala, Bolivia. I open Bella's bed room door fast as hell.

I see Edward Cullen sitting in her chair in the corner. You have 2 seconds to get into this hallway before I scream out loud. Edward gets up and stands in front of me. Follow me. Fucking vampires and stupid creeps and stupid mind reader who fell for a stupid trick. I open the front door and go outside.

"Are you fucking insane?" I ask. "No forget that I know your insane. What the fuck are are you doing watching my sister sleep?"

"I just like watching her sleep." Edward mumbles.

"And you don't think that's fucking weird?"

"I just."

"I don't care what you just like or think, in fact stay here." I pay pointing at the ground. I walk inside and grab my keys off the table and put on a pair of Bella's converse that she left by the door. Thank god I'm still dressed. "Get in the car." I walk around to the other side and get in.

"Where are we going?"

"To your house, so I make sure you stop doing this shit."

"Look I just like knowing that she's okay."


"One why and two I'm pretty sure there are less creepy ways to do so."

"It's difficult to explain."

"If you can't explain it then don't do it."

"It's just so human."

"What sleep, sorry we don't sleep in coffins." I hate him.

"One that's rude and two we don't sleep like at all."

"At all at all?"

"No sleep."

"That must fucking suck. Ha suck." I say.

"You have the jokes of a twelve year old boy."

"Yes yes I know, but that wasn't a sex joke that was a vampire pun."

"That's even worse." I was driving slower than usual.

"Says you, moving on. If you don't think you and my sister should even be friends why watch her?"

"Next question." Pussy. "Rude." Don't care.

"Fine, you guys drink from animals, rank them best to worst."

"They all taste the same, but I prefer mountain lions if that's what you mean."

"Pretty much okay next if I got a pet dog would you be tempted to drink it."

"No, Celeste what kind of question is that."

"A valid one." I say as I pull into the Cullens driveway. "Now goodbye and don't be creepy anymore."

"That's it? All that for this." I nod my head.

"Pretty much, good night Edgar."

"Come on you know my name."

"Prove it Edwin."

"What Emmett sees in you I have no idea."

"What anyone has ever seen in you I have no idea." Bitch.

"Cursing is a sign of lesser intelligence."

"Me finding you in my sisters room is a sign of a pervert."

"It's not." Nope not today.

"Yes it is."

"She's right Edward." Calvin says. Where the fuck? "Hello firework."


"What are you doing here?" He asks leaning on my car.

"Get off of my car. And I'm here to drop off your pervert brother."

"Why thank you for that, wanna come in for a midnight snack?"

"Mm house full of vamps and one human for snack time doesn't seem to pleasant on my part."

"Oo it wasn't really a question." Calvin says opening my door and pulling me up. Edward gets out from the car too.

"See you do my name." He says laughing.

"Prove it Egg. What are you gonna do tell people you read my mind?"

"She's annoying." He says ignoring me and speaking to Calvin who is dragging me toward the house.

"Ok creep I care what you think of me." Bitch ass hoe. "And can you let me go, I want to go home."

"But it's not fair that Edwin gets all the fun brother in law bonding time over me."

"In law?" I turn toward Evan. "You can't marry my sister without asking me first."

"He means you marrying into our family."

"Calvin as flattering as that is, I don't Jasper would like me marrying Alice too much."

"I wasn't taking about Alice."

"Oh Rosalie?" Calvin stopped pulling me so we just standing in the entrance.


"Are you saying I can marry Esme, because she's super sweet."

"You enjoy being difficult don't you?"

"Yes ma'am I do." Calvin rolls his eyes and starts to walk away. Does this mean I can leave?

"Nope lets go inside." Eggplant says pushing me into the house. "Really eggplant?"

"Sorry envelope."

"Hi Celeste!" Is all I hear before I'm being hugged.

"Hi Alice."

"Come on." She starts dragging me towards the kitchen area.

"Body attached to that arm." I joke. "Oh hello." I say waving because the whole family was in then kitchen. "I just came to drop off your creep." I gesture at Ernie.

"You should've kept him." Rosalie says.

"No no thank you." I say. Esme puts a plate of cookies in front of me. "How are you such a good cook if you guys don't you know eat?"

"I like it, it's calming and makes me feel more human."

"That's really sweet." I tell her.

"Thank you."

"Shame you can't taste it, it's amazing."

"Are you flirting with my mom now?" Emmett asked.

"No." Fucking bitch don't speak to me.

"She doesn't want you to speak to her." Evelin tells him.

"Snitch bitch." I mumble. "Thats why you have to sneak into Bella's room to be within 10 feet of her." Calvin and Jasper start laughing really loud while everyone else just laughs normally. "Speaking of does anyone else think that should be illegal?"

"I agree." Jasper says, he sounds like a cowboy.

"Thank you Jasper."

"How is that you've never spoken to him before today but you know his name?" Edmund asks.

"As previously stated Emma, I know your name, Jasper doesn't creep on my sister therefore I respect him." I tell him. "He also has a nice accent."

"Thank you ma'am."

"No problem cowboy."

"Hey nicknames are my thing." Calvin says.

"Didn't ask."

"You call me a creep but Emmett can do it?"

"Emmett watches Bella sleep?" Hell no I will burn him.

"No he watches you sleep."

"I'm calling the cops." I say. "That's fucking weird and you two." I say turning on Calvin and Jasper, "You let me call out Earl and agree with me and don't tell me Evangeline is doing the same thing?"

"To be fair, he does it less than Edward." Jasper says defending Emmett.

"No, still weird ranger rick." I turn towards Emmett. "And you don't do that shit, it's literally illegal and weird and no." I stand up. "Good night, I'm going to go board up my windows now." I walk out the house as fast as I can. The fuck is this weird as hell mother fucking vampires. I get into Ruby and drive home as fast as I can. Fucking weird, I thought them just being vampires was as weird as it would get. Or my friends turning into horse sized puppies but no, they have to creep in our rooms.

I get out of Ruby and quietly sneak upstairs into my room. And do you want to know what I find there? Emmett fucking Cullen, professional stalker.

"Get out." I whisper.

"No just hear me out please?"

"About what the fact that you watch me sleep?"




"No, and you know what makes it worse, you say we can't be friends and shouldn't speak but you want to watch me sleep? Get out of my room."

"I said that to protect you."

"Cool beans dude it worked we're not friends get out."

"Celeste please just sit and talk to me."

"You can talk but I'm standing." Ain't no man telling me to anything.

"Fine, I only did it twice." Not helping. "Once was the first day I met you and then the second time was the day I said we shouldn't be friends."

"Okay I need more information."

"Well I just, I know it seemed like I didn't care about not being friends anymore, but I did, and I wanted to come here and take it back. I just got distracted because you looked so peaceful."

"Well that's kinda sweet and the first time?"

"Promise you won't yell."

"I make no promises, now tell me." Obviously I'm not gonna tell but still he can't know that.

"It was over the summer." Excuse me. "You bumped into me at the super market and Alice has planned that and if Alice planned it then it was important so I had to see. And I was only in here for like 5 minutes."

"Okay no yelling. But what do you mean Alice planned it?"

"Well she can see the future."

"How the fuck?"

"It's kinda like how Edward can read minds, we call them gifts."

"Any other gifts I should be aware of?" I sit next to him on my bed.

"Jasper can influence and sense emotions."


"That's it?"

"For now." I say. "Oh wait do you guys turn into bats?"

"No we don't."

"Okay that's it. Oh and I'm still a little creeped out about you and Edward watching us while we sleep."

"Well I'm sorry and again I only did it twice Edward does it every night."

"Your brothers fucking weird."

"I know." I laugh at him and take off my shoes. "Good night Celeste."

"Good night Emmett." I watch him jump out of my window.

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