《WILD CHILD • Emmett Cullen》Memory Lane


Summer 2001

(3 & a half years before this book starts)

"Come on bear boy it's not that big of a jump." Celeste called up to Paul.

"Excuse me if I choose life over am adrenaline rush!"

"You won't die! I promise."

"Pinky promise?" He held out his pinky even though he knew they couldn't lock pinkies.

"Pinky promise!" She yelled back and held her pinky up too. Paul nodded once and then jumped off the cliff into the water where his best friend was waiting. He came up gasping for air while Celeste cheered him on. "You did it bear boy!" She wrapped her arms around him. "So what do you have to say to me?"

"You were right and I was wrong."

"Exactly." Paul rolled his eyes and pushes her head under the water. She came up spitting water and shaking her hair out of her face.

"That's it I'm gonna get you for that one Pauly."

"Oh really?"

"Yea really."

"Alright then come at me!"

Christmas 2004

(A year and a few months before this book)

Celeste was throwing pebbles at a window, specifically Paul's bedroom window.

"Come on Pauly, it's freezing out here." The girl whispered to herself. She threw a few more pebbles before a mess of black hair came into view. "Finally."

"Onyx?" Paul calls down.

"No it's God, yes dumbass." Celeste huffs and wraps her arms around herself.

"Okay give me a sec." Paul disappeared from the window and opened the front door a minute or so later. "What are you doing here it's 2 in the morning Crazy!" Paul said as he pulled the girl inside the house.

"Yes but its two in the morning on Christmas!" She did weird jazz hands. "Merry Christmas Pauly bear." Paul stared at her for a minute before shaking his head and laughing.

"Merry Christmas Onyx." She hugged the boy and then pulled away. She pulled a box out of her bag slightly bouncing as she handed it to him.

"Open it open it open it." She chanted while beaming at him.

"I'm opening it." He laughed and stopped when he saw the picture. It was 7 year old them with their Pinkies interlocked. "Onyx."


"I have another gift too." She handed him a small jewelry box.

"You're great and all Onyx But marriage?" Paul teases. "I mean what would the tribe say?" Celeste let out a little laugh. "You know what who cares! Yes a thousand times yes!" He said throwing his arms around her.

"You didn't even open it you dope!"

"Is it not my dream 24 karat diamond engagement ring?"

"Sadly no. Now open it." Paul finally listened and opened the small box. It was a ring, it was a thin and wide black metal ring, plain. "Look at the inside." Paul took the ring out to see promise engraved ok the inside. "It's for your pinky." Paul just looked up and hugged the girl.

"Thank you Onyx." Paul put the ring on. And Celeste help up her left hand.

"Look we match." Paul laughed and hugged Celeste again.

July 2004

(Nine months before this book starts)

"No that's not the kind that Esme wants." Rosalie said pulling the can out of Emmett's hands.

"What does it matter we're not gonna eat it!" Emmett whisper shouts.

"Emmett I will not have this argument with you again!" Rosalie turned and stormed away from her brother and husband.

"Why do you insist on angering her?" Calvin asked with a smirk on his face.

"What's the real harm?" Emmett shrugged and started to walk down the aisle, when a small human bumped into him.

"Shit I'm sorry." It was none other than Celeste Swan. She has to crane her head up to look at him.

"It's okay no harm done." Celeste smiles at him.

"Cool then can you move, you're in front of the beans." She pointed at the shelf behind him.

"Right sorry." Emmett moves over and Calvin dragged him away from the girl and back to Rosalie.

"How was the store?" Alice asked as the trio walked back into the Cullen household.

"You planned that didn't you?" Calvin asked smirking.

"Maybe." The pixie like girl shrugged. "So Emmett anything interesting happen?"

"Why no Alice, why do you ask?"

"He's lying." Edward called from somewhere in the house.


"Snitch bitch." Emmett's called back.

"Come on Emmett tell me." Emmett looked down at his sister.

"Fine Alice." The girl clapped her hands. "I argued with Rosalie about such kind of tomato sauce we had to get." Alice sighed and Emmett let out a booming laugh.

"Men." She grumbled.

"I take offense to that darling." Jasper said as he came and wrapped his arms around his wife. Alice smiles softly at him and kissed his cheek.

"Take it up with Emmett." And She sashayed away.

September 13 2004

(6 months before the start of this book)

"Happy Birthday Bells!" Celeste screamed as she jumped onto her younger sisters bed.

"Happy birthday to you to Celeste." Bella said as she sat up.

"Why thank you my dear." She reaches down to the floor and grabbed two boxes. "Here open it." Bella rolled her eyes.

"We said no gifts." And yet she went a pulled out a box for Celeste as well. Bella opened hers first. "Thank you Celeste." She said with a wide smile. It was two pairs of converse, a black pair and a white pair. "They're perfect."

"I know, I have taste." The twins laughed and Celeste opened up her gift. A pair of black Doc Martens. "Aww thank you Bells." She said wrapping her sister in a hug.

"Well as someone once said, you can never have too many Doc Martens."

"And how wise and right that person was." They laughed again and their mom walked in the room.

"Happy Birthday girls."

"Thanks mom." Bella said.


"Here, these are from me, and these are from your father." Renee said handing them each two gifts. Renee got Celeste a some hot pink mess of a dress, if you asked her, which annoyed her to no end because Renee was always trying to change her style. Her dad got her a new set of paints and brushes to go with it. Renee got Bella a ring. Lucky, Celeste thought. Her dad got her some new books.

"Thanks." Celeste said standing and grabbing her gifts. "I'm gonna go call dad, Bells you want to talk to him?"

"I'll call him in a few."


"Yes Celeste." Celeste nodded and walked out of the room.

September 13 2004- 3 hours later

"Hey boo." Celeste said as she walked into Addisons garage. Addison looked up and smiled at her.

"Hi babe." She wipes her hands on a rag and walked over to hug her girlfriend. "Happy birthday."

"Why thank you." Celeste said and smiled before she kissed the girl. "So how's Ruby coming along?" She smiled when Addison let out a groan.

"She's not."

"It can't be that bad, come on let's look." Celeste let go of Addison and walked over to the car. Addison didn't follow just watched as Celeste started to look into the engine. "Hey now I'm not gonna do all the work." Addison smiled at her.

"Ok but first your gift." She handed Celeste a bag.

"You didn't have to get me anything."

"Yea I did." Celeste smiles and kissed her again before she opened the bag.

"Oh it's so pretty." Celeste said taking the ring out of the box.

"Yea I have a matching one."

"Does this make us engaged?"

"If you want it to mean that."

"Yes, yes I do." Addison laughed and kissed Celeste. "I want a fall wedding, and I want to wear a black wedding dress." Celeste started swaying them to sound of the Beatles.

"Whatever you want."

"I just want you."

"You got me baby."

"Then I'm set for life."

September 15, 2004

"Are you insane Celeste?" Bella Swan yelled at her twin. "That's shits real! It's fucking permanent."

"Yes Bella I know that's the point."

"Celeste a tattoo!"

"Yes Bella I'm well aware of what I put on my body thank you."

"What is mom gonna say?" Celeste roller her eyes as her sister started pacing. "You know what let's just cut your leg off."

"Yes Bella because a missing leg is better than a tattoo."

"Celeste be serious for a minute."

"I can't he's dead." Celeste's voice cracked when she said the word dead. "She's dead."

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