《WILD CHILD • Emmett Cullen》Surfs Up


"Bro what the fuck?" Vivian asked as I drove all of us to school.

"I don't even know man." We're talking about how Emmett decided to cancel the date and our friendship.

"Whatever his loss." Conner says. I nod in agreement and pull into a parking space. I think Alex is the most upset why I couldn't tell you. I get out to let Conner and Vivian out of the car.

"Alex come on." She shakes her head and slides down in her seat. "Alex come on. Viv she won't get out."

"Why won't you get out?" Viv asks as she comes and stands next to me.

"I don't wanna be here."

"No one does, but we are." Alex sighs and finally gets out of the car. "Emmett Cullen is staring at you again." We all look over to where the Cullen Coven is standing around their cars.

"Man I hate this place, I say we leave." Conner speaks up. Agreed hoe.

"Lets go then." Alex says, bouncing in excitement.

"Let me go tell Bella first." I Say and walk towards my sister before I'm stopped by.

"Hi I'm Jade." Shes hot, like super hot. She extends her hand for me to shake, which I do, obviously.

"I'm Celeste."

"Right, talk of the town." Ugh she ruined it, here I was planning our wedding and she ruined it. "Sorry that's weird." You think? But your hot so maybe I'll forgive you.

"Can I help you Jade?"

"Um I don't know if you know my brother, Mike?"

"Looks like a lost puppy?" She laughs and runs her hand though her hair. Hot.

"Yea, well uh he asked your sister to prom?"

"Bold of him." She has a nice smile. "What did she say?"

"That she's going to Jacksonville."

"Yea visiting our mom and her boyfriend." I raise an eyebrow. "So how can I help you?"

"He wanted me to find out if she was lying." Nope no wedding, maybe just a fling or something.

"Ahh, and if I tell you she was would you tell him that?"

"Is she?"

"Maybe, tell your brother, regardless she wouldn't have said yes. Hopefully I see you around Jade." I pat her shoulder and walk away. "Bella darling."


"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"Yes I will cover for you today, but you will not make this a habit." I throw my arms around her.


"I love you." I say as I rock us back and forth.

"And you have to cook dinner tonight, alone." Spoke to soon.

"Fine what do you want?"

"Rice beans and pork chops, please. The meats already defrosting." She planned this.

"Fine, I'll see you at home." I kiss her cheek. "Don't add to the population, don't subtract from the population, unless you want to kill Edwardo. Don't end up on the news and don't end up in jail."

"Same goes for you." I nod and walk back towards my friends when disaster struck. Or realization.

"The art project is due today." I said to my friends while I opened the trunk of Ruby. "How did I forget that? I worked so hard on this." They come around to see the painting, that is no longer Medusa. I look up to see Edwin Cullen let out what looks like choked laughter.

"This is gruesome Celeste." Conner says, while laughing, Vivian and Alex where holding each other bent over witch cackling.

"Thank you darling." I close the trunk and walk over to the Cullens. "Here, make sure Ms. Gilmore gets it." I hand the painting to Emmett. "Stop glaring at my sister Rosalie, it makes you look your real age you ugly hag." I walk back towards my car and let Conner and Viv into the back. I look up at the Cullens to see all of them laughing, even Rosalie, while Emmett glares at me. "I win." I get in the car and drive out of the lot.

"Okay so what are we doing now that we have decided we're not going to school?" Alex asks us.

"I was thinking the Rez?" I answered as I pulled up to my house. We all got out and walked in, Conner immediately going towards the kitchen. "Don't eat all my food."

"Mmm how about we just invite Leah here?" Vivian suggest.

"Why only Leah?" Alex asks as she lays on the floor.

"Because shes the only one Celeste can tolerate."

"That's not true, I can tolerate all of them minus Logan, but that's his fault not mine."

"What did he do?" Conner asks as he sits on the couch with Vivian.

"It's more so what he didn't do, or couldn't do."

"And what's that?" Conner turns the tv on and starts shifting through the channels.

"He couldn't make his ex cum. Oh stop let's watch this."

"First off what the Fuck? Second of all what is this?" Alex asks sitting up.


"Um he couldn't make his girl cum. And this is Gilmore Girls."

"Ok but what does his lack of talent have to do with you liking him?"

"Well I uh hooked up with her. And when he tried to get back with her she uh threw the fact in his face. And then he tried to fight me about it I also threw it in his face."

"Oh you problem child." Vivian says. "Poor boy you embarrassed him."

"No no, she embarrassed him, I was the victim there."

"How were you the victim?"

"Well one I didn't know she was his ex! I mean I only come here during the summer and some holidays. Plus I didn't think he would get mad at me." I grab some candy from Conner. "And honestly it'd not my fault he's inadequate in bed."

"Poor Vivian." Alex cooes.

"More like poor Vagina." I say. "Maybe I am a problem."

"You a problem? I don't see it." Alex says.

"Okay but really what are we going to do for the day?" Conner asks.

"It is warmer outside then usual." I point out. "Trip to the beach? I can surf!"

"You surf?"

"Yes I do." I jump up and dust off my as. "Okay it's decided." I run up stairs to put on a bikini. I grab a few blankets and run back down. "Come on people we're losing time here."

"Okay okay we're coming." Conner yells back.

"Turn off the tv!" We get into Ruby and then Yes I'm driving as fast as I can, very fast by the way, down to the Rez. I dropped everyone off and helped them set Up. "Okay I'll be back." They nodded and Alex started messing with the radio.

I walked up to Emily's house, because sadly that's where my surfboard is. Before I even made it halfway to the door, the wolves descended. Emily came over and hugged me.

"Don't you have school?" Emily asked as she let go of me.

"I just need my board." I said avoiding her question.

"Doesn't answer her question." Shut up Paul.

"Is it still in the shed?" I ask Emily she nods.

"Jared go get it for her." Emily orders.

"But I wanna see her and Paul fight." Nice one Jared.

"Why would Paul and I fight Jared?"

"Because your mad at him?" I can't help but laugh.

"So me and Paul aren't friends anymore it happens, I for one am done with that, so my board please." Jared nodded and went to go get my board.

"The fuck you mean we aren't friends anymore?"

"You said you were done with me, so that means we're done. No mas, no longer friends, nada zip zilch zero." Jared handed me my board. "Thank you, Where's Leah?"

"On the beach." Emily answers.

"Okay well I'll see you later." I hug Emily again and start to make my way down to the beach. Sadly Paul followed me.

"I know your not serious."

"Oh course not he's dead." He yanked the board out of my arms making me stop.

"This is not the time for your stupid little jokes." Ouch my jokes are not stupid. "You can't just decide to not be friends with me anymore."

"I didn't you decided that." Get your facts straight slut.

"No I didn't." Not in the mood for this bullshit.

"You're the one who said you were done with me. So that's what this is done, finished."

"I didn't mean it."

"Then why say it."

"Because I was mad!"

"So then you apologize you don't just act like it didn't happen!" I want a nap or a drink, maybe both.

"Okay I'm sorry, I just a lot has happened this week."

"You can say that again."

"I really am sorry though." Is he pouting? He's pouting oh my baby. I wrap my arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry to Pauly bear." He laughs and hugs me back, bitch better.

"Good you should be, hurting my feelings and shit Onyx."

"Well that's what I'm good at Pauly bear. Mmm should we change that nickname now, it seems inaccurate."

"The nickname stays dumbass." I laugh and squeeze him.

"Alright well I got people waiting for me so you gonna come or what?"

"Of course I'll come, can't miss a chance to see the Celeste Onyx Swan in action."

"Okay so let's go. And hey what's an Imprint?"

"Oh that's a story for another time doll."

"No tell me now."

"People are waiting for you. I promise I'll tell you though okay?"

"Pinky promise?" I ask and hold up my pinky. He lets out a groan and locks our pinkies.

"You gotta kiss it!" I say as I kiss it and then he does too.

Maybe we'll be okay.

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