《WILD CHILD • Emmett Cullen》Lap dog


"Ok what is up with you two?" Conner asked Alex and I. "I mean no jokes, no laughter no Cullen comments." I can't help but flinch at the mention of the Cullens. Speaking of I could feel a certain one burning holes in the back of my head.

"He's right you two have been awfully quiet today what's wrong." Vivian chimes in.

"Nothing." I mutter at the same time that Alex all but yells. "Everything."

"Ok, someone explain. Now." Bossy.

"We can't."

"Can't or won't."

"Can't, and trust me I want to." Like very badly, I wonder if this is how Jessica feels all the time.

"Then do it."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because it's bad enough as it is, so can we please please it?" God I sound pathetic.

"Fine." Conner snaps and gets up from the table, Vivian following him.

"Guys come on." Alex gets up to follow them and I go with her, obviously. We run to catch up and end up slamming into their backs.

"Who are they?" Vivian asked. I look over Conner's shoulder to see a whole new set of issues, leaning on my car.

"Well the girl would be Leah, the one in the middle is tan buff and daddy issues, the one on the bike is the bitch and the one to the left is the funny one."

"Wanna introduce us?" Conner says.

"Not particularly."

"Oh please they're all hot." Vivian asks.

"If it means you'll drop the discussion from earlier then fine."

"Deal, lets go." I'm going to regret this.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Sam wants us to bring you and Alex to the Rez." Jared answers.

"We have school."

"And when have you ever cared about that?" Leah asks smirking at me.

"Since I'm trying to avoid this." Logan scoffs, who the fuck. "Something to say dick wad?"

"Yea grow the fuck up and get in your car, we don't have all day."

"Then leave, no one wanted you here anyway Logan." Paul snaps.

"Told you bitch and daddy issues." I whisper to Vivian. Logan basically snaps his neck to look at me his eyes then move to Vivian and he just stares at her. Creepy.

"Well I guess your other friends can come too now." Thank you for you're input Jared.


"Right, this Conner and Vivian. Please don't damage them, like you did me and Alex."

"To late sunshine now you all have to come." Leah tells me.

"I'll go, but I don't make decisions for them."

"Alex?" Leah asks her.

"I'll go." Of course you will, because Leah asked you.

"Vivian?" I ask, she blushes when she looks up and meets Logan's eye, oh no, anyone else, please.

"I'll go."


"If it means I get to miss class then let's go."

"Good then let's go." Logan says. "Need a ride Vivian?"

"She's good." Alex, Conner and I snap. Alex grabs Vivian and pulls her to my car.

"Wait but my car."

"Give me the keys." I say, she hands me her keys. "Jared." I toss him the keys and point to the car next me. "Don't be an idiot."

I get in the car and wait till Jared and company pulled off.

"I say we just don't follow them." Alex mutters.

"I agree." I tell her. I wasn't even driving like I usually do, I was trying to prolong this as much as I could.

"Um one of them has my car."

"He'll bring it back eventually."

"And until then?"

"I'll be you're chauffeur."

"No." Ughhhhh why must the world be so cruel. Why do bad things happen to go people. I pull into Sam's driveway to see the whole pack, Emily and the elders, Billy, Old Quil and Harry, standing outside.

"Please can we go back?"

"No." I wanna throw a tantrum. But no, I refuse to hear Logan's mouth again.

"Okay time to face the wolves."

"They can't be that bad." Conner says as I let him out the car. Oh hunny you have no idea. We walk up and stand before the elders. I have the strangest urge to bow to them or something.

"All of them?" Billy asked. The pack of boys nodded, or wolves or whatever I can't. "Alright then let's go inside we have something to discuss with you." We followed them into the overly crowed house. I took a seat on the floor in front of the couch where Alex had sat, Conner sat next me and Vivian sat behind him. Billy started to tell the tribes legends or not legends I guess. Conner was gripping my hand so hard I knew it was going to bruise. When the story got to the part about the Cullens I squeezed his hand back just as hard. "And that is the legend of our tribe, but what you four need to understand is that this no one who isn't in this room and the Cullen Coven." The boys started to growl at the mention of the vampires, until Billy held his hand up, bro teach me that trick. "Can know about this. You cannot tell anyone, not your parents, not your siblings, not your friends, no one. Do you understand?"


We all nodded in understanding.

"Good, then the pack will answer any questions you have, and if you ever need anything we're here for you."

"Thank you Billy." I say.

"Of course. Celeste why don't you escort us old people out?" Shit I'm in tRoUbLe. I get up and walk out with them. We stop on the porch, I stand there waiting for them to start. Old Quil opened his mouth and I can't help but flinch thinking I'm going to be yelled at.

"Celeste you've been a part of the boys lives for years you have to understand where they're coming from." That was not what I was expecting.

"We can't tell you what to do, but we can warn you." Billy continued.

"If you do chose the Cullen there will be many hardships, the boys will be very angry." No shit Harry.

"But in the end they will always be here for you, we all will you're family." Old Quil finished.

"Thank you, so much." They nodded and old Quil and Harry walked away.

"I've known you're father for a very long time Celeste." Billy said to me after a few moments.

"Of course you have you're both ancient." I joke and Billy laughs.

"I see you as one of my own, I just want you to be careful."

"Is this your way of telling me not to date Cullen?"

"Yes, But I I know you well enough to know you'll do it anyway." True dat. "So just be careful." I nod at him. "Now the boys are waiting for you inside, go easy on them."

"I make no promises." He nods and wheels away and I go inside to once again face the wolves.

"You sit and eat now." Emily says as she points to the table.

"Can't eat." I mumble.

"And why not?"

"I'm sick." Yes just lie through you're teeth to the one person who isn't glaring at you aside from the human friends you have.

"What kind of sick?" Oh now you speak to me daddy issues.

"Nothing that concerns you." I'm not playing today boy imma hurt you're feelings.

"Grow up Celeste." Stab me hoe.

"Grow a pair Paul."

"Since when am I Paul?" Oh bitch.

"Since when am I Celeste?" Pettyyy aka me.

"Alright if you two are gonna do this go outside." Sam says or orders I guess Mr Alpha bitch. Paul walks out and I'm not done so I have to follow him. And not because the bitch dog dad said to.

"Why are you so difficult?"

"Says the one with daddy issues." I snap back.

"Ok Ms. mommy issues or did you get that fixed?"

"Ok seriously what is up with you? Just say what you're problem is or shut up because I'm tired of the middle man."

"And I'm tired of you." Oh really? "In fact I'm done with you." Ok.

"Okay." You wanna play doggy? Let's play.



"Are you fucking serious right now?" No he's dead.

"Yea, you're done so I'm done so you know done." Say that 10 times fast.



"Not to interrupt But you're phones ringing Celeste." Conner said and tossed me my phone. It's my dad.


"Bella was in a accident."

"What? Is she okay what happened?" I went inside to grab my keys. I walked back out in five seconds with Alex, Conner and Vivian on my heels. Am I crying, I think I'm crying.

"I don't know everything they're taking her the hospital now I'm on my way."

"Okay, I'll be there in 20."

"Be careful please."

"Yea I will." Shit fucking werewolves stupid fucking Paul stupid fucking vampires hate it hereeeeee.

"Celeste breathe." Alex says as she grabs me by the shoulders.

"I can't breathe my sister was in an accident and I was here arguing with a fucking lap dog!"

"Okay get in the car I'll drive you the hospital." Okay. "Okay?" I nod as I sit in the car. Fuck fuck fuck.

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