《WILD CHILD • Emmett Cullen》Furry Problems


I was pacing back and forth I couldn't sleep. How could now that I know what I do. Or at least I think I know, god I hope I'm wrong. I mean, the idea is just it's crazy, insane, mental. So it can't be true. I'm just reading into it to much, right? Or maybe I'm right and there are fucking vampires and werewolves running around Forks. Fucking hell just my luck, my best friends are fucking werewolves who have lifetime beef with the vampire I like and his family. God I'm going to get gray hairs from this. FUCK! Bella has a thing for the weird one too fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck.

Wait a minute it's not puberty it's a transformation and oh I'm way to tired for this I'm going to sleep before I got insane. Or even more insane, ok brain shut up. Ok let's go, I went and laid on the beanbag, which is where I normally slept, idk ok I'm weird. And tried to get the gears in my head to stop turning so I could go to sleep, and right before I fell sleep Leah woke up.

"Leah are you okay?" I whispered I didn't want Alex to wake up. "Leah?" I stood up to get closer to her and she was shaking bad. I grabbed her arm. "Leah your burning up are you okay?" She shook her head, so I pulled her up and lead her to the bathroom. I turned to the sink on so she would splash her face.

"I don't feel so good."

"You don't look to good either." She was shaking so much and gripping the counter so tight her knuckles are white. "Ok I'm calling Seth." I ran back into my room and looked for my phone all over. Fuck where did I throw it? Aha I dialed Seth's phone because I know he's up right now that boy does not sleep.


"Hey Celeste." He's gaming right now I can hear the controller clicking.

"Seth I need you to get your dad on the phone now!" I whisper shouted while I grabbed extra clothes, I had a feeling she would need them. I ran back to Leah who was hunched over on the floor shaking with tears streaming down her face.

"What why?"

"No time for questions just do it!" I pulled Leah up, I had an idea what this could be and if I was right, she couldn't be in the house.

"Hello?" Harry's voice came through the phone.

"Harry Leah is phasing!" I said, I was taking her into the forest across the road from my house, the further in we got the better. "Please tell Sam I need help."

"Phasing what do you mean?"

"I know the legends Harry, I mean she phasing into a werewolf."

"Women have never shifted Celeste."

"Well there's a first for everything isn't there." Leah let a series of groans as she collapsed to the forest floor. "Harry I don't know what to do." I was ready to cry, god to many tears this week.

"Okay I'm going to get same just try to keep her calm, and get a away from her don't get hurt." He hung up and I backed away from her and clutched the clothes to my chest.

"Celeste?" Talk about fucking supernatural.

"Bad timing Emmett." I said without removing my eyes from Leah.

"You know?"

"Yes now please go away."

"I was going to tell you."

"Okay can this please not happen right now?" I was biting my nails I was so nervous, Leah was in pain Emmett a vampire was here and Sam and possibly the other two were coming this cannot in anyway shape or form be good. Emmett came to stand beside me, hello leave please. Before I could ask him to kindly fuck off three giant wolves and one human Sam burst into the clearing. Fuck me. The wolves growled at me, well not at me at the vampire standing next to me. And Sam started towards Emmett like he was going to fight him. Ha not today I'm not in the mood. "I know you're not going to fight him right now while you're on what is his turf And Leah is about to phase." Sam opened his mouth to talk and the the dark brown wolf growled at me which caused the silver wolf to growl at him. Too much right now. Sam still hadn't looked at Leah. "I get you don't care about Leah anymore Sam." I could hear the venom in my voice and Sam flinched at the words. "But I do and she's in pain so do what I called you to do and help her you fucking bitch." He nodded and turned towards her and started to whisper to her. Final-fucking-ly.


"And you." I said staring at the three wolves. "Which one of you is Paul?" I questioned them and the two brown ones look at the silver one. "When this is over and Leah's okay I have words for you." He puts his head down in shame and the lighter of the two other wolves let out what sounded like a laugh. I'm guessing that's Jared. "You too Jared." I snap at him and then I turn away from them just in time to see my best friends turn into a white wolf. She lets a out a howl and the boys howl back except Sam who just stares at the floor with a frown.

"Take her behind the trees to change back." Sam says and I nod and walk towards Leah who looks like she's trying to figure out how to work her new body.

"She's not going anywhere with that mutt." Emmett says and grabs his arm. I forgot he was here. I turn to him before Sam can argue.

"First of all I do what I please. Second let go of me now." He lets go of my arm. "And third of all I don't care what beef you have don't ever call them mutts again." I walk away from him and Leah walks by me into the forest so she can change back. I hand her the the clothes I got for her.

"Sam said I have to go back with him."

"You don't have to do shit that you don't want to." I tell her and wrap my arms around her. "Least do what same says."

"He's the alpha."

"And I'm a pissed off human try me." I joke and she laughs into my shoulder.

"So that's your vampire."

"A vampire, not mine."

"I'm a werewolf."

"Damn straight you are now let's get back before they kill each other." I keep my arm around her waist and we walk back to see that Jasper and Calvin have joined Emmett who's having a stare-off with the wolves. "Alright well as fun as this has been." I hope they understand sarcasm. "We have a sleep over to get back too and you all have lives to get back to so good night."

"Leah needs." Sam starts but I cut him off not today oh alpha mighty.

"To get back to my house for the sleepover you can see her tomorrow at 6pm and no earlier good night now." But before we can move we see Alex standing there with her jaw on the the floor basically.

"What the Fuck?" Fuck.

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