《WILD CHILD • Emmett Cullen》Do what I please


Ugh the sound of this alarm makes me want to slam my head into a tree. Alright up and at it princess you have school to get to and people to hate. I get into the shower and just stand under the hot water to help get rid of all my issues. Ok clothes and we're out.

"I don't wanna be here." I mutter to the group ship we stand around the cars in the parking lot.

"No one does you aren't special Celeste." Conner tells me, I flip him off and let my head drop to Alex's shoulder. "Why is Lauren Malory coming over here?"


"One of your sister's friend's friend. Apparently she doesn't like your sister."

"Well fuck her I don't like her face."

"You've never seen her." Alex points out. "But you're about to."

"You're Celeste right?" This blonde girl, who I assume is Lauren asks me. I nod to her. "Well I'm Lauren Malory."

"Ok do you need something Malory?" I ask, she looks me up and down and scowls at me.

"Yea I just wanted to tell you to stay away from Emmett. I don't care if you have all of your classes with him, don't speak to him don't look at him, he's mine."

"First of all, How the hell do you know I have all my classes with him? Second of all I do what I want. And if I want to talk to Emmett I will. However if he's yours then go to him because I don't want him that way you Barbie wanna be. And if I did you can't stop me."

"Excuse me no you won't."

"Considering you're not my mom I don't have to listen to you, and even if you were I wouldn't listen so please go away." She looks at me for a minute before she let out a huff and stomps away. "Fucking people man."


"So since we're on the topic of Emmett Cullen." Vivian starts.

"We weren't but go on."

"He's staring at you." She finishes while pointing towards him, he's standing in the back of a Jeep and staring. I look him in the eye and flip him off. "What was that about?"

"Nothing important."


"Shut it Conner." We start to walk into the building to avoid the crowd. "Besides, I'm mostly over it."

"Mostly not fully."

"Whatever lets just get to history."

"So you can sit next to your boyfriend?" Alex teases.

"Alex I will never let you sit in Ruby again."

"Okay sorry." I laugh and go to my seat and wait for class to start. Emmett comes in right before the bell rings and sits down. "What's the point of your brother driving the Jeep if it's yours and you standing in he back?"

"I like the way the wind feels ok my face." Ok weirdo.

"Look I wanted to apologize for yesterday." I cut him off.

"Hey man it cool, just you know sensitive stuff." He nods. "Also sorry I stepped on your girlfriends toes." I tell him, his nose scrunches up, ha bitch You is a lie might as well keep going. "I didn't mean to make Malory uncomfortable, I just didn't know."

"Lauren Malory is not my girlfriend." I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing. He looks so funny pouting. "In fact I'm single so, I do what I want."

"Preach it man."

"Ms Swan." Ugh Mr. Danes. "Why do I hear you talking?"

"Cause you have ears." I say with a smile.

"So since your talking I'm assuming you can tell me something I don't know?"


"If you use a needle to inject air into a persons bloodstream, it would kill them but cause of death would show up as a heart attack."

"About history."

"The night witches were Russian ladies who bombed the shit out of German lines in World War 2."

"The what?"

"Yea they used to fly shitty plans and drop bombs and people called them night witches because they would appear out of nowhere."

"Just stop talking." Alex turns around and leans closer to the table.

"Why do you know either of those things?" I shrug in response. "Weirdo."

"She right your weird."

"So is your creepy brother. Speaking of can you tell him not to be such a dickhead to my sister because I will hit him with Ruby."


"My car." He laughs and I just continue to stare at him. He has dimples. Nice.

"Yea I'll tell him."

"Good." We let the conversation drop and I take notes on the Great Depression, what a depressing topic. Hahaha.

"Malory is glaring at you." Alex tells me while we're sitting at the lunch table.

"I don't care." I say as I do the physics work I forgot about. "She wants attention and I'll be damned if I give it to her."

"Good girl." Conner coes as he pets my head. I slap his hand away "Emmett Cullen is staring at you again."

"Why do people say his full name like he's a celebrity or something? As far as I'm concerned he's just another teenage boy trying to survive high school."

"True. But that doesn't change the fault that he's staring."

"People in this school have a staring problem. I mean." I look at my sister. "My sister is staring at their whole table. Lets just hope I don't get it, it's creepy."

"Is it though?" Alex asks.

"Yes. What did you get for number ten on the homework?"

"Homework?" We all laugh at her face.

"Yes come on its pretty easy."

"Ugh I'm going to drop out and become a stripper she mutters as she starts to write.

"I'll go watch to support you."

"Liar you'll come to look at all the girls."

"Wait I thought you like boys?" Connery's asks, he looks so confused.

"I like what I like. Girl, boy vampire. Whoever I vibe with."

"Aren't vampires just immortal boys and girls." Vivian asks

"I guess, but they're not human so you know, some differences."

"Okay But would you date a werewolf?" Alex asks me.

"Why are you one?"

"No you weirdo. Just answer."

"If I vibe with the moon creature than sure."

"You need to be drug tested."

"Great another test I'll fail." I joke and we laugh and get up to leave.

• • • •

Hope you enjoy.

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