《WILD CHILD • Emmett Cullen》Surfer Chick


"So what are you doing now?" Vivian asked me while we hung out around my car.

"I gotta met my dad at the dinner in like 1 and a half." I say. "Which reminds me I need to tell my sister about it."

"Is her car as nice as yours?"

"I don't think so but you can be the judge." I say as I point to the rust bucket truck. Ha the looks on their faces.

"I like yours better." Don't be shy Alex be an asshole.

"That is the ugliest fucking car I've ever seen." Thank you Conner.

"Right I'm going to go talk to her real fast are you guys going to be here when I get back?" They nod and I walk towards her. "Hey Bells."

"Hey. Um Cel do I like smell? You know like bad?" She asks.

"No you smell like your shampoo. Why?" Aww her little face.

"It's just in class Edward Cullen acted like I smelled repulsive. And then he ran out of class and tried to get his schedule changed."

"You gotta help me which one is Edward?"

"The tall one with bronze hair." Ohhh.

"Bells I doubt that it was you. He looked constipated at lunch and honestly it sounds like he just has issues."

"Are you sure?" Aw sweet little baby.

"Yes Bella and if he keeps being rude I'll fight him for you okay?" She nods in response. "Also dad wants us to meet him at the dinner in like a hour.

"Okay." I walk away back towards my car. "So What's going on now?"

"Absolutely nothing." Ok Viv. "But we're leaving because he's grounded and I'm his ride. So later."

"And you Alex?"

"Well I have nothing to do and a friend with a beautiful car who has time to kill."

"I feel like you're just using me for my car."


"Damn I thought I would hide it better."

"Haha. Well then get in." She starts dancing around with a huge smile. "Um sorry to interrupt your little dance show but get in the car." She flipped me off and got in. "So anywhere specific to go?"

"Just drive as fast as you can anywhere and then you can drop me off at the dinner I live a block away."

"Well then buckle up." She looks so excited to just drive around. "Ever been to the Rez." She shakes her head boo. "Well then let's go."

"Wait how far is it?"

"20 minutes if you obey speed limits but I will not do like 10." I start to drive and honestly this is the best part of forks. The long empty roads with smooth turns and barley any cops to give you a speed ticket. Alexa opened the window and stuck her head out to scream. I pull her back in by her belt, "I get the hype but ma'am it's only like 3 in the afternoon."

"I don't care. I will do what I want." Can't argue with that logic. I keep driving will she sings along with the music.

"Well we're here so get out. And in 8 minutes."

"I'm sorry I see no point in a beach when it's as cold as it is here."

"I just think it's pretty and relaxing. And honestly the surfing isn't half bad."

"You surf?" I nod at her while I watch the waves. "Like you're a surfer chick?" I let out a loud laugh at that. I look at her and do the hand thing.

"Totally dude. I even compete."

"I wanna see one day."

"And so you will." We sit on a log and watch the waves for 30 minutes before Alexa complains that she's cold so we get into the car. "Alright give me your address."


"I said I can walk from the dinner."

"But how am I supposed to pick you up in the morning?" She smiles and God she has such nice teeth. I start to drive back but slower this time because I have nothing but time and Queen is playing on the radio. "Alright this is you. I'll see you at 7:30 sharp."

"Yes mom. Thanks." Alright time to dine. I pull up to see my dad getting out of his car.

"Hey kiddo. How was your first day?"

"Well people like Ruby therefore they like me."

"Hey now I'm sure they like you because of you." Aww sweet.

"So how's work catch any bad guys?"

"No but I did hear that someone was seen driving almost 100 miles an hour, you wouldn't know anything about that would you." Busted.

"No sir I would not." I swear his mustache has a mind of its own. "Hey look Bella's here." Oopsie.

"Hey Bells." I greet as she sits down. Silence I swear it's a Swan thing, like a curse or something. Awkwardness ugh.

"So How was your first day?" Ah dad when will you learn you can break the awkward silence that come when you two are in the same place.

"It was okay." Told you. They both go to reach for the ketchup but dad ends up grabbing the A1 sauce. Yikes. "Hey dad what do you know about the Cullens?" Oh my god. No. Bella no.

"Dr and Mrs Cullens kids?" Bella nods. God someone kill me. "They're great quiet and the dad is a fantastic doctor. Why?" Dad no.

"It just I've noticed they don't really fit in at school." Ughhh can we just go back to awkward silence.

"The people in this town. Just because people are different they have to talk. We are so lucky that Dr Cullens wife wanted to live in a small town, he could be make more than double what he does here. And his kids are better behaved than those whose kids have lived here they're whole lives."

"Okay dad tell us how you really feel." I joke and he cracks a smile. "Besides it's probably your creepy friend who makes them keep to themselves." I tell Bella.

"She's not creepy."

"And Ted Bundy wasn't a serial killer."

"Whatever." Such a drama queen. I blame the constipated little boy. I will drag him.

"Hey moms on the phone." Bella says as she walks into my room.

"Congratulations, she learned how to work it." I say without looking up. I was looking for a book.

"She wants to talk to you."

"And I wanted to talk to her when I needed help. We don't always get what we want." Come on where is it.

"Celeste talk to her." Ugh. I put my hand out for the phone and Bella hands it to me.



"How was school? Make any friends? Cute boys?" Funny how now you care. Or maybe you're just doing that thing pretending to look good. Yup sounds more like you.

"Fine, yes, yes but the girls are cuter. Bye now." I hang up and hand Bella her phone back. "Hey since you're here have you seen my platform doc martens?"

"They're in my room." I stand to go get them and Bella follows me. "Why are you like that with mom?"

"You know why."

"I really don't."

"Because Bella, we raised ourselves, she tried to keep me from coming here as much as she could. She let you avoid dad." I took a breath so I didn't get to loud. "She's just not that good as you make her out to be." She looks like she wants to argue but I don't have the energy for it. "I'm done talking about this night Bells."

• • • •

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