《WILD CHILD • Emmett Cullen》Medusa


"Do you even understand what just happened?" Alex asks as she drags me into the girls bathroom.

"In physics?" She nods. "Yea we learned about Ohm's law."

"Oh my god are you stupid or dumb?" Dude that's rude. Hey that's rhymes. Ha. "You had a conversation with the Cullens." Oh my god.

"I thought you didn't gossip."

"I'm just telling you that you're the first one to do that. Rosalie Hale smiled at you. I've never seen her smile at her family!" I put my hands on her shoulders.

"I need you to calm down. She smiled because I'm a charming person if you hadn't noticed." My god I need a nap. "And if you really want to discuss this more go talk to my sisters friends because I have no tolerance for this."

"Do you want me to die? Let me answer that for you. No you don't want me die so don't suggest that." I just laugh and pull her out the bathroom. "Also I don't think that you're that charming." Qué?

"Don't lie."

"I'm not." Ma'am I will fight you skirt or not.

"Whatever I need a nap." I say as she drags me into a library. If you can even call it that. It looks like it barley holds 200 books I probably have more at home. "If I asked you nicely could I use you as a pillow?"

"Sure man." Good friends. "Come on let's go sign in so you can nap." Amazing. I'm in love her and it's only been a day. Jk no one should fall in love that fast. Like at all. "And just so you know that conversation is not over." Whatever you say. I take a seat at the table where she put her bag while she goes to look for a book. I doubt they have it though, I'd be surprised if they had Romeo and Juliet at this point. I'm gonna take a nap now.Why is she tapping me I'm trying to nap. Stop tapping me. I'm still being tapped.

"What do you want you insufferable demon?" I ask without lifting my head. I just want to nap.


"Well I've been called a lot of things but that is new." Ughhh people.

"Hello boys. Hello angel." I say as I look at the group. Man they are all so attractive. God has favorites and they prove it.

"Hey Celeste can you grab my." Ah right the Cullens don't talk to people. God I hate high school.

"Grab what Alex?" I ask her. Ha the look on her face.

"The book in my bag I gotta return it." Well at least she didn't do that whole uh uh um thing. So props. I Grab the book and go to hand it to her.

"My god you have a horrid taste in books." She rolls her eyes and walks away with the book. "Was that as awkward as it felt?" I ask the three.

"Just a little." Calvin answered with a smirk that he always seemed to wear. "So firecracker since you have better taste in books than Alexa, what do you read?"

"First of all Sir I actually don't mind that nickname. And I read everything but vampire books are just not it. Classic Dracula is okay but anything else that is solely vampires is just weird and bad." I tell him. Why do they look so uncomfortable with the word vampire. Blah blah blah I'm going to drink your blood. Ha.

"Pick a book." I look at the pile of books Alexa threw in front of me. They're all shit and boring.

"Is this for the English project?" I ask her and she nods. "Ok how about I bring you a book from home so you don't die of boredom."

"That works."

"Would you prefer something that vampires in it?" I ask her. "They wouldn't be the main focus but they would be there."

"You're making fun of me reading a vampire book like you weren't asking questions about if vampires could get high earlier." Shit I forgot about that. Hmmm distraction.

"Speaking of do you think that they would actually turn into bats or do you think they would turn into rats?" Now the Cullens look real concerned and I think Emmett is silently laughing but that's not important.


"Just bring me a book."

"Okay. Now give me your arm so I can nap." Why is she tapping me? I just want to nap and maybe die.

"Can I help you Alexa?"

"Yes entertain me."


"No come on let's go." She tries to drag me out of my seat but I just relax my body and become dead weight so she can't move me. "You are so annoying. Next time I'll leave you to suffer with the gossip clique." And then she walks out the library. Drama queen.

"So angel do you actually plan on staying with him forever?" I ask Rosalie as I put my head in my hand.

"I think so."

"Damn shame." I look toward Calvin. "Lucky bastard."

"That I am." Smug bitch. "So you like girls?"

"I like what I like." I say with a shrug. "Don't matter what's in your pants, gotta have a good personality."

"Oh Emmett looks like you're out of luck." Oop. Call him out. I look at Rosalie to see her holding back her laughs, same, I raise my eyebrows at her and we burst out laughing.

"Oh man that's tuff." I say. "Hey do you know where the closest auto shop is?"

"There is no good ones around here why you got car trouble?" Rosalie says. "If anything I can take a look at it." She truly is an angel.

"I just wanted to look around. Plus I work on my own car doll."

"You work on cars?"

"Oh you wound me. Why are you so surprised?"

"You just don't seem like that type of girl." Emmett says.

"Well this girl built her whole car from what was basically a frame." I tell them. God I'm bored.

"Is that a tattoo?" Oops forgot that I'm wearing a skirt.

"Yes it is."

"What is it?"

"Medusa." I tell them, Rosalie raises her eyebrow. "I like her story."

"Isn't her story that she was cursed because she was being a slut." Sir shut the fuck up. I glare at Calvin.

"Actually Poseidon was being a little rapist, and because he did this to her at Athena's temple she didn't curse her to hurt her it was to protect her." Why do they looked so surprised that I'm actually informed. "Athena did it to protect her from becoming a victim ever again. So please refrain from calling her a slut." Now I am highly annoyed, maybe I do need therapy, but that would prove Renee right and I will not do that.

"Did you go through something like that?" Excuse me? Who the fuck asks someone that especially someone you just met, even if you have 5 classes with them. "I mean if you have her a symbol that means you relate to her right?" I'm going to walk away before I kill him.

"Hey where you going speed racer?"

"Sorry Conner just wanted to hand in my slips so I can leave already." I tell him. God I got so angry that I didn't even realize I bumped into anyone.

"Sick of this place already?"

"Yes sir." He has a nice laugh. "Are you and Viv a thing?"

"Ma'am I like boys." Oh shit.

"Hey me too." Really nice laugh.

"Ok come on let's get you to the office so I can take you to the beautiful car you own." I nod and follow him to give the lady a slip. "So what made you so mad that you almost knocked me down?"

"People ask questions they have no right too."

"Whose people?"


"What did he ask?"

"He asked about my tattoo." Wow I sound like I'm over reacting.

"The Medusa on your thigh?"

"You saw that?"

"Yea I like it, I have one of her too."

"Dude we're a match made in the underworld."

"That's it you're my platonic soulmate." Hell Yea.

"Thank Gods I found you."

Celeste's tattoo^

Conner's tattoo^

• • • •

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The Tattoo art is from Pinterest.


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