《WILD CHILD • Emmett Cullen》Good-bye hell


Celeste Swan sat in the car waiting for her sister and mother to get into the car so they could go to the airport. But Bella was being her and being overdramatic while holding a cactus. Celeste just rolled her eyes and stuck her head out the window.

"Hey Phil." The man looked over at her. "My car will get there today right?" She asked.

"Yea we shipped it three days ago so either it's already there or should be there later." He told her and she just smiled and sat back to put her headphones in her ears. Eventually they drove off to airport so they could head off to Forks. Celeste rolled her eyes Gods who names a town Forks.

At the airport the girls grabbed their bags and started to walk towards to security before their mom stopped them to hug Bella again. After that she went over to Celeste. "Be safe Okay?" Renee said as she grabbed the girls shoulders. Celeste just nodded her head and her mother hugged her with tears in eyes as if she cared. Which in her opinion was absolute bullshit. She didn't bother hug back and she waved good-bye to Phil who in her opinion tried far to hard to connect and be a dad to her.

The girls were sitting at their gate waiting for their plane to board when Bella tapped Celeste to get her attention, she looked up and pulled out her headphones.

"Why didn't you hug mom?"

"Because I didn't Bella."

"But why?"

"You know why. You may be able to accept her and all her fucked up flaws but I don't." Celeste said as she stood up and looked for somewhere to get coffee. "And I never will so I'm sorry I didn't hug her." She stalked off leaving her younger sister there with a frown.

After the plane landed and the girls got their luggage they went looking for their dad.


"If he has the cruiser can you sit in the back?" Bella asked while she rubbed her neck. Celeste just gave her a small smile and nodded. "Thanks." When Celeste spotted their dad she ran towards him.

"Dad!" She yelled as she let go of her luggage and jumped on him. He hugged her back and smiled at her.

"Hey kid. How ya been?" He asked as he put her down.

"Good man, all good." She told him as Bella walked up.

"Hey Char-Dad." Bella stuttered as she half hugged her dad. You can tell he caught the slip with how he flinched, and it pissed Celeste off.

"Hey dad did my car come yet?" Celeste asked trying to avoid the awkward silence her dad and sister seemed to always create.

"Yes it did. You really put your heart into it didn't you."

"Yes sir that car is my everything." She told him as they got into the cruiser. The drive was deadly silent until her dad tried to break it.

"Your hair is longer." He said to Bella. Oh god Celeste thought this will be bad.

"I cut it since last time I saw you." Bella said blandly. Where's a wall when you need one was the thought that crossed Celeste's mind it made her smile.

"Oh." Charlie said. "Guess it grew out again." It was painfully awkward for Celeste so she wanted to change that. Her and awkward didn't mix well.

"So dad how are they guys down at the Rez?" She asked, she hadn't been in Forks since the summer since her mom claimed her for Christmas as if she was toy.

"They're good, the boys are excited that you're gonna be here permanently." He told her with a smile.

"Of course they are I'm amazing." She said and they both laughed. It made her happy to have friends here even if they wouldn't go to school with her. She couldn't wait to seen them again.


They pulled up to their two story White house and got out and started pulling out their luggage. Charlie led they way for Bella to show her her room. They stopped at it while Charlie explained it to her Celeste just continued down the hall to her room. It was the exact same way she left it after her and Leah has redone it last summer.

"Hey." Charlie said as he walked in. "Everything good?" He asked as he watched her put away all her things.

"Yup." She said, she stopped what she was doing to turn to him. "What's up?"

"Just wanted to check on you." He told her. See this is what a parent does just checks up on you. Not ignore you unless it benefits them. "Also here are your keys." He tossed her her keys which she caught.

"Billy and Jacob are on their way if you want to come say hi." He told her, she just nodded and he smiles and walked out.

When she herd a car pull up she went downstairs to greet her friends. "Well well look what the wolf dragged in." She said as she walked over to Billy to hug him.

"Hi kiddo. How ya been?" He asked her with a bright smile.

"Can't complain Billy I can't complain." She said. "Hello Jacob." She said plainly, they used to get along until he judged her for being friends with Paul and Jared. Now they barley speak. He just nodded his hello as Bella came out the door. While Charlie told introduced them Celeste looked around. She had always loved the green-ness of Forks. How fresh and alive everything was and how clean the air was. Arizona was the exact opposite and god was it her own hell. If she never went back she would die happy.

"No way?!" She whipped her head toward Bella who has a real smile on her face for the first time since she came to Forks.

"Just brought it off of Billy here." He told Bella, talking about the truck he got her. Celeste tunes out the rest of the conversation, the truck in her opinion was ugly. Maybe if it got a new paint job it'd be better but also trucks weren't really her thing.

"What do you think of the truck?" Billy asked as he rolled over to her.

"I think it's unique." She answers trying not be rude. Billy and Charlie just laughed because they both knew she would hate it.

"Where's this car your dad told me about?"

"In the garage. Wanna see it?" She asks excited to show off her baby. Billy nodded so she ran inside to get her keys and then went and drove it out of the garage. When she parked it on the side of the road and got out Billy let out a whistle.

"She's a beauty." He told her as he wheeled closer. "Ya name her?" He asked the girl.

"Ruby." She told him. He nodded and laughed.

"Well Ruby is beautiful." Billy said as Charlie mumbled an agreement.

"Well as fun as this has been I have unpacking to do. So I will see you later this week when I go down to the Rez." She told Billy as she walked backwards towards the door. Billy smiles and waved and she went inside to get ready for her tomorrow. School.

• • • •

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