《WILD CHILD • Emmett Cullen》Cast


Celeste Onyx Swan

"Not to sound like a asshole but I don't give a fuck."

Alexandra Jamie

"You a problem? I don't see it."

Emmett Cullen

"I'm sorry are trying to get yourself killed?"

Calvin Cullen

"Well aren't you a little firework."

Rosalie Hale

"Why can't her sister be more like her? It'd make my life easier."

Vivian Green

"Emmett Cullen is staring at you again."

Conner Tanner

"Man I hate this place, I say we leave."

Bella Swan

"I know I'm gonna sound insane but I need you to listen."

Edward Cullen

"I promise I'll never hurt her."

Rest of Twilight cast as themselves.

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