《A Butler To Love ~A Christian Romance》Chapter 21 ~ A Stormy Picnic


He had no words. Speechless. This wasn't something Charles was used to. He charmed, spoke with eloquence, and never let a situation defeat him. He had learned confidence won most battles without a single shot fired, for it was confidence that most lacked. Yet, here he stood, staring with alarm and shock at the tall man who had strode into the room with even greater confidence than his own. He sensed the power the young man carried, and his own strength weakened when Fiona spoke the butler's name.

"Good morning, Wren. Charles, this is Leah's new butler."

Butler? His gaze dropped to the blond beauty beside him, but Leah wasn't looking at him. She stared wide-eyed at the butler. He watched his hopeful, future bride lick her lower lip and reach up to twist a strand of hair, all the while never moving her gaze from the man. Unease stirred in his chest when the butler--Wren--shot a soft smile at Leah. Words were exchanged, but they blurred together in his raging mind. Who was this man to smile at his woman? To speak to her in such a kind manner?

When a hand appeared in his vision, he was forced to reenter the present.

"I'm Wren Adams."

Charles hesitated. His desire to shake hands bottomed at zero, but he schooled his features, clasped the awaiting hand in his own. "Charles Cartright. Tony decided to hire a man to care for his daughter? I admit. I'm surprised."

An easy smile was the reply, but he noted the quick change in the butler's gaze as if Wren sensed the hidden antipathy in Charles's tone. Just the same, the butler laughed a rich, hearty sound that caused the women to smile.

"I was as surprised as you!"

"I doubt that." Tension flared in the room at his flat response.

The corner's of Wren's lips fell into a smaller version of a grin. "Perhaps you're right," was the simple reply.

"Charles came to take Leah on a picnic," Fiona said.

"Oh?" Wren flicked a glance at Leah, holding her gaze for what to seemed to Charles, too long. "Princess will enjoy that."

Charles stiffened. Princess? He sifted the word through his mind, his anger at this situation mounting. Yet, when Leah smiled in pleasure, he knew to keep his disgust inward. Somehow, this man had broken through her reserves; how he had done that, Charles wasn't sure.

"Will you be coming along?"

Leah's question caused Charles to snap to full attention. He locked gazes with the butler, making certain to put every warning in the staredown. Being an intimidating man himself, he waited for the submission to come. Wren studied his ward before speaking.

"Definitely. My job is to protect you." Wren looked back at Charles. "I'm assuming that means foreign and domestic."

Fiona snickered then masked her expression. "Oh, my."

Charles clenched a fist. "I assure you, Leah needs no protection from me."

Wren smirked. "I was talking about snakes. Sometimes, they're camouflaged. And not only are they difficult to see, but you have to get close to decide if they're poisonous or not. I can't take the risk of my ward being bitten, can I?"


Charles glowered. "Certainly not. I suppose between the two of us, we will be sure to find one." He waited for the clever response; this butler seemed beyond average. Instead, Wren shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Eh. I doubt it. When do we leave?"


When Leah questioned whether Wren would be joining the picnic, Wren's first inclination had been to decline. Charles's glare had been enough to melt the glaciers of Antarctica, and he relished the idea of having several hours to himself. Then, he had looked at Leah. Her eyes had begged, pleaded even. It had alarmed him. Now, he followed behind the two friends, not liking the irritation that was pricking him, poking him, driving him bonkers. Maybe it was because Charles kept brushing his arm against Leah's, or the way Leah threw her head back and filled the meadow with her tinkling laughter.

Wren frowned when she again, giggled. Money Bags can't be that funny, he thought, though he quirked a grin at the nickname. Or maybe Charlotte suits him better. He shifted the large rolled blanket under one arm to better his grip on the picnic basket. He knew Charles had tossed several water bottles in the basket's extra space for spite, increasing his dislike of the man. He's obviously here for one reason.

As if sensing Wren's gaze, Leah glanced back. A troubled expression filled her eyes, though she cast him a small smile. "Are you sure I can't carry the blanket at least?"

Masking his frustration, Wren came alongside the two, for they'd halted their trek. "This isn't nearly as heavy as you." He winked, grinning as crimson crept up her neck. When Charles stiffened, satisfaction enveloped him.

"And you would know how heavy she is...why?" Charles glared.

"Hmm. I wonder. How do I know that?" Wren grinned again as red now tinted Charles' face. This day might prove fun after all.

Leah began to fan herself with her hand and turned away from the two men. "The pond isn't far away. Let's keep walking!" Her attempt to change the conversation was noticeable, and Wren fell into step beside his ward, taking Charles's original place. Mentally, the butler challenged the wealthy man to try brushing arms with him!

"What are you doing?" Leah hissed under her breath. "Are you trying to make Charles hate you?"

Wren startled at the tinge of anger in her voice. He frowned. He wanted to retort, but Charles came along Leah's opposite side and placed a hand on her elbow.

"Careful, Leah. You almost stepped in a gopher hole."

Leah smiled in a nervous manner, while Wren scoffed. He raked a glance over the grass. Not even a twig blocked her path. Charles removed his hand after a delayed moment, meeting Wren's glare over Leah's head. Another warning glance from Leah silenced Wren's next snarky comment.

Suddenly, a slight shift in the wind cooled his skin, and Wren looked up at the sky. He could sense the coming rain, yet the sky was blue and the clouds, a fluffy white. But such were the Ozarks. A storm could cross the hilltops and be upon a person in a matter of minutes.


"I think we have rain coming," Wren said.

"I doubt that." Charles frowned. "I checked the weather right before I left."

As annoyance surged through Wren, an understanding of his own foolish actions and words accompanied it. Charles oozed with pride and contempt, and Wren acknowledged suddenly that he was behaving no better. Why was he acting like this? He wasn't acting Christ-like at all. Shame coursed through him. He wouldn't go back to the person he used to be. He couldn't. The past needed to stay where it belonged. In the past.

Wren swallowed his pride and said only, "I suppose I could be wrong."

"No supposing about it. I wouldn't take Miss Kingsley on a picnic if there was a chance she'd be drenched," Charles snapped.

"I'm sure you wouldn't." Wren walked ahead but sensed the scowl that followed him. He ignored it, determined not to give his or Charles's arrogance any more leverage. Finally, the pond came into view, its shimmering waters glinting sparkles from the sun.

The blanket was rolled out and food began to appear on the checkered cloth. Wren had to admit Charles knew how to pack a picnic. Cold fried chicken, coleslaw, diced watermelon, and chocolate-covered strawberries lay before them.

Leah smiled, obviously pleased. "You know the way to my heart!" She bit into a strawberry and a chocolate flake fell on her chin. When Charles reached out to flick it off, Wren shifted at the unsettling pit in his stomach. He wasn't... jealous, was he? He studied his ward as she continued to nibble at her strawberry, laughing as Charles teased her about eating dessert first.

The wind picked up its pace, and Wren stifled the urge to finger a stray strand of her hair that floated on its current. Her cheeks were rosy from being outdoors, and her eyes... Her eyes. The sky behind made their color more startling than usual. From time to time, they would land on him and pause then dart away.

That was when Wren saw it. Dark angry clouds topped the forest behind them. A distant crash of thunder caused Charles and Leah to look up in surprise. As if on cue, the wind became even more frantic, and Wren stood to his feet. He reached out a hand toward Leah.

"It's time to go," he said. Charles stood to his feet and shoved Wren's hand away.

"Who are you to tell Miss Kingsley what to do?"

"Her butler. I'm responsible for her safety, and I say we're leaving." Extending his hand again, Wren met her confused gaze. "Please. We need to go."

Leah stared at his hand, hesitated, then slipped her hand into his. Wren forced his mind from the smooth feel of her skin. "Do you think it will be a bad storm?" She cast a worried glance at the fast-approaching clouds. Lightning flashed in the stormy darkness, followed by another clap of thunder.

"I do."

The wind whipped around them with an intensity that hadn't been moments before, increasing Wren's urge to get home. He searched the clouds for unusual movement, relieved not to find it. Rain began to fall in random specks, and the day darkened as clouds covered the sun's light. Even Charles stopped arguing and began to throw items in the basket.

"Leave it!" Wren barked, almost yelling to be heard over the wind. Yanking the blanket from the ground, he didn't care about the spilled contents that fell to the moistened grass. He turned to Leah and tossed the blanket over her head, bringing the corners under her chin. One of her hands gripped it tight.

"If it starts to hail lift the blanket a little higher to break their impact," he said. Then, the rain came, soft at first but growing increasingly intense. When Leah nodded understanding, Wren gripped her free hand in his own and they were running.

Lighting flashed. Thunder boomed. Rain poured. Wren sent prayers heavenward for mercy, hoping that would be all it would do. "We are almost there!" Wren shouted. Charles came panting beside them, seeming to be more subdued than before. Lightning struck a tree in the distance, its crack as it split wood causing Leah to shriek and dart into Wren's arms.

It wasn't the time to freeze, but when Leah's arms went around his waist and her trembling body pressed against his, movement zapped itself from Wren's body. Her blanket dropped to the ground, soaking into the collecting water. His stunned gaze was met with Charles's astonished one. Another clash of thunder shook him back to reality, and without hesitation, he scooped his ward's trembling frame into his arms much like had done in the forest on their second meeting. Charles's mouth dropped open, but Wren ignored him as he began to jog to the mansion that was closer with every stride.

By the time they staggered through the mansion doors, the rain began to lessen. Wren sank to the cold, marble floor, causing Leah to fall with him. His breath came in ragged pants. "We made it, Princess. We're safe."

Still clutching his shirt in her fists, the Kingsley heiress pulled back to look him in the eye. She was as soaked as he, her hair and clothes matted against her. Her body shuddered from the cold, and Wren pushed back the desire to pull her close to warm her.

"Are you okay?" he asked in a quiet voice.

"I'm sure she will be after a hot shower. As will you, Wren."

At Fiona's voice, Leah's eyes widened. She scrambled off Wren's lap and to her feet. Wren did the same, though slower due to the exhaustion.

Fiona stared at Wren with an unreadable expression before reaching and tugging on Leah's hand in a gentle manner. "Come, Leah. You need to get warm."

Wren watched as the drenched girl was led up the stairs. Then, she paused and turned back to the two men. "Thank you for the picnic, Charles. I'm sorry it was ruined. Please use a guest room to clean up. Thank you, Butler Wren... for getting me home safely."

With that, she left them.

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