《A Butler To Love ~A Christian Romance》Chapter 20 ~ A Peeping Tom... Tomette?


Yawning, Leah lay on her bed, contented. The room was dark due to the heavy drapes remaining closed, but bits of sunlight teased through small openings the material couldn't hide.

A smile tugged at her lips. There was only one reason Fiona didn't open the drapes and drag her from her warm covers. Saturday. No school. No Alyssa. No homework!

The bed squeaked as she slipped from it. For some reason, she wasn't ready to alert the maid of her arousal. Instead, she padded to the window and pushed aside the curtains in one swift movement. Brightness blinded her, yet she savored the rays of the morning.

Maybe Wren and I can take a walk today. The thought sprang on her, made her heart flutter. Though she had decided to be kinder and more open towards her new butler, the past two days hadn't given time for anything except school and homework. The idea that she might have to interact with him on a broader scope didn't help her heart issue.

Her eyes now adjusted to the light, she gazed at the rose garden below. A bit too early for bloom, she knew it was only a matter of a month or two before the brown stems would be alight with colors.

A movement to her left grabbed her attention, and she squinted at the lone figure standing at the pool's edge. A high privacy fence surrounded the sparkling swimming area, but from her second-story window, it was easy to see over its top. The person turned, and she sucked in a breath as she recognized her butler.

When a squeal squirmed up her throat, she clamped her hand over her mouth. Her eyes rounded when he raked a hand through his brown hair. Could her luck get any better? What if he took off his shirt? She whirled from the window. But... why should she feel guilty about watching him swim? It wasn't like she'd never seen a shirtless man before...

"It wouldn't hurt to peek," she muttered to herself. After all, he'd never know.

Slowly, she inched back around and looked again just as Wren's head broke the surface of the water; her one-second excitement vanished as she realized he still wore his gray t-shirt. But her disappointment was short-lived at least, for he began to stroke his way from one end of the pool to the next. His fluid movements mesmerized her.


"What are you looking at?"

Leah screeched, jumped, and whirled around. Fiona gasped and startled too, and her eyes were wide. "Fiona!" She flung the curtains together, plunged the room into semi-darkness.

"Good grief! You scared me to death!"

"I scared you? You scared me!"

Fiona scoffed. "I knocked and walked in here like a normal person. What on earth were you looking at that you didn't even hear me?" Moving forward, the maid tried to pull open a curtain, but Leah clutched it tighter.

"There's nothing to see out there. I - I was just thinking is all."

"Then why are you holding the curtains shut?"

Leah's mind raced. "Because... because... the gardens!"

"The gardens?"

"Yes! The garden. I - I was thinking about mother..."

Fiona's features softened, and guilt stirred inside of the young heiress. Lying wasn't something she tried to make a habit of, but she plastered a sad smile. "You know how much I despise roses. I wish Daddy would have installed it under his window and not mine."

Withdrawing her hand from the curtain, Fiona went to the doorway and flipped the light switch. "I think Mr. Kingsley doesn't want you to forget her. I'm sorry you're struggling. Why don't we just leave the curtains closed the rest of the day?"

"Yes, that sounds like a good plan."

"Have you picked out something to wear yet?"

Leah shook her head, letting loose her grip on the heavy material with reluctance. "I just woke up not long ago."

"I see." Fiona disappeared inside the large walk-in closet. "I have good news for you."

"Oh?" With her maid still inside the closet, Leah risked another peek through the curtain, smirking to see Wren pull himself up to the side of the pool. Even from this distance, she could see his muscled arms bulging. She decided that though he looked handsome in a suit, she preferred this casual appearance. She jerked back into a casual stance as Fiona's footsteps announced her return.

Holding a pair of leggings and a pink flowing tank, Fiona raised a brow for approval. "How do you like this for a picnic?"


Leah brightened. "Picnic?"

"Charles has been waiting in the Lounge for the past thirty minutes. He insisted I not wake you but plans on taking you to the pond on a picnic. Though I kind of wonder if he doesn't have an ulterior motive."

When her maid wiggled her eyebrows, Leah scoffed to hide her blush. She yanked the cloths from Fiona's grip. "We're friends. Nothing more."

"Believes no one ever."

Scowling, Leah began to pull on the leggings. Though neither cared about being modest in front of the other, Fiona still busied herself with making the bed.

"I know you know he likes you."

"Yeah, but what if I don't share his feelings?"

"Then prepare yourself to tell him that. I think he plans on confessing to you soon. He might wait until you turn eighteen in a couple of months. But who knows."

Running a brush through her long locks, Leah found herself taking extra care to ensure every tangle was out. When she caught Fiona's teasing gaze through the mirror, she blushed. She wondered what her maid would think if she realized who she was actually dressing for. And it wasn't for her childhood friend turned suitor. Deciding to ignore the smirk Fiona sent her, the young heiress braided two strands on each side before wrapping them around to the back of her head and securing them.

"Well, you do look lovely. I think Charles might not be able to contain himself."

Fiona's statement made Leah nervous. "Maybe you could come along? I really don't want to deal with any romantic gestures. Please?"

"No way. I can't save you from every uncomfortable situation. Whatever happened to taking care of yourself? Ready?"

When Leah nodded they left the room and made their way to the lounge. Upon entering, Charles stood, a playful grin lightening his features. His eyes swept her head to toe, and he nodded in approval. Leah shifted in unease.

"Sleeping Beauty has arrived!"

Leah rolled her eyes and shrugged. "I was unaware you were here thanks to someone's request."

The handsome young man laughed as he walked closer then tugged on a strand of her hair. "I just know how cranky you can be if you don't get to wake up on your own. Besides, I didn't mind waiting on the prettiest girl in Missouri."

Flushing, Leah tried to hide it with confidence. "As long as you're aware."

Chuckling again, Charles met her gaze. " I am more than aware."

Not sure how to handle that bluntness, Leah broke eye contact. She darted her gaze to the bookshelves, TV, lamps. Anything but him. Thankfully, Fiona broke the intense silence.

"So, I already informed her of your picnic plans."

Leah shot her friend a grateful look. "A picnic does sound fun."

"I thought you'd enjoy getting away from your new nanny." Charles took a couple of steps back as if suddenly sensing Leah's uncomfortableness. "How is she working out for you?"

Leah was more than startled. When she and Fiona exchanged panicked glances, Charles raised a curious brow. "What? Am I missing something?"

"Well...see... the thing is..." Leah swallowed hard, not sure how to break the news to her friend. She wasn't even sure why she felt frightened to tell him. She took a deep breath and tried again. "Daddy decided not to hire another Nanny. He thought a butler would be best. "

"A butler? Like that brat, Samantha, always brings with her on visits?"

Leah nodded, once again unable to meet his gaze. How on earth did one explain Wren Adams?

"Just much younger," Fiona interjected.

"Younger?" Charles narrowed his brows.

Before anyone could answer further, the doors to the Lounge swung open. When Leah's gaze found Wren's twinkling green eyes and dampened hair, her heart began its new frantic rhythm. There was no possible way to describe her butler, she realized. Charles would have to see for himself.

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