《A Butler To Love ~A Christian Romance》Chapter 13 ~ Apologies


Leah lay in her bed and stared at the ceiling. Sunlight filtered through the window Fiona had opened, begging her to rise, but she couldn't. For the hundredth time that morning, she replayed yesterday's events.

How could I have done that? Groaning, she buried herself deeper into the white comforter, pulled the blanket over her head. What had she been thinking? She had never kissed in her life, yet she'd tried to get a stranger to kiss her? Embarrassment scorched her. How could she ever face him again?

"Leah, please come out. You have to dress for school. I understand you're upset with having a butler, but your actions yesterday were ridiculous! How could you lock your door and refuse to leave? It was immature. You need to get up."

A tug on blanket caused Leah's grip to tighten. "I can't. I can't ever look at him again."

"Again? What do you mean again?"

At this, Leah threw back the cover and bolted upright. Fiona sat on the edge of her bed, and her brown eyes widened the slightest. A tiny smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.

"Did you put makeup on last night?"

Leah pouted. "Yes."

"I can see that. It's smeared."

The friends looked at each other. Fiona's eyes narrowed. "What happened?"

"Oh, Fiona!" Leah threw herself into her maid's arms. "I did a terrible thing. I can't hold my head up in front of him again." Fiona began to rub small circles on her back, and memories of Wren's hands doing the same, surfaced. Leah's embarrassment deepened.

"It can't be that bad. I mean, it's not that bad, right?" Though her tone was gentle, Leah didn't miss the hopefulness in it.

"I, um..." Leah pulled away and fiddled with a tiny thread on the comforter. "I might have tried to kiss him."



"He said Daddy would only fire him if he touched me in a romantic way. So..."

"Leah Kingsley!"

"I know, I know! It wasn't right. Now do you see why I can't leave this room today?"

Silence. When Leah gathered her courage and glanced up, she winced under the pressure of flashing, brown eyes.

"This is unacceptable." Fiona's tone was quiet and reserved but tinged with anger. Abruptly, the maid climbed from the bed and, with one swift yank, ripped the comforter off and tossed it to the floor.

Shocked at this sudden wrath, Leah stared her, mouth agape. She couldn't recall Fiona ever being this upset.

"Here is what you will do, Little Lady." Fiona planted fists on her small hips. "You will take a shower and wash that clown mask off. Then, find that man and apologize."

Leah blinked at the foreign word. "Apologize?" Yes, she had apologized yesterday, but she hadn't meant it!

"Yes, ma'am. Now scoot!"

Leah jumped off the bed with a shriek and dodged the hand that came flying on her rear. She opened her mouth to make a remark about firing Fiona, but the petite woman dished her own threat.

"I ought to make you mop floors for behaving this way."

Leah dashed into the bathroom, slammed the door, and bolted the lock. What had gotten into gentle Fiona?

"I want you out of there in twenty minutes, Leah! And I'm not kidding."

Leah stared at the door, wondering if it might topple. When it didn't, she leaned against the sink in defeat. "What's her problem?" she muttered. Standing straight, Leah crossed her arms in defiance. But when she glanced in the mirror that spread the full length of the bathroom wall, she smiled small. Fiona was right; she was a mess.


She's probably right about everything.

The thought made her groan.

Leah made record time to shower, dress, and blow dry her hair. She opted for a ponytail, not in the mood for anything more elaborate. Then, Fiona had ushered her to door, but that was as far as Leah could go.

Now, dread settled over her. "I can't go out there, Fiona. He might be waiting for me." Leah pressed herself against the bedroom door, tried to breathe as panic rose.

Fiona narrowed a sharp look at her. "When did you become a coward?"

"I'm not, I, just... Oh, please, check if it's safe!" Leah used her puppy dog eyes, and Fiona's defiant stance weakened. Finally, the maid sighed and dropped her crossed arms.

"Fine. Step aside."

Leah scooted out of the way and waited as Fiona opened the door and looked up and down the hallway. She gave a definite nod. "Alright, it's safe. Now, let's eat breakfast. At this rate, you'll be late for school."

"Whew. Thanks." Leah smiled as relief surged through her, and she stepped into the hallway. "You're the best."

"I know." A deep, masculine voice became Fiona's soft one.

Heart leaping, Leah spun to see the one she avoided leaning against the wall behind them.

"Fiona!" Leah shot a death glare at her friend, but the maid simply raised a brow.

"Don't Fiona me. I said it was safe, and it is. Now tell this man what he needs to hear."

Leah gulped and wished the ground would open and swallow her.

"Oh, yes. Tell me what I need to hear." Wren said in a teasing manner.

She glared at him, but then dropped her gaze as her embarrassment returned. And why did he look so good in a black suit? She fidgeted with the folds of her skirt and jumped the slightest when Wren pushed off the wall. He ambled toward her. When he bent down to her level, she couldn't smother her blush.

"Well?" His lips quirked up in amusement.

"I'm sorry..." It came out a mumble.

"Didn't quite catch that."

Leah bit back her frustration. He was enjoying this! "I said I'm sorry," She said, louder. I shouldn't have done what I did yesterday, trying to k-kiss you." Leah raised her chin. "I'm a lady, and it was uncalled for. I'm still determined you will leave, but not in that manner. I hope you can forgive me." Tears pricked her eyes, and she sucked in a frustrated breath. She would not cry in front of him too!

He studied her a few moments, then his expression softened and the teasing glint in his eye vanished. "Forgiven. I'm sorry too."

More than startled, she gaped at him. "Whatever for?"

Wren straightened, shoving his hands in his suit coat pocket in a relaxed stance, but he never looked away. "I wasn't completely honest with you, and I should have been," he said with sincerity.

Leah wasn't sure where to look. She'd threatened to get him fired, and he was apologizing? "Well, ugh, it's...okay." Despite herself, she smiled, though it was small. With her chin still lifted, she whirled and stalked passed her maid who'd remained wisely silent throughout the exchange. "Fiona, it's time for breakfast."

Yet as Leah descended the marbled staircase, she felt a new lightness. Was it possible this butler wouldn't be so terrible after all?

But if she let him stay, what of her freedom? She wrestled with her thoughts the entire walk to the dining room but found no answer.

Why was life so complicated?


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