《Surrounded By You ~Romanogers》27
Tony was leaning against the kitchen counter of the HQ, with a mug of coffee in his hands while Sam was cooking breakfast. "So, where's capsicle? We've got mission reports to fill in" he asked Sam.
"He's probably still in his room, we've gotta keep him in bed rest." Sam answered with his focus kept on the bacon and eggs he was cooking.
Tony let out a puff of air "Well I've gotta get the reports done before Hill goes all crazy"
Sam rolled his eyes but smiled "She can kick your ass, that's for sure!" He smirked as Tony walked out the kitchen. He walked to the elevator, straight to the seventh floor, studying the files in his hands. When the doors opened he walked out and walked to Steve's apartment "FRIDAY, open the door."
"But sir..."
"FRIDAY, I've got something urgent to discuss with cap! Open the door!"
"Yes sir"
As soon as the door swung open,his eyes shot open as he stepped in the doorframe.
"Fuck" a female voice "Yes. Yes. Just there." followed by a loud husky growl "Tasha"
Tony's jaw dropped as he reached the door frame, with a full back view of the sofa in the living room, Steve's broad shoulders being scratched by two delicate hands. A float of red hair bouncing rapidly up and down on something out of sight that could only belong to Steve Rogers. He couldn't see anything much but he needn't any further sight to know their Russian spy was wildly riding their golden-boy captain.
"What the hell are you two doing at eight in the morning?" He shouted at them, causing Natasha's head to snap at his direction. "What the fuck Stark?" She shouted at him.
Steve's face was in a deep shade of red when he turned to send a death glare to the brunette, pressing Natasha's entire body to his chest, keeping her out of Tony's sight as she buried her head in his neck.
"Get out!" Tony's mind ordered his legs to oblige the blonde and turn around to walk away but his legs failed to obey him. He saw Steve's hand reach for something on the couch and then back to Natasha, wrapping what seemed to be a shirt over her shoulders, covering her bare skin from Tony's sight. He was sending daggers to Tony through his eyes "Why are you standing there? Get the hell out!" He shouted at Tony with a voice he hadn't heard before.
Tony gulped as he turned away and almost started running to the elevator, thanking the gods for the sofa not facing the door. He wouldn't want to get the slightest glance over Steve Rogers' poking device.
Natasha was resting her head on the crook of Steve's neck, cursing and laughing at the situation while Steve let out frustrated grunts.
"I was so fucking close" her voice cracked with laughter as she pulled back to see Steve's red face.
"It's not funny, Nat!" He groaned.
"Oh I think it is" She purred as she rolled her hips on his "And I'm sure now we have rest of the morning to ourselves". Steve let out a growl as he felt his arousal once again grow inside her, getting a gasp from her when his hips bucked up.
Tony got out the elevator and walked to the kitchen to find Sam placing a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs on a tray. "Finished already?" He asked Tony with raised brows.
"Huh?" Tony gave him a lost glance.
"The report, you done already?"
"Oh, no, not the best time" he uttered out.
"Ok, I'm gonna take this to him" Sam picked up the tray but before he could take a step, Tony screamed at him "NO!"
Sam stared at him "Believe me, you don't wanna go there right now!" He blurted with a horrified look.
"Why not?" Sam asked him, still confused.
"You don't wanna see what their doing" he shook his head while rubbing his eyes with a thumb and index finger.
"They?" Sam crooked a brow.
Tony barked out "That wild redhead of his!"
Sam nodded "Oh" then he gasped "Oh!" with his eyes going wide.
He left the tray on the counter and awkwardly passed Tony to the leaving room where Wanda was sitting on the sofa with a book. Tony took a glass and filled it with water, gulping it down in one motion. Then he walked to one of the sofas and dropped himself on the cushions "I suppose you all knew about this?" He asked them with his nose crinkled.
Wanda sighed with her eyes fixed on the book she was reading "If you're talking about the couple on the seventh floor, I had to go through a whole night with them in the next room at the hotel."
Tony gasped and she went on.
"And that reminds me!" She looked up at him "The walls here are sound proof, right?"
Tony nodded with his eyes wide in pure shock. "Good, otherwise I'd have to change my floor" She mumbled as she went back to her book.
Tony turned to Sam with his brows shot up and a look of disgust on his face. Sam only shook his head as his eyes went wide. "Wait! You said hotel!" Tony snapped "You said hotel room! They were doing it then?? How long has this been going on??" Sam nearly gaged while Wanda only shrugged her shoulders "Really not interested!" She mumbled without any enthusiasm in her voice. Tony leaned down in the sofa with his eyes wide and his jaw dropped.
Natasha buried her head in Steve's neck as she tried to calm her panting while Steve had his hands enveloping her tightly. His lips peppered kisses on her bare shoulder. "Are you ok?" She asked him in a low whisper, she was worried about his injuries. "Yeah, I'm fine" he whispered back with a smile "You didn't let me do much anyway" he chuckled shyly.
Natasha smirked in his neck "Are you telling me you didn't enjoy that?" She teased, seduction rolling over her tone. His face turned red and he didn't answer, instead he buried his head in her hair, taking her scent in with deep breaths. She really hadn't let him do much. She was worried about his injuries and wasn't going to risk hurting him for just an I love You sex; even if it was her first; ever!
She had said it before, but she had never really meant it, those times were just part of her act on her missions and this was real. To Bruce, she wanted to say it, but she didn't want to be first, not before him confessing to his feelings and that had never happened. And then, there was her red room trainer. The brunette who she had thought she loved but then she realized it wasn't love, she'd grown attached to him but not in love. Steve telling her he was in love with her before literally jumping on a suicide mission had pissed her off; she didn't care if it was soon or too much, she was just angry that he hadn't let it be more special. She had spend the remaining time of his treatment thinking about what she wanted to do about it.
Although, having done that while locking herself mostly in his apartment and wrapped in his clothes told her she really didn't have much deciding to do, it was obvious.
Was it fast? Yes.
Was it too much, too soon? Yes.
Was it the most serious thing that had ever happened in her love life? Again. Yes!
But she needed time to get over her initial shock. She hadn't been able to tell him the night before, she was scared of how it would come out or if it was just the heat of the moment for him that got him to say the words; something he would regret saying as time passed and he would grow cold, but his eyes told her it wasn't. So when she left his bed in the morning, she wasn't actually going to leave him, she just wanted to get them breakfast before he would wake up but the rage and tension had got the best of her and she had blurted out the words she had never wanted to say to someone so badly. She sighed, a happy sigh and she reached her hand for Steve's shirt.
"What are you doing?" Steve asked her with confusion. "You need to eat" she told him as she pulled back to put on his/her shirt.
"You don't have to go, I'll get something for both of us" he told her as his hand grasped her wrists.
She gave him a smile "Steve, it's your last days of bedrest and you haven't been resting much" she smirked at her words and he chuckled "It'll take me just a few minutes." She told him as she stood up on her feet, taking his boxers to put on instead of her own almost torn underwear.
He turned his gaze away from her, focusing on his sweatpants next to the couch and suddenly feeling very aware of his nakedness. Natasha gave him a lopsided smile as she leaned close to him, her lips brushing his jawline just under his ear "Why so shy, soldier?" His ears turned pink and so did his cheeks.
She kissed his jawline "You're a dork" then pulled away to walk to his door with her hips swaying. "You better be back in your bed when I come back!" And he watched her walk out the door, brows shaping a frown as he felt his blood rushing to his lower body. She had him under her spell and there was no way out.
Natasha was the black widow and Steve was the bait struggling to survive.
Natasha walked out the elevator and straight to the kitchen. She looked around to see a tray with a cup of cold coffee and scrambled eggs on it "Is this for Steve?" She shouted to the three sitting in the living room, who were oblivious to her presence. Sam looked up and nodded his head while Tony gave her a disapproving look. She placed the plate in the microwave to heat it and took two cups to pour some coffee for themselves. Then she busied herself with making two peanut butter sandwiches, all the while feeling two eyes following her around the kitchen.
"If you have something to say, just spit it out or stop staring at me" she huffed.
Tony sighed as he stood up and walked to her "Don't you two have anything better to do at eight in the morning?" He scowled.
Natasha turned to give him a coy smile "Better than that?"
Tony shook his head in disgust "I don't wanna remember that!" He threw the mission report file in the counter "Just get him to finish this".
Natasha smirked as she placed everything she'd wanted for the breakfast on the tray "Give it to him yourself!"
Tony send her a threatening glare "I am not walking to that room ever again!"
She failed to hide a snicker "It's your job to give him that, not mine." She took the tray and walked out the kitchen "Just remember to knock next time" She laughed as she walked away and Tony palmed his face.
"I am not coming back there!" He shouted after her but she didn't care to respond and he watched her step inside the elevator and disappear behind its doors. Tony walked back to the elevator cursing under his breath.
"So, when are you going back?" Wanda asked with a mischievous grin as Sam laughed at Tony. "I am not going!" He stubbornly told her "I'm just gonna wait for him to get his ass down here!"
Sam smirked "And you really think she's gonna let him do that?"
Tony shook his head "When did this happen? I should've been first to know"
Wanda gave him a thoughtful glance "How long did it take you to figure out about Sam and Maria?"
Tony chocked on his saliva then turned to Sam "I'd forgot all about that! Tell me exactly how it happened!" He demanded.
Sam was groaning as he sent death glares to Wanda "Why? What did I ever do to you?"
Wanda chuckled "I enjoy messing around with you boys"
Sam puffed out a deep breath "You know you're turning to Romanoff?"
Wanda grinned "I know!"
Steve was sitting on his bed with Natasha next to him, her legs curled on his laps and Steve's hands wrapped around her waist while he peppered kisses on Natasha's shoulders as his t-shirt failed to cover it entirely with him covered in a pair of sweatpants. She let a soft moan slip from her lips as she felt Steve cup her ass.
"Easy there, soldier!" She whispered in a hoarse voice.
Steve smiled against her skin "I really can't" she couldn't hold back a light giggle when he brushed his lips on her neck while laying her on the bed.
"What's gotten into you?" She asked him with her hand tousling his hair. Steve rested his chin on her chest and looked up at her "I'm sorry" he pulled himself up "Am I bein-"
Natasha cut him off with a kiss on the lips as she pushed herself up "It's great" she giggled "I just didn't imagine you like this"
Steve smiled and rolled to his back, pulling Natasha on his chest. She happily rested her head on his chest just above his heart. "I just want to be with you all the time" He murmured. Natasha smiled at his vulnerable tone.
She'd taken their breakfast to his room and found him sitting on the couch when they'd ate their first meal but as soon as they were done, she had forced him back to his bed where he had confessed he needed painkillers; making Natasha frown at his secrecy up until then.
She knew he had become attached to their physical intimacy and neither that or him wanting more wasn't surprising for Natasha. He'd told her she was his first and for what she had learnt, first experiments meant a lot and if they were pleasant, one couldn't get enough. Unfortunately for her, her first time had been by force and in an early age.
For years she was forced to pleasure the men in the red room and then she was sent on missions that she would use her body to seduce other men. When she joined SHIELD, Natasha was promised she would never have to let a man touch her in any disrespectful way or for missions. Since then she had had one nightstands, and too many of them. Then she'd realized she was tired of men who hungered after her body but knowing she could never have a family had kept her from looking for anything serious. Now having the feeling of hope, the feeling of being loved and appreciated gave her the confidence she had lacked for a long time.
She wanted to focus on her relationship with Steve, but she was attacked by images of red room where men would force themselves on her. She could see him. She could feel him on her body as he pushed her, face down, to the ground and leaned on her bare skin and with one quick motion, he pushed his length in her. Natasha screamed with her whole as she felt her body ache at his length. Her eyes shined with tears. Natasha didn't remember much from that day. The day she had turned thirteen and by the red room rules, it was her turn to be chosen.
On the thirteenth birthday of the girls, the strongest soldiers would spar with each other and the winner would get to claim the girl as his own. She wouldn't be his girlfriend, but she would be known as his for the rest of her time in the red room and if she succeeded to graduate, she would be his wife. On Natasha's thirteenth birthday, the spars had been fierce and hurtful as every single male member desired her. They would have their chances with her later on, even marked as one of their own, they didn't have any laws against getting intimate with the girls and the girls were bond to please them. The only thing was that they wanted her to themselves. Even at a young age, she had a curvaceous body and her red curls were tempting. They wanted to be the first to claim her and that scared her. She was the best of the girls and most likely to get the title of black widow; but the idea of being forced to please those men was terrifying for her. She heard her own screams while he claimed her as his own, pushing and pulling in and out of her with his nails scratching her skin.
"Nat!" She heard a loud scream.
"Natasha!" She could feel her body be shaken.
"Nat, open your eyes!" She heard a demanding voice filled with fear.
Her eyes fluttered open and was met with two blue orbs shining with fear.
"Natasha" he sighed her name "What happened?"
She darted her eyes around the room. She was still in his room and on his bed but she was on her back with him sitting next to her.
"Are you ok?" She nodded softly, feeling her head ache and her skin covered with cold sweat.
"Are you sure?" He asked her in a desperate tone.
Natasha felt confused "What happened?" She asked him in a low voice.
"I don't know. You started to whimper and then your body started to shake and then you screamed a name..." he trailed of with his head lowered.
Natasha bit her lip. She didn't need to ask what name she had screamed but the idea of what he was thinking about was devastating "Steve" she whispered his name.
He shook his head "it's fine." He gave her a weak smile "Just tell me, are you ok?"
Natasha shook her head "Please hold me" she pleaded. Steve nodded as he laid next to her and let her curl up on him.
They fell in a heavy silent that brought no peace to Natasha. "Alexi was my husband." She blurted out as she couldn't bare the silence anymore. Steve exhaled loudly. "I know. It's in your file." He replied coldly.
He didn't mean to be harsh on her but hearing her scream another man's name was painful for him. The idea of Natasha sharing a night with another man, sharing a bed with him, sharing a life with him got his heart to clench.
Natasha buried her head in his chest in an attempt to gain the confidence she needed "There were trainers and soldiers and us, girls. We had to do what they wanted. All the girls. At night, they would just come to our dorms and pull us by our arms. They would take us to this rooms that had nothing in them but a metal table and..." she trailed off.
Steve's body tensed at her words but stayed silent.
"We had to. I had to! When I turned thirteen, I had to stand there and wait for them to fight over who gets to have me as his own" she paused as she felt Steve flinch.
"You were thirteen?" He asked her with a voice soaked with pain.
Natasha nodded into his chest and he tightened his hold on her. "He won." She went on "And I was his prize. Whoever would win a girl on her birthday would get to marry her if she graduated as the black widow. It would be an arranged marriage.".
Steve swallowed hard "You were forced to marry him?"
Natasha pulled herself up to look him in the eyes "I thought you had read my files".
He shook his head "No, we had just became partners when they gave me your file. I started reading but then I felt I'd rather wait for you to tell me yourself."
Natasha smiled "Really?".
He nodded "You were my partner, I had to trust you and respect your privacy."
Natasha let her eyes rest on his lips while she thought if it was appropriate for her to kiss him right after sharing something that private. Steve rolled to his side, making her roll on her back.
He brushed his lips on hers but didn't take in any further. "I think we need to rest" he told her gently "And then maybe take a shower".
Natasha laughed but as his expression turned serious she fell silent "What's wrong?" Her voice leaked of fear. She was afraid he would think any differently of her.
He shook his head and rested his hand on her waist with his head in the crook of her neck "I won't ever hurt you." He promised her.
Natasha smiled and let her fingers snake in his blonde strands "I know" she whispered to him.
Being as tired as they were and with him having taken his painkillers, Steve was drifting to a slumber. Natasha stared at the ceiling falling back deep in thoughts. She had told him something no one else knew, not even Clint had any idea that the sexual abuse had started at the age of thirteen but still, there was one thing left to be shared.
They had trainers. She'd shared that.
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