《Surrounded By You ~Romanogers》18


"He doesn't belong with me." Natasha whispered under her breath.

"What?" Clint asked her. Natasha shut her eyes closed as she blamed herself for not remembering Clint had perfect hearing, thanks to his hearing aids. "Nothing." She mumbled as she tried to walk to the lift, but she was pulled back as his wrist grabbed hers.

"Tasha, you can't fool me! You either tell me what's going on with you or I'd go ask around." Natasha looked at him with narrowed eyes "you wouldn't dare!" She hissed. "Oh you think so? How about I go ask Cap, who I have a feeling is the he!" Natasha sighed as she softly shook her head. "Fine, I'll tell you but not here." Clint nodded and walked her to the lift.

They were both silent as they reached their floor and then her room. Natasha turned around to look at the door opposite to hers, knowing it belonged to the blonde soldier raised a twisted feeling in her guts. How he told Maria he'd taken two keys out for the both of them, the twinkle in his eyes, and how she was deciding to crush both of them.

They walked in her room and Clint settled down the carry on he was holding beside her bed while waiting for the redhead to sit on its edge and take a sit next to her. He had already walked his family to their suite, and surprisingly all the kids were already tired enough to fall sleep immediately and that gave Lura the time to rest as well.

"You know, I have all the time in the world." He broke the silent.

"Steve asked me to be his girlfriend." Natasha sighed. "What??" Clint screamed at her as she shrugged. "And what did you say?" Clint asked with his brows moving close to each other. Natasha only looked away, avoiding her gaze. "You said Yes??" He asked with a very too enthusiastic tone. "I have to end it before it starts." Natasha mumbled. "What?" Clint was starting to get irritated. "His Captain America, Clint. His a legend, the legend. How can he be with me? The black widow! The former assassin and spy!" Her voice cracked.

"Because you're not that! You're not those! You even say it yourself, former! You're an Avenger now!" He was angry, he hated the fact that she would still underestimate herself and she refused to let anyone in. The one time she'd lowered her walls was with Bruce, something he had not approved from the very beginning, since Laura dropped the hint that those two where a thing.

"Tasha, you're amazing, wonderful, nice, caring and strong! You can handle aliens and super soldiers, why would you ever doubt yourself?" Clint sighed as he cupped her face in his hands "You aren't the black widow Tasha, you are a sister to me, an aunt to my kids and a friend to every single one of the Avengers. I'm pretty sure you're like a daughter to Fury, but he'd never admit to it." He let out a chuckle hopping she would join him but she didn't.

She didn't laugh or chuckle, she didn't even smile, instead her eyes grew glossy as her lips trembled as she looked Clint deep in his eyes. Clint's eyes widened at the sight and pulled her to his chest. "But I'm not worth him." She sobbed in his chest, letting tears run down her face. Clint was silent. He had never seen her cry like this, not even after seeing the visions Wanda had shown her years ago. That had been the most vulnerable he had ever seen her and that was nothing close to this. This was a meltdown.


He soothed her back as he tried to gather his thoughts "what does it all matter if the two of you like each other?" He asked her in a soft tone. "He doesn't know what he's getting himself into, I can't even give him a family." Her voice was muffled as she pressed her head to his chest to stop her sobs. "Please tell me you're not going to destroy something good just because you're feeling insecure!" He argued as he pulled himself back. "I have too, before I hurt him. Or before he realizes I'm not the woman he wants to spend his life with and leave me." She folded her hands over her laps and held her head with her hands. "He is going to hate me, isn't he?" She looked at him, her eyes pleading him for slightest rays of hope.

"Rogers isn't like others, he'll feel hurt, he may be angry at you for a while, but he'll get over it. I'm even sure he wouldn't ask to change his partner."

At these words, Natasha's head snapped and she sat up straight. She hadn't thought about that. Would he want to change his partner? Would he want them to stay together? And last but not least, when would he move on? Would she have stay by his side and watch him move on? The thought of him starting a serious relationship was enough for her throat to go dry.

Clint didn't need any words, the fear and hurt in her eyes was enough for him to wrap his arms around her shoulders and rest her head on his chest again, letting her tears fall over his shirt as he caressed her back as he tried to assure her "Shhh, we'll figure this out Tasha.".

But even he didn't know how exactly were they going to do so, but he wasn't going to let her down.


Steve was walking to his room with a wide smile plastered on his face. He had spend the entire afternoon talking with Bucky. He was happy, more than he had ever been. Ha had his best friend back, the Avengers were back, Tony and Bucky had reached an understanding and trying to work things out and most importantly, he had finally build up the courage to open up Natasha and to his surprise, she hadn't rejected him.

As he reached his room, he turned around and stood still, thinking if he should check up on her or not. It took him a while to decide she'd probably be resting and he didn't want to disturb her, so he walked back to his room to wash up and change as they were all planned to have dinner together and now he had less that an hour to get ready. He spent his time with unpacking and taking a shower, then changing to a white shirt and a pair of black jeans. This wasn't really the type of outfit he'd enjoyed at the beginning, but since he had spent months with Natasha and she'd insisted on choosing his clothes, he'd just gave up and almost gotten used to it.

He smiled at his image in the mirror before he decided to leave his room. Tony had got the hotel manager to set their dinner table in the hotel's garden and Steve was actually happy with the idea, he'd rather spend the night outdoors than in a fancy room. He heard a knock on his door and grabbed his phone and keys before walking to the door. Yet another thing he'd learn to do, thanks to Natasha nagging him about leaving without his phone and her not being able to contact him. He opened the door to find Sam standing behind it, ready to go.


"Hey man, you ready?" He asked him and Steve nodded with a small smile as he walked out and closed the door. He glanced at Natasha's door as he wanted to knock on her door. "She's gone you know. Clint was with her all afternoon and they've left for dinner." Steve found that a little odd, considering Clint was on vacation with his family. He nodded, the wheels in his head starting to move rapidly.

They took the lift to the lower floor, to Bucky's room. Just as they knocked on his door, the opposite door flung open and Sharon walked out with a bright smile. "Captain" she greeted him with a smile and then turned to greet Sam with a nod that he mirrored. Bucky opened his door and smirked as he saw Sam standing beside Steve. Sam nodded with a light frown, causing Sharon's glare to travel between the two while Steve laughed at them.

The garden had a circular area, all surrounded by trees, a round table was set in the middle with the Avengers sitting around it. Tony was siting next to Pepper who was talking with Laure. Lila was sitting between his mother and Natasha, leaving Cooper between his auntie and father. Natasha was multi tasking as she helped both kids eat their food and tried to take a bite every now and then herself. Vision had settled next to Clint, leaving Wanda and Maria seating and talking with each other as he rested his hand on the backside of Wanda's chair.

"There they are!" Tony's voice caught everyone's attention and they turned to see the new arrivals, Natasha's eyes resting on the tall blond.

Sam and Bucky were busy with their bickering as they walked to the table an took the seats next to Maria. Steve was talking with Sharon but his eyes were searching around the table one by one, his eyes rested on Natasha as his lips curled up in a sweet smile, a smile that went pale as she turned her gaze away.

He hesitantly walked to the table and sat next to Tony, Sharon taking the seat next to him. Steve saw Natasha send another glance to his side and her eyebrows turn to a knot. He didn't understand much of the dinner as he was keeping his focus on Natasha who was feeding the kids and didn't get involved in any conversation. Clint would whisper something to her every now and then and she would respond with a subtle nod of head. He was smiling at her, admiring her beauty and didn't pay much attention to the conversations around him, even when Tony or Sharon would talk to him.

Just as everyone was finished with their desert, the kids got up to play and a brief moment, Natasha's eyes looked over the table to meet Steve's and they locked eyes before she drifted her gaze from his. Steve sighed in confusion as he turned away to look at Maria who had called his name to get his attention. "I know we're on vacation, but I need you and Natasha to go over your mission reports and finish them." She had a gentle and friendly smile, making Steve think of he'd ever seen her smile like that. "Sure thing." He replied.

Natasha had heard Maria as well and decided she couldn't keep up with the cold looks anymore. She stood up from her seat and walked away from the rest with a simple goodnight. Steve's eyes followed her. He immediately excused himself and walked after her. To his surprise, she didn't walk back to the building but she walked deeper in the garden, following a path that was just a little far from absolute darkness as it was only decorated with smile light bubbles.

Her figure soon became to a shadow and stood still over what appeared to be a cliff over the ocean. Steve walked closer to her, close enough to stand by her side. A deep silent fell over them, the only sound to be heard was their breathing and the ocean. He looked at her, admiring her figure as the moonlight reflected from her milky skin, her red locks shining like flames.

"It's rude to stare, Rogers." Her voice broke the silent as she looked him over her shoulder.

"Can't really control it, sorry." He chuckled.

"You need to!" She turned around to face him, her tone firm and her eyes holding daggers in them.

Steve's body tensed at the sight and his brows flew up "What's wrong?" He asked as he reached a hand to hold hers, only to be swatted away.

"Nothing. Everything's just like it should be."

He could taste the venom in her tone, making him swallow hard. "Nat, we were fine, what happened?" He asked her with a firm tone but his eyes were pleading.

"There can't be a we or us! We have nothing going on and it will stay like that!" Her tone was demanding, making his eyes to turn to a cold shade of blue, reminding her of ice.

Natasha gulped at the sight.

He smirked "You're running away, aren't you?" He scoffed at her.

Natasha turned her gaze away.

"Is this what you really want?" The coldness of his voice formed a circle of tears in her eyes.

She nodded her head. Steve swung on his heels and walked a few steps away before he glanced at her over his shoulder.

"Have it your way then, Romanoff."

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