《Friends Forever》Bad News


Jackie sat up out of bed. She felt so happy knowing what Jack did. She walked downstairs to the White House dining room where Audrey and Grace were already eating breakfast. Grace giggled when she looked at at Jackie because her hair was very messy. "Good morning!" Grace said. "Good morning, how did you sleep last night?" Jackie asked sleepily. "Very well, what about you?" Grace asked. "Great" Jackie said. Jackie glanced over at Audrey who was not even eating or talking. Jackie made a face at Grace. Grace silently shrugged. They kept watching her, but were interrupted when Jack walked into the room. "Good morning ladies!" Jack said. "Good morning!" Grace and Jackie both said. Audrey said nothing. Jack glanced at Audrey made a face at both Jackie and Grace. They both shrugged. Jack kissed Jackie on the cheek and then sat down to eat breakfast.

They continued to watch. She didn't seem like herself. Jackie, Grace, and Jack both decided to say something when they saw her crying in her room. "What's wrong?" Jackie started. "I found out I was pregnant a few weeks ago, and when I woke up this morning, I found out that I've had a miscarriage." Audrey cried. "Have you told Mel yet?" Jack asked. "No!" Audrey cried. Jack and Jackie both glanced at each other. "We need to get her to the doctor" Jack said. "I'm so sorry. Everything will be ok." Grace said. Jackie went to call Mel, and Jack alerted the secret service.

"Hello!" Mel exclaimed on the other line. "Audrey just miscarried her baby! We need you to come to Sibley Memorial hospital." Jackie said. "Oh my God! I'll be there as soon as possible! Is she ok?" Mel asked. Jackie could tell that he was crying. "Shes ok. Just hurry."Jackie said. She knew deep down inside that she was lying. Of course she wasn't ok! She just lost her baby and she's not even with her husband. That triggered memories for Jackie. She remembered when miscarried a baby in 1955. She then recalled when, in 1956, she lost Arabella. Jackie remembered how Jack was on a yacht with his friends cruising the Mediterranean. He didn't bother to come be with her or be there for her. She was so upset with him. She snapped out of it when she heared Jack yell, "Jackie lets go!" She ran downstairs and saw their private plane, the Caroline, waiting for them. They got on the plane and arrived at Sibley Memorial hospital shortly.

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