《Friends Forever》Exciting News


Audrey stepped into her room and flopped onto her bed. She was overwhelmed with joy. She had just found out that her, Jackie, and Grace were all going to have a baby around the same time. Audrey ran to the phone to call Jackie. "Hello. This is Tish Baldrige. May I ask who this is?" Audrey smiled because she knew that Jackie hates how she has to have people answer the phone for her. "Hello Mrs. Baldrige, this is Audrey. I would like to talk to Jackie." Audrey waits patiently while Tish forwarded the call to Jackie. "This is Mrs. Kennedy." Jackie said on the other line. "Jackie!!" Audrey squealed. "Hi Audrey! How are you? I simply cannot believe that we are all three expecting at the same time!" Jackie gushed. "This will be is so exciting! Our kids will be so close!" Audrey said. " So what names do you like the best? For a girl, I like the name Kate. For a boy, I was thinking about the name Sean!" Jackie replied, "For a girl, I like the name Arabella and we can call her Bella. For a boy, I like the name Patrick Bouvier Kennedy." Audrey replied, "I love both of those names! We just have to see each other soon!" Jackie replied "I agree! I will see you soon, and we can go to Lily Pulitzer and Elizabeth Arden, get the new Jack Rogers sandals!"

Just then, Jack walked in the room. He smiled at Jackie. "Sorry to bother you ladies, but I would like to know if you want to add Grace to the call." Jackie replied, "Of course we do! Thank you!" Jack hasMrs. Baldrige add Grace Kelly to the call. "Grace! Hello! Audrey and I were just talking about the names we like best. What names do you like?" Grace replied " Well I absolutely love the name Stéphanie for a girl and for a boy, I like the name Luis." The girls talked for what seemed like forever.

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