《I Hate my Stepbrother (I Love Him) (Punk Niall Horan)》Ch.3 Their gone


Niall's pov.

"I need to tell you guys that you parents were shot and die on the way to the hospital "


"Sorry for your loss"


I end the call and I am in total shock.

"Who was that?" Avalon ask.

"Our parents are dead. They where shot"

She stands there in absolute shock. Then falls to the ground crying. I go over to her and rub her back.

Avalon's pov.

She's gone my mom.

"No,no,no,no,no" I said shaking my head. While Niall rubs my back.

"I'm sorry but they're gone" he said softly. I sat up and hugged him crying into his chest.

"Shhh it's ok shhh"

I continue to cry and after a few minutes I feel Niall pick me up. I wrap my legs around his torso and he take me up to my room and sets me on the bed. After a few I fell sleep. A few hours later I wake up because of a storm. I jump at crack of lightning. I get up, walk in to the hallway and stand in front of Niall's door. At crash of thunder and I scream. Niall's door opens and he see me.

"Are you sacred of storms" he asks and I nod.

"C'mon in"he said then move so I could walk in. I laid on his bed and he gets in behind me and wraps his arm around my waist and pulled me in to his chest and we both fall a sleep.

Maura's pov.

Me and Bobby in the house before we cross. We love seeing our kids together.

When Niall heard Avalon scream he shot out his bed and ran to the door and now they're cuddling in their sleep.

"Bobby what do you think"

"He's going to be overprotective of your kitty" yea I told him were dead no reason not to.


"Yea, I hope she can handle. Hiding her secret from him and does run into catnip. What do you think will happen when he finds out?"

"He will probably freak then go get drunk."

"Ok well it time to go. let them start their Journey" before I walk in to the light I kiss Avalon on her forehead. Then walk hand and hand in to the light with Bobby.

Niall's pov.

I wake up and look at Av sleeping.

"I have to keep the secret"

Wait what secret is she keeping. I'm going to find out what it is.

"Av wake up" I said gently shaking her. she groans the opens her eyes.

"Morning Niall and thanks for last night"

"No problem.You talk in you sleep"

"Oh, don't listen to what I say in my sleep." She said then got up and went it her room. I see a little bit of a cat ear come from under the beanie.

I walk down stairs and think. A cat ear. Mmmmm I wonder if she a hybrid. I pull my phone out and type in hybrid.

Hybrids are half human half animal. Made by scientist. normally either cat or dog. They have ears and tails. They will have the normal ear and animal ears. They will have the animals abilities. Like cat hybrids will purr, and hate water and storms. And when the are embarrassed they will talk in the third person.

That's all I needed it read. Oh we have catnip in the garden. I go outside and get some and put some in my back pocket. This will be fun if she is one.

Avalon's pov.

I'm in my room and a delicious smell comes to me. catnip. I run down stair and see Niall on the couch but I don't care right now I want to know were that catnip is. I smell the room and it's coming form Niall. dam I can't get it now. So I sit next to Niall calmly. Out of nowhere he starts scratching behind my normal ears. It's so hard not to purr. I can't hold it in any longer and start purring softly and lean in to his touch.


"Awww what a pretty kitty" he said then got something out of his pocket. The catnip.

The smell is intoxicating. Then I snap back in to reality.

"What are you doing" I said moving his hand away from my ear.

"Your a hybrid" he said.

"What are you talking about? your crazy" I said then went up to my room. that was so close.

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