《My Bestfriend's Father》The End


Standing in the store with my friend Cindy I met a few years ago we've been here for hours just looking at the different dresses they had.

"I think you would look beautiful in this one". She said holding up a mermaid-style dress.

"Girl I want to be able to move and walk". I said causing us to laugh as I picked up a dress examining it.

"Have you talked to your mom since she's been calling a lot lately". She asked as I put the dress back.

"No I thought about it but after what went down I just want to leave the drama in the past and focus on my children and future husband". I said picking up a dress that I liked before walking over to a worker.

"Hi, may I try this on". I ask and he nods his head as me and Cindy follow behind him and he unlocks the door and I walk in.

"Your mother is calling again boo". She says on the other side of the door.

"Decline it". I said as I continued to undress.

"Umm babe". She said as I pulled the dress on.

"Yes boo". I answer back looking at myself in the mirror as I held the dress up since I couldn't zip it up myself.

"Your mom is standing out here". She said causing me to turn around and open the door and she indeed was standing there.

"What the fuck". I mumbled looking at her.

"So you can't answer the phone". She asked causing me to mug her.

"No, the fuck I can't so you stalking me now". I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Look I need you to watch your little sister". She said and I looked at her crazily.

"You mean my cousin but why can't her daddy do it". I ask turning around as Cindy zipped up my dress.


"He just can't okay". She said and I shrugged turning back around.

"Welp that's not my problem how do I look boo". I ask Cindy and she starts tearing up causing me to tear up.

"Don't do this Cindy". I said wiping my eyes as she started crying.

"You look so beautiful". She said fanning her eyes walking up to me hugging me.

"Thank you". I said as we rocked back and forth.

"So why can't you watch her". My mom said ruining the moment we were having.

"Dang can I ever just have a good moment I'm not fucking watching her call a babysitter". I said walking back into the dressing room.

After getting dressed in my regular clothes I put the dress back on the hanger and walk out.

"Let's go buy us a dress". Cindy said as soon as she seen me walk out.

Shaking my head we walk to the desk to pay for the dress.

Looking at Tyrese's model the suit he was gone be wearing for the wedding had me dead especially the looks he was getting from José.

"Daddy why he dancing like that". José asked with his face scrunched up as we watched Tyrese do the Stanky leg.

"This way before your time". I said laughing as I shook my head.

"Nigga I hope you don't plan on doing that shit at my wedding". I said causing him to stop and turn around.

"Yes, the fuck I do". He said fixing his suit.

"Nah you gone have to do a different dance". I said shaking my head.

"Imma hit my Dougie She says she like my Dougie, I'm fresh, my Dougie, I'm fresh

My Dougie, I'm fresh, yep, flyer than a motherfucker". He said and I ain't gone lie he was doing good but he ain't doing that shit at my wedding


"Man now you know you not doing that shit". I said causing him to laugh.

"Whatever nigga let me go change so we can pay for these suits". He said walking into the dressing room.

My moms been asking me why we didn't be engaged for a few years before we married but we grown and we wanted to do this now. Milli already basically had her dream wedding planned out so when she said plan she really meant put into action.

"I can't believe it, man, this shit is actually happening". Tyrese said as I nodded my head fixing José's suit since I was already dressed.

"Yea I have to remember I'm an old tough nigga". I said causing him to laugh.

"Bitch you ain't tough but come on I hear the music". He said patting my shoulder and we all walked out.

The bridesmaids and their partners were walking out now so Tyrese went and got in line. After they were all in there it was Milli's turn to walk out so I turned around before she came out of the room so I wouldn't see her.

Once she finally went in I was up next. I grab Josés hand and we started to walk down the aisle and as we got closer I started tearing up. She was beautiful and she knew it.

Finally standing in front of her I look down at Sofia in her little white dress. Wiping my eyes I look up and Milli is crying as she smiled. The Officiant started the wedding and everything was running smoothly Milli said her vows. It was now finally my turn.

" I love you and appreciate everything you do for me and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I appreciate you for being there for me and never giving up on me just like I'm gone always be there for you". I said sliding the ring on her finger.

"I'm not down yet though". I said getting down on a knee in front of José.

" You might not understand a lot of shit that I'm about to say but I love your mother very much and she gave me the greatest gift you could give somebody I promise to always be there for her and never make her cry but most of all I promise to do right by you so will you let me marry your mother". I ask looking at him as he cried and tears rolled down my face.

"Yea". He said hugging me and I picked him up now facing Milli.

"By the power invested in my You May kiss the bride". The officiant said and I pulled her in giving her a long passionate kiss before kissing Josés forehead and a sleeping Sofia's cheek.

"I'm ready to dance". Milli said causing everybody to cheer.

"Let's go then". I said as we walked down the aisle together.

"Here hold her while I go change". She said kissing me and walking away.

Everybody was dancing and having a good time and Milli was definitely living her best life playful smacking Cindy's ass as she twerked on her causing me to laugh.

This is the life that I dreamed of and I thank god for putting Milli in my path...

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