《My Bestfriend's Father》Chapter 13


Looking around the front yard people were looking over and smiling walking my way while some others just looked on.

"Hey, baby girl I haven't seen you in a while". Rodney's mother Sharon said bringing me into a hug.

"Hey mama how you doing". I said laughing hugging her back.

"Good, it's really nice to see you". She said looking me over before looking at Rodney for a second doing a double-take.

"Who baby you got". She asked walking over to him looking at José.

"This my son". He said causing me to look at him shocked at how he just bluntly said it.

"When did you and Jade have a baby you know I don't like that girl I was fine with Jasmine now you got another reason to stay connected to her after Jasmine leaves". She said shaking her head as she took the baby.

"It's too hot out here for this baby let's go inside and talk". She said walking towards the house while I walked beside him elbowing him in his side.

"What's wrong with you". I ask laughing as we walked into the house.

"Ain't shit wrong with me that's my son and I'm not hiding him from nobody and for nobody I'm proud". He said walking into the living room behind his mother.

Sitting on the couch she plays with José before looking up at Rodney.

"So what's his name and where's his mother". She asked and I cleared my throat.

"His name José and his mother right there". He said pointing at me and I started choking on air.

"You do know she's a teenager right and babygirl you know he's married I might not like his wife but that still doesn't make this right". She said shaking her head and I nod letting her know I understand.


"I'm not gone treat you any different but y'all better get it together and tell Jade and Jasmine". She said handing him to me when he started whining.

"Granny have you seen my mom". I heard Jasmine say before she appears from the hall.

"Who has a baby". She asked walking over looking down at the baby before looking up with wide eyes.

"Umm, h-hey Milli long time no see". She said walking over to me.

Watching Jasmine act like she hasn't seen Milli since we told her to stop talking to her is the funniest shit ever.

"Girl stop playing I know y'all been talking to each other Jasmine". I said and she looked over at me with a look of confusion.

"How". She asked sitting on the couch by my mother.

"When I pass by your room you can't whisper baby girl". I said shaking my head.

"AYE YALL COME EAT". I heard somebody else and everybody made their way to the backyard.

"Here y'all go sit down and I'll bring y'all a plate". My mama said handing José to me as she followed everybody out.

"I still haven't seen your egghead ass wife around here". Milli said as she sat down beside me.

"You spoke too soon because there she go". I said nodding in her direction.

"Who fucking baby do you have". She asked mugging me.

"Mines". I said staring at her blankly.

"So you went and had a baby on me". She asked with a frown.

Just as I was about to speak José started crying so I hand him over to Milli.

"Go feed my son". I said and she nodded getting up taking him in the house.

"You got a baby with Milli Rodney are you serious she a little ass girl". She said slightly raising her voice.


"My son and his mother ain't got shit to do with you go sit down". I said waving her off.

"I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU". She yelled storming off and her mother came over to me.

"What did you do to my daughter". She asked mugging me.

"I ain't do shit to your daughter but what you can do is get out my face". I said standing up from the chair and walking into the house.

"Aye Reno you have seen a girl and a baby come through here". I ask my cousin who sat in the living room.

"Yea I seen her go to you and Jade's room". He said and I nod walking to the back.

Walking into the room I see her with her shirt up scrolling through her phone as she feeds him.

"You think he full yet". I ask walking over sitting beside her.

"Yea he would be about done". She said pulling him back and handing him to me.

Pulling her shirt down she stands up and grabs him.

"Come on let's go back down and eat". She said opening the door.

Things went a lot smoother than I thought...

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