《Dear Bestie..( Completed)》Chapter #13


The morning was quiet early for us...

Amma woke me up in a hurry...

" Suman... Get up... Hot water is ready in the bathroom ... Quick ..you have to get ready..."

I squeezed my eyes to open... I jumped out of bed to see the silk skirt and jewelry...

As every girl child I was fond of make-up , especially the lipstick ...

Amma will allow me to wear lipstick today.. !!!

That thought made me to go to bath quick...

When I came out , I saw Shravan wearing a dhoti ... I chuckled as he struggled to manage dhoti ...

" Don't laugh Suman... I am new to this attire... Aunty made me to wear this.. I don't know where she has kept my spectacles... "

He folded his sleeves annoyed...

I went near him ... Helping him to fold the sleeves , I set his hair correctly...

" Wait shravan...I will get your spectacles..."

I ran to amma's bedroom to get the same...

Wiping it in his shirt , he wore it ...

" Now only I feel like completed..."

He exclaimed....

" You think it is a body part of you?!?!"

I teased him... And , smeared sandalwood paste in-between his brows..." Now , you're handsome" I winked...

" Suman.... Shravan...."

Amma was in search of us... " Coming amma...."

I shouted...

Before I ran to amma's call , Shravan stopped me...

" Suman... You're looking beautiful..."

I smiled" Thank you... Shravan ... Dhoti suits you well... You're looking like a typical south Indian..."

I admired...

He adjusted the dhoti to walk with me...

Shravan's enthusiasm cut down to see his parents in the courtyard...

They're talking with my Amma...

" Hey shravan... Your parents... "

I cooed happily where he dragged me to the backyard...

I was confused with his behavior.. usually he would be waiting to meet his parents... Strange was that he tried to stay away from his parents that time..

" Shravan ... what's disturbing you? Why you are behaving weird?"


I tried to get his point...

" They're taking me with them... I don't want to go... "

His tone was low that anytime he would cry...

" Shravan... what's wrong in it? Anyway we have completed our annual examinations... it's the vacation...you can stay with your parents for few days and you can come back ..."

As I spoke , he held my hands firm..

" I don't want to go.. They have planned to join me in new school there in my town... If I go now , perhaps I may not return.. I will miss everyone here... Aunty is so sweet to me... Moreover , I don't want to leave you.. "

He suddenly embraced me that spoke his insecurity loud...

" Shravan... don't worry... We will be in touch.. "

I tried to calm him...

" Suman...you don't understand..I am from North India...my culture and tradition is entirely different from yours... I was here only because my parents have undergone some serious financial issues...They got over it... They wanted me with them now... "

I nodded in understanding...

" Suman... I don't know why I wanted you to be with me forever... This time ,I don't want to go with my parents..."

I pressed my lips tenderly in his forehead to reassure him...

" Shravan... If we are meant to be forever ,no one is going to separate us... Don't worry..."

I grasped his hands and headed to his parents...

I behaved and consoled Shravan like a matured girl on that day... But , when Shravan had left with his parents after akka's wedding , I was the one who suffered a lot...

I remembered his tears and hug when he had said good bye to me...

" Suman... You're in my entire heart.. I won't let anyone to replace you.. remember always that someone called shravan admired you so much...loved to be with you forever... "

His words rang in my ears everyday.. Then to , I was helpless that we were living on the era of a little technical advancement... There were no social networking sites to connect us... Hardly there were landline connection... As I told it wasn't easy to be in touch...


Slowly , I was habituated to watch the sky alone... The rainy days reminded me of the days where we got drenched and struggled with bitter tasted cough syrups... I was habituated to walk in rain with an umbrella.. I saw the rainbows alone... I have counted the stars alone... I started to live alone with Shravan's memories...

After that , I had so many friends in my life but I didn't had a best friend...

When I grew up , thought to search him by name in networking sites and left the idea whatif anything negativity happens... As Divya akka settled in London , we had lost connection where shravan had become the memory in the deep layers of my mind..

I wanted to cherish the happy moments that we spent together..hence , I started to live the same Suman by mind... The same little girl who loved to watch stars with her nerdy friend shravan...

He was my best friend forever and no one would replace his place in my heart..

Shravan was my bestie forever...


I roll over the bed ...

How have I spoilt his birthday remembering my young age..?! Am I not a selfish ?!?!

perhaps , the guilt in me doesn't allow me to sleep for long..I wake up early before the alarm.. I check the clock and massage around my eyes gently.

It is five o clock... let me text him...

Thinking , I get up to finish the morning chores... After a quick refreshment , I swipe up my mobile to text him...

Good morning Shravan... Why don't you take an off for your work today?!

Imagining his reaction bring out a smile in my face...

He will come soon after seeing my text.. After short workouts , I go to bath...

I prefer a light breakfast with cereals to save time.. wearing the wrist watch ,I begin to check mails in my mobile..

His message pops up...

I immediately touch the text to open ...

Good morning Sam... I am afraid I may not be able to join you today... sorry...

I throw the phone on bed disappointed...

Suddenly a huge nothing hit me as he declines my invite... For a split second , my eyes welled up with warmth..I fold my arms, walking fast across the room...

It takes few seconds to relax... I breath out slowly pursing my lips...

Suman... The fault is yours... You have to manage... Nothing wrong in it

I prepare few things for dinner before leaving...

I plan to buy a gift for Shravan , more than a gift I wish to buy any unique and touchy thing which he would remember forever...

I book a cab to the nearest shopping mall ... When I get down I call him ...

This time by vedio call...

It is his office time... I want to check whether he's really busy in office or he's angry with me. . Added , I can see his office too...

" Hello...!"

His voice is rigid asif he's attending an office call... He doesn't notice that its a video call from me...

He is on his headphones , working seriously on his laptop...

" Hello...!" I reciprocate...

He recognizes my voice . Immediately, his lips parts to smile...

" Hey ... Sam... Sorry.. I am stuck with work.. "

He doesn't notice my vedio call still...

" Yes... I can see you working at office..."

" What ? Where are you?" He looks around him to see whether I am visiting him...

" Shravan... Look at your phone...I am on vedio call" I snap..

" Oh...!"

He looks at the mobile and waves hands to me...

" Sorry Sam..." His voice is low which conveys his regret...

" That's okay... But I am angry with you.. "

I tell in one go , with flat expression... I cut the call , leaving behind his sorry...

I hear his deep sigh at the other end...!!!!


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