《My Deadliest Secret {COMPLETED}》Chapter 19 (end)
***Nine Months Later***
Every thing is ok now. Well, not really. I'm a senior now. It's November. I turned 17 not so long ago. I eat a little now. But sometimes I get scared and starve for more than two days or throw the food in the toilet and of course flush it. I'm nine months. The doctor said its going to be a boy.
After that day my mom found out I was pregnant, she talked to Jayy's parents. They decided have Jayy "never" see me again. Eventually, Jayy talked them through to letting him see me again. It worked. Our parents aren't very happy because we were 16 when we did "it."
Fate is talking to me again. So is Jinx. I found out that she wasn't talking to Jayy, Nate, and I because she was too buisy spending her preciouse time with her new boyfriend, Jinx. I caught them making out at the park. I didn't yell. They were just probably keeping it a secret because that's what Jinx does. Later that day he called me and told me that's why he pushed me away on that day we kissed. Kinda weird. She's all hyper and colorful. Jinx is moody and dark. When I say dark, I mean he's always wearing black. Well, you know what they say. Opposites attract.
And your probably wondering whats up with Nate, Fate's twin. He's still the same. He only talks a little to Jayy, Fate, Jinx and I. When Fate invited me over one day he didn't talk to his parents. He would shake his head no or nod yes when they asked a question. He has been crushing on this little cute girl named Gwen. When I say little I mean little. She 14 and now we are all 17. He met her at the mall in Hot Topic. She goes there a lot. Nate is gonna be 18 in a few months which illegal for him to date her.. She's really short. Probably somewhere around 4'10. Nate is way taller. Like six foot two. He says age doesn't matter. I think they'd make an awesome. They're into the same stuff. The only difference is she has fiery red hair.
"So, when are you due?" Fate asks as she pushes me on the swing at the park. She dyed her hair all purple now. She wants it that color for a while now. She's wearing blue skinny jeans and a dark blue shirt with bright yellow letters that says Pokémon. Just blue eyeliner. Her hair teased and behind one ear.
"Anyday now," I say. A smile creeps onto my face. These days I don't really feel like dressing. I am wearing black sweat pants and a grey t-shirt. No makeup. And my hair is in a pony tail. I still and always will wear that bracelet that Jayy got me.
"Is it possible for you too have the baby today?"
"Maybe. I've been having these real bad cramps since yesterday. There not happening right now though."
Fate walks in front of me and smiles. I stop the swing and ask, "How are you and Jinx?"
Her smile widens. "Fine." She twirls her hair with her finger and giggles like a little girl. She stops when an icecream truck passes by. "omg! Ice cream! Please, Violet, can we get ice cream!" she pouts and gives me puppy dog eyes. I couldn't help but chuckle. She's a 17 year old using the puppy dog eyes like a 4 year old would do for icecream.
"Ok, Fate, but I don't want any."
I don't think she heard me. She yells at the truck to stop. He does as commanded. I follow along. I hold onto my round tummy. It's not very huge. I hope once I have the baby I don't gain any weight. If I do I'll just exercise it all off and go back to the eighties. I weigh 90 lbs. I freaked out at first, but then calmed down.
The icecream man is old and wrinkly. He asks Fate what ice cream she wants. She asks for cotton candy. He hands her the icecream. Then he asks me. I shake my head no. "Violet!" she gasps. "how could you not want icecream! Your pregnant."
"I ate before I got here." it was true. I did eat before I got here. I ate half an orange so that way I wouldn't faint.
The man gives Fate a look. She shrugs and hands him a dollar. We walk away. "You never eat," Fate says not sounding worried. She's not really worried about my eating habits as much as Jayy, C.J, and Mom.
"Why don't you eat?" she asks as she eat her icecream. I shrug. Of course I know why I don't eat. It's obviouse. I'm huge.
"Ow," I cry as we get closer to my house. I stop and hold my stomach even though pain is also in my back. "Call my mom! Hurry!" she takes out her phone and dials my mom's number. I fall to my knees. She tells my mom to hurry and pick us up. The pain hurts so much.
Mom comes to pick me up and carries me into the car. She gently puts me in the back and rushes to go in front of the car in the front seat. Fate sits next to me in the backseat. She throws her icecream out the window as my mom drives to the hospital. When we get there I am taken to a room where they give me this shot I guess for pain.
"Mom, I want Jayy," I say tears trickling down my cheeks.
"I called him. He said he's coming. Don't worry you'll be ok." Mom says brushing my hair out of my face. Fate is on the other side of me with a worried look.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
She shakes her head and says "Nothing," she gives me an assuring look. A few minutes later the guys come in. "Hey," Jinx says as he gives me a hug. Next is Nate who awkwardly hugs me quickly. Then is Jayy. He gives me a hug and kiss.
"You ok?" Jayy asks. I nodded. I wasn't really ok. I was in pain still. I hated thoughts shots. A nurse walks into the room in all white.
"Oh my," she says. "I'm afraid we have to many people in this room. We only allow two people at a time."
"Don't worry we were just leaving." Jinx grumbles and walks out the door. Nate and Fate follow.
(Fate's Point Of View)
I'm so worried for Violet. She looks so weak and pale! Is she gonna be able to have this baby? I want to cry, but I hold it in. We go down the elevator to the first floor. Jinx squeezes my hand when we sit down in a waiting room. Nate sits a across from us. It's getting late and we are the only ones there except for the lady at the counter who leaves when she sees us. We don say anything. I think we all are scared for Violet. I think we're afraid what's gonna happen.
"Something wrong, Fate?" Jinx asks. I can't talk or I'll cry. So I just shake my head and lay my head on his shoulder. Nate gives me a look.
"So, uh, Nate have you talked to Gwen?" I ask, trying to forget about Violet. His face turns red as a tomato. He shakes his head no.
"Why is that Nate? I think she'll like up you."
"I.... Don't know." he says in his very deep voice.
"Jayy and I were thinking about setting them up, but Nate refuses," Jinx mutters. Sheesh someone's grumpy. I glare at Nate who just shrugs then Jinx.
"What's up with the attitude?" I ask Jinx.
"You act like I don't have attitude," he mumbles.
"Yea, true. Your always grumpy."
"Whatever, I'm going outside to smoke." he walks outside leaving me with Nate. Jinx gets mood when he doesn't smoke in a while.
Mrs. Pettison comes down the elevator. "Hey, which one of you wanna see Violet next?" Nate and I say no. I guess we both are scared. Jinx comes back inside. "Jinx, would you like to see, Violet." He nods and heads for the elevator. "Good luck," she shakes her head in amusement, "that girl and her mood swings." I chuckle for some reason. Suddenly Mrs. Pettison starts crying. I stop.
"Oh my goodness. Whats wrong Mrs. Pettison?"
"My baby," she cries in her hands.
"Want me to get C.J?" I ask.
She looks up and wipes her tears. "I'm not worried about C.J. He's probably home playing video games. I'm worried about Violet."
"We all are," I say.
(Jinx's Point of View)
When I'm on second floor I go looking for room 134. When I walk into the room Jayy and Violet are arguing. "Don't touch me," Violet yells.
"You just told me to hold your hand," Jayy says trying to stay calm.
"Uh, hey guys," I say awkwardly.
They look up at me. They say hi.
"How are you, Violet?" I ask trying to be polite.
"Fucking Fantastic," she grumbles sarcastically.
"Violet! Can't you be a little?" Jayy asks.
"Can't you shut up! I'm gonna give birth to your damn baby!"
For some reason I want to laugh, but I hold it in. The urge of wanting to laugh goes away completely once I pay more close attention to Violet's body. She's really pale. You can see some bones sticking out. She has dark circle around her eyes like she haven't slept. At that moment I want to leave. A sick feeling at the pit of my stomach is what I felt. I don't want to leave though. I don't want to be shallow.
I stay and we start talking about the baby. Well, Violet was. She says her and Jayy are going to name the baby hector. She says it a Greek name. He was some type of hero. I ask "why not Jayy?"
"Nah, man. J.J? That's not cool. What if gets make fun of him?" Jayy says.
"There's a singer name JJ Demon."
"I just don't like my name. It named after a letter in the alphabet. And when people ask for his name and when he's says Jayy, what if they think we were dumb drunk teenagers and he was a mistake?"
"But your name is Jayy..."
We start talking about some other random shit to get Violet. Seeing her smile make her look... Alive.
After a while I go down the elevator. She says she wants to see Nate. Nate is sleeping on the couch. It's 9:00 pm. We've been here for almost 4 hours. I tap Nate on the shoulder. He looks at me. Fear in his eyes. "Violet want to see you." His eyes calm down, but they still have worry in them.
(Nate's Point Of View)
I enter the room. Violet is glaring at Jayy. I clear my throat. They look at me. Violet grins at me. "Hi Nate!" She opens her arms ready for me to give her a hug. I give her my 'what the fuck is wrong with you look.' She frowns. I chuckle and walk up to the bed to give her a hug.
She feel so small. I'm afraid if I hug her any tighter she'd break. I let go and take step back. "Sit down, Nate," Jayy says. I shake my head no. I don't like sitting. I also don't like talking. I don't hate my life. I don't love it either. I don't like a lot of things. We talk about stuff for a little until when suddenly Violet jumps up and yelps from the pain. A nurse comes in rushing. "Can you go get her mother?" Jayy whispers.
I leave the room and go back down the elevator. No one is in the waiting room. I go check the lobby. No one is there either. I go check in the cafeteria that's open 24hrs. They're all sitting at a table with snacks that are untouched. C.J is there. They must've got him when I was upstairs. "Once we go home we are going to clean up that big mess you made... Oh, Nate is something wrong?"
"They want you. I think she's gonna have the baby." she quickly gets up and leave the room without another word. I walk up to the table, but I do not sit down. Fate sits up and starts pacing back and fourth.
"Oh my god. I hope she's ok," Fate says worriedly.
"Calm down, Fate she's gonna be ok." Jinx assures.
"What if she's not?" she sits next to Jinx with her head down crying. C.J also has his head down, he's not crying. He's looking at the door, probably worried about his sister.
An hour later Mrs. Pettison comes into the room tears in her eyes. "She had the baby. His name is Hector! He's ok and healthy weighing seven pounds. They are just gonna keep him for the day. We're just giving them time alone," she says smiling. Everyone is smiling. Even me.
(Jayy's Point Of View)
"Jayy hold the baby I'm tired" Violet yawned. I give her a long kiss before holding our baby. She still has the bracelet i bought her. Its kinda big on her. He's so small. I can't believe I'm a dad! It's seems so, what's the word... unrealistic? Yea. I hold Hector close in my arms not wanting to let go. Violet notices. She smiles and closes her eyes. Hector. Born on Friday November 13, 2012.
The monitor starts beeping. I call the nurses. Suddenly doctors and nurses rushed into the room doing whatever they can to keep Violet alive. One of the nurses takes my baby away and tells me to wait outside. A tear trickles down my cheek. No. No. No. NO! Not Violet. Not my best friend. This can not be happening.
I go downstairs. They are all laughing about something. When they see me they stop. "Hows Violet?" Nate asks. That's it. I break down and start crying. A doctor comes down the elevator.
"Are you all here for Violet Pettison?" he asks. I stop crying. We all nod. "I'm so sorry to tell you this, but-"
"No! Not my daughter! Your lying. Please tell me your lying."
"I'm so sorry for your loss. Her organs shut down. All the weight went to the baby. She weighed only 83 pounds. You should go home and get rest."We were all shocked. I was not really, but I was still sad. Not sad. DEPRESSED.
1 month later
Violet is gone. For good. I'm surprised I went to her funeral. It was so hard to go. Her mom wanted Hector, but I kept him. Right now I'm in my room. Hector is asleep in his cradle. He's a good baby. I wander how his life will be with out a mom. I miss Violet so much I don't know what I'm gonna do without her. I walk into my bathroom from across my bedroom and look at myself in the mirror. I haven't eaten in days. I'm so depressed. I'm going back to school tomorrow which makes feel worse. I'm not sure what what's up with everyone else. They sometimes come over to see Hector.
I grab my knife that's was kept secretly in my closet bathroom. I look at it. Then I stop and put away. I shouldn't be so selfish. What about Hector? If I kill myself, he won't have a dad to watch him play sports or make sure he doesn't do any bad things. I put the knife away and walk back into my room. I lay on my bed and start day dreaming about Violet. Thinking about all the fun we had before anorexia took over her life.
My door opens. It's my mom. "Baby, please eat. I know you miss her, but you can't stay like this forever."
"Ok," I say staring at the ceiling. "Can you order pizza?"
"Sure," she smiles and leaves. 30 minutes later she comes back with 3 pieces of pizza. She leaves it on the dresser and leaves. I take a small bute and slowly swallow the pizza. I eventually finish the first pizza, but when finish it I get a feeling in my stomach. I hurriedly run into the bathroom, to the toilet. Nothing comes out. For the first time since I lost Violet I did not throw up something I ate. Maybe I can eat the other two. After eating them I fall to sleep.
I get up and look at Hector. He's still sleeping. Probably because I only about two hours of sleep. He looks so peaceful and innocent. I stand and stretch. I walk over to where my dresser is. On top of that is a black jewelry box. Inside is my watch and also that bracelet I gave Violet. One day I will give that watch and bracelet to Hector and his girlfriend, but he has to make sure they will be together forever.
Song: Alesana Early Morning
Yea, uh, pretend the song is terrible things by mayday parade because that song would go good with this story only if I could find it >.
Sorry for any mistakes
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