《Nightwalker》Chapter Seventeen
"Are you alright?" I asked kneeling beside him and checking on the frozen bandages. I melted them to reveal nearly healed wounds, the new skin slightly pink in colour.
"You saved my life, twice." The man said looking at me with a strange intensity.
"Don't worry about it, it's my job." I smiled at him pleasantly before lifting my head as Lucas, Hawk and Galen appeared.
"Good job Pet, you did well protecting the shifter." Galen complimented me, though with a flat expression.
I felt proud at that. "Thank you."
"Can you walk?" Galen then asked the down man.
"I can, but not very far." He replied. "My name is Anon and I owe you my life, thank you."
"We don't need your life so keep it." Galen waved him away. "Where is your pack located?"
Anon shook his head. "I left my pack to find another one."
Galen stared at Anon for a minute before nodding his head. "Fine, you'll come back to the estate with us, but once you're healed fully you can leave."
"And if I don't wish to leave?" Anon replied as he glanced at me, which made me frown. Why would he look at me for?
Galen also looked at me before sighing. "Then you'll have to get permission from Lady Aviva to stay."
"Okay then." Anon agreed and stood up holding onto the tree he was just leaning against. And from my kneeling position I came suddenly face to face with his flaccid member. I screwed my face up in disgust and quickly stood up trying to wipe the image from my mind. When I was able to look at Anon again he grinned at me almost teasingly. "You don't like the sight of me?" He asked motioning to his groin.
"Oh gross." I moaned in distaste and turned away from him. "No offence to any of you, but I seriously don't see the attraction. But then again I guess it doesn't help with my past and being forced by men."
Anon growled sounding every bit animalistic. I glanced at him surprised and saw anger on all the men's faces present. "What do you mean forced?" Anon growled.
I shrugged not finding the big deal of it all. The pasts the past, it'll never happen again. I'll make sure of that. "Don't worry about it. They're probably dead now anyway and I'll never let something like that happen again. I'm stronger now and can protect myself." I told them seriously while crossing my arms over my chest. "So can we go back now?"
Galen sighed while the others still looked angry, especially Anon. "Fine, I agree that you can definitely handle yourself against anyone. So, let's get back quickly. Anon tell us when you can no longer run and Hawk will help you."
"Okay." Anon agreed as Hawk nodded.
Thankfully we headed off soon after that with me in the lead beside Galen. "What happens when their bodies are found?" I asked Galen while we ran.
"Not much will change except for more Hunter's coming into our Lady's district that we'll need to hunt down." He replied. "Are you fine with killing humans?"
"If Mistress wants me to hunt them down and kill them, then I will do it." I answered him vaguely. I have vowed my life to my Mistress so shall serve her in any way she wishes.
Galen seemed to understand what I was really saying and nodded his head in understanding. "Good. I'll contact you when we have to go again."
"Yes sir." I replied and the rest of the run was silent.
Anon was stronger than I thought because he only had to be carried the last quarter of the way. Sylvia was waiting out the front when we returned and she quickly hurried to me. "Oh god what happened? Are you okay? You're not hurt are you? Do you need blood?" She shot off quickly looking from the new member than to me.
I smiled, happy for my friends worry and placed my hands onto her shoulders. "I'm fine and I don't need any blood, but I'll be happy with some sleep."
"What happened to your shirt though?" Sylvia asked as she touched the rip in my vest and blood stained white shirt, though she only felt clean skin underneath it.
"I was hit by a silver tipped arrow but I'm perfectly fine. I healed quickly." I smiled at her as a look of horror crossed her face.
"You could have died if that had hit your heart!" She exclaimed looking just about ready to cry.
"Hey, hey! I'm fine Sylvy. I swear." I told her pulling her into a hug and kissing her forehead softly. I pushed her back to arms length and looked into her eyes seriously. "I'm alive and I am perfectly fine."
Sylvia pouted before lashing out and punching my arm. "That's for worrying me." She huffed before walking back into the mansion.
"Hey, I thought I was the master here?" I called after her but she didn't reply. "Geeze no respect at all." I tutted to myself though was smiling.
"You have a good relationship with that human." Lucas spoke up seeming to find what had just transpired in front of him strange.
"Yeah, she's more than just food to me." I told him seriously. "She's a good friend."
"I've heard that she's the only human you've fed from since you've been awake, is that true?" Hawk asked as he helped Anon into the mansion.
"Yes it is." I confirmed and heard a low whistle come from Lucas.
"That's impressive." He said making me smile.
"Thank you. How are you feeling Anon?" I asked the shifter truly concerned for the man.
"I will be back to full health after a good nights rest and food." Anon answered me his eyes fully intent on my own. I could see the wolf in his eyes and I thought it was beautiful.
I smiled at him. "I'm glad. I'm pretty sure there's a spare room near my own if you wanted to rest there, I can get Sylvia to go get you some food when you're ready for it."
"You're awfully kind for a nightwalker." Anon commented.
I shrugged. "I was a human once and I still have a human conscious since it's only been a month and few weeks since I was changed."
Anon's eyes widened considerably at me. "And you're so strong already?" He asked in disbelief.
I shrugged feeling embarrassed for some reason. "I've had good teachers and it was Lady Aviva herself who changed me."
"You're definitely not a normal nightwalker." He stated and both Lucas and Hawk made noises of agreement, which made me blush and shrug awkwardly again.
"I am what I am." I replied not knowing how else to reply.
"Pet." I froze at the sound of my Mistress's voice.
"Mistress." I greeted her with a bow.
"You are looking well but it looks like you were injured, come to my office and give me a full report. You can explain why this wolf is here as well." She ordered me and gave a quick glance to Anon who lifted his lip up in a silent snarl.
"Yes Mistress." I complied and she turned on her heels to head towards her office. "Please take him to the room across from my own." I tell Lucas and Hawk who nodded and surprisingly complied.
I quickly caught up with my Mistress and stopped in front of her desk as she sat down. She looked at me evenly with her gold eyes, which sent shivers down my spine. She has such a powerful presence.
My Mistress leant back into her chair while clasping her hands together in front of her allowing them to rest on her stomach. "Tell me what happened." She ordered.
"Yes Mistress." I conformed and did as told not leaving anything out. "Anon is a lone wolf who had left his pack before he was captured by the Hunters. He had nowhere else to go so I suggested him stay here until he is well enough to go on his own again."
After I was finished my Mistress was silent for a while and I stood there patiently. "Did you know wolves are very loyal animals." She started off with but I didn't interrupt her. "It is even more so because of their human side as well, though it does depend on their over all personality. There is a possibility that you now have that wolf indebted to you since you saved his life twice. He might wish to stay so he can repay you for what you have done for him."
I couldn't help but frown slightly at that. "Will he leave if I tell him to?" I asked her after a second of silence.
"Possibly, possibly not." My Mistress shrugged making the simple action seem regal.
"Do you wish him gone Mistress? Did I overstep my boundaries in offering him hospitality without your consent?" I asked nervously.
My Mistress didn't say anything right away before she sighed softly. "You've done nothing wrong Pet, and having a shifter among my ranks isn't all that bad a thing to have, though he will only have loyalty towards you."
"What is mine is yours Mistress." I immediately say and was glad when she let out a slight smile.
"That pleases me to know Pet." She replied. "Alright, if this wolf stay's because of his debt to you he may. Who knows he can probably teach you things that Galen and Beatrice cannot."
I smiled in relief that Anon wasn't about to be kicked out after I had basically assured him food and board. "Thank you Mistress. Is there anything else you wish of me?"
"No there isn't but Pet... good job tonight, I am pleased with your work so I will continue sending you out on hunts."
"Thank you Mistress." I bowed low to her happy with the compliment though I wasn't too sure about my feelings towards killing more humans though they are hurting innocent beings without a trial first.
Once I was dismissed I headed towards my room thoughts swirling with what Anon will choose to do once he is better and how I feel about the human Hunters. I was turning a corner when I ran into someone. On reflex my hand shot out and grabbed the other persons arm so that they wouldn't fall to the ground.
I was surprised to feel an electrical spark run through my fingertips and the sight of silver eyes that belonged to non other than Lady Beatrice. We both stood frozen in surprise until I realised I was still holding her. "M-my apologise my lady." I stuttered stepping back away from her and reluctantly letting go of her.
"It is alright." Lady Beatrice replied seeming to gain control of her herself as well. "I assume the hunt went well?" She then asked and I nodded confirmation in silence. "That's good... I must be off now, I will see you tomorrow morning in the mountain garden as usual for our lessons."
"Yes my lady." I replied and watched silently as she walked off and I could have sworn she was flustered.
I shook my head once she was out of eyesight and turned to go to my room but stopped only two steps later. Why was lady Beatrice in this hallway in the first place? The only rooms here are my room and a few spares with one being now occupied by Anon. She most probably wasn't visiting Anon so... was she going to check up on me? Was she worried about me? No, don't be ridiculous, fool....
But yet I couldn't help the goofy smile from spreading across my face as I continued on to my room.
Sylvia wasn't in the room so I stripped from my clothes and carefully placed my new weapons on the bedside table on my side of the bed. I leant my new sword against it so that I could easily access it if needed. I went into the small en-suit connected to my wardrobe and washed off the blood on my stomach where the silver-tipped arrow pierced me. I then went back into my room and pulled on my nightclothes before slipping onto the bed where my thoughts wandered to lady Beatrice and the possibility that she was in the hallway coming from my room when she didn't find me there.
I shook my head to fight off the hope building inside me and decided that it was time to sleep.
Sylvia shaking my shoulder woke me up. She smiled down at me slightly. "Good morning, I'm sorry but it's time to get up."
I yawned and stretched out from the bed. "It's fine, thank you Sylvia." I said and got up. I pulled on a robe as Sylvia grabbed the towels, soap and fresh clothing for us. We walked to the bathroom in silence.
"Do you know where Mercy is?" I asked Sylvia when we got into the giant bath without seeing the friendly red head.
"Hmm, no I don't actually." Sylvia replied before telling me to turn around so that she could clean me.
I frowned slightly worried about the woman that had become a good friend in the time that I have been here. My body suddenly shuddered and I had to grab onto the edge of the bath when I started to feel faint.
"My lady? What's wrong?" Sylvia asked worriedly holding me up.
"I-I don't know." I murmured as I felt something growing inside me. I felt my fangs slide free of my gums and a hunger so severe crashed into me making my body tense. I accidentally cracked the tiles that lined the edge of the bath that I was holding onto. Scents assaulted my nose of the water, the personal scents of the humans in the bath and also their blood.
I groaned in physical pain when my stomach clenched and my head thumped harshly. In a flash I was dry and dress and heading towards the mountain garden ignoring the humans I passed and the amazing smell of their blood...
I fell to my knees at the edge of the mountain garden and dug my fingers into the ground fighting the strongest urge I've ever had to go back and drain a human dry. I could feel my heart beating over time in my chest pushing my blood forcibly through my veins making my body hyper sensitive.
I gritted my teeth at the pain of my hunger and looked up at the sky only to see the full moon. It was large and breathtaking. I felt myself calm down instantly at the sight of the majestic object in the sky. The mana in the garden was going nuts and I felt it assaulting and caressing me taking my mind off my hunger.
"I apologise Pet, I should have told you sooner what the affect of a full moon has on nightwalkers." My Mistress's voice suddenly appeared but I didn't look away from the moon. Though it was morning it was still highly visible.
A hand touched my head but still I could not look away from the moon. "The mana is going insane." I murmured feeling like I was being punched every time the mana around me forced itself inside then out of me. My breathing feels weighted and hard to get out because of the weight of the mana in my every breath.
"They say that the moon is where mana comes from." My Mistress commented as she continued to caress my hair. "So when it's at it's fullest, it's when the mana can be palpable to everyone, even those unable to use mana as freely as us. That's why humans and other supernatural beings go a bit crazy during the full moon. It will become worse when it's night time and the moon is at its peak."
"It hurts." I panted as my eyes finally fell from the moon but my attention was drawn to the strange water that ran through the curling fissures around the garden. I stood up ignoring my Mistress and walked over to the edge of one and knelt down again.
The water was rushing, no longer still. It was moving quickly with the intensity of the mana that it was obviously infused with. Slowly I dipped my fingers into the water... everything went white.
The mana inside me was still painful and I could still feel it's energetic hum caused by the moon, but I was a lot more focused now and the mana didn't affect my consciousness so much.
A small hand touched my cheek bringing me to the present and in the white of my surroundings the child from the first time I came to this garden was in front of me.
"You're fighting it." The child said her silver eyes round and innocent like, though with a knowledge that no child her age should know or carry.
"Fighting what?" I asked my chest and head hurting from the mana.
"The mana." The girl answered making me confused. "Mana doesn't hurt you purposefully, it's not its intention to hurt you. It only hurts because you think there is a limit to how much mana you can hold in your body. You are not a container that limits the mana's power. You are a conductor that allows for mana to flow through you making it stronger."
A conductor? I don't understand what this girl means.
"Stop thinking that you have to pull mana into you to be able to use it. You are connected to mana on a fundamental level, you are different." The girl spoke placing her small hands to each of my cheeks and I could see how serious she was in her silver eyes. "You are a being of mana, so mana is you and you are mana. Be a conductor and let it run through you and be you."
I was so confused, what does she mean? I shook my head showing her my confusion. "I don't know what you mean."
"Yes you do." She smiled before she faded out and I was once again in the garden with my fingers dipped into the river of mana.
I pulled my fingers out and watched as the residue of it still on my fingers sank into my skin. What do I do now?
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