《Nightwalker》Chapter Sixteen
I woke early the next morning on my own. The sun had not risen yet but I got up anyway. I pulled on a robe and grabbed my change of clothes along with a towel. I left Sylvia asleep to have a bath and got changed ready for my training session with Galen. I remembered the way to the basement and headed in that direction. I walked down into the open space to find that nothing had really changed. The crack in the wall and the broken weapons from last time were repaired and replaced.
It was strange being down here again now with a consciousness of the mana around me. Down here I could feel the mana around me was slightly erratic, like it knew a fight was coming and was charging the area up like the crowd in a tavern cheering loudly when a fight breaks out giving more energy to the fighters.
I felt a shift in the mana and quickly dropped to the floor. Something hot passed over me and I looked up to see a head sized ball of fire hitting the wall that I was facing. I looked at it in shock before rolling over onto my back when I felt mana being gathered behind me. I jumped to my feet and found Galen standing there with a ball of fire wrapping and growing around his hands.
"Wh-What are you doing?" I asked frightened as I looked at him and ready to move again if he decided to throw another fireball at me.
"You dodged that well." Galen complimented with his usual straight face. "It's been a long time and you've got new skills you can use. Let's see how well you go against me this time."
In quick succession he threw the fireballs from his hands and I dodged them as fast as I could. I expanded my senses to as high as they go and I could feel the mana thrumming energetically around me. Just as fast as Galen created his fireballs I started sucking in mana until I felt like I was going to explode. "Jesholat (Freeze)." I hissed as I released my gathered mana into the air and the temperature in the room went down to bellow freezing that it even started snowing a little and a fog appeared near the ceiling. The fireballs Galen was throwing also froze over and hit the ground shattering.
Suddenly I was hit in the side by a burst of mana in the form of a piece of earth striking up from the ground and hitting me in the torso sending pain through my middle and throwing me against a wall. I groaned in pain on the ground but didn't have any time to rest because Galen was sending more fireballs my way. I rolled away and stood up quickly. "Jezat (Shield)." I quickly created a shield of pure mana blocking Galen's attacks.
Harder and harder Galen was throwing stronger balls of fire against my shield and it was becoming harder and harder to fend off the attacks. Sweat poured off my body as I tried to think of what to do. I looked up at the ceiling for a split second and saw that the clouds were still there. Water will put out fire, I thought. "Eyel (Rain)." I whispered and the snow clouds formed by how cold it was in the room turned to rain clouds and started pouring soaking us both instantly.
Galen stopped making fireballs but I didn't drop my shield. I knelt on the ground on one knee panting heavily as the room started filling up with water. I took a deep breath in and concentrated on the mana in the water around Galen. With a thought the water began to move and Galen seemed surprised when the water was clinging to him and crawling up his body. He tried to move away but I pressed the mana around him down on his body making it impossible for him to do so.
I stopped the rain and froze the water on him over to help keep him where he was. I dropped my shield and dried my body, hair and clothes along with the rest of the room. There was no longer any sign that it ever rained in the basement, or of any snow besides from the ice around Galen.
"You have good control on the mana around us." Galen spoke up since I didn't ice over his head. "But you're still young and new at fighting."
"What?" I was confused at what he was talking about. I thought I had beaten him since he can no longer move.
"Sorfosor zhani (Earth spear)" Galen spoke and the last thing I remember was a burst of mana behind me and pain against the back of my head.
I woke up on the ground still in the basement. I was no longer sore but I realised that my arms and legs were sunken in the ground when I tried to move them.
"Good you're awake." I looked to my side to find Galen standing over me.
"What's happening?" I asked him as I tried to move my arms and legs but they wouldn't budge.
"Mana is a very elemental entity. You should have gathered that when you were learning from lady Beatrice. Everyone usually has the ability to access at least one element when using mana. I on the other hand, along with lady Aviva and lady Beatrice, can use two different types of elemental mana. Mine is fire and earth, vorsa and sorfosor. I can only use spells that relate to those two elements." Galen explained as I lay there quietly, listening. "I'm telling you this because you are different to anyone I have ever seen before. You cannot only use all spells, doesn't matter what element used, but you can also control pure mana on its own. You need to learn how to use everything you have, spells and pure mana, to fight your opponent.
"During this week we will have a sparring session in the mornings and in the afternoon I will teach you hand-to-hand combat as well as weapon training. Use everything I teach you to defeat me. Do you understand?" Galen asked me.
I breathed in slowly and with a thought to the mana in the earth it split open releasing me from its hold and allowing me to finally stand up. "Yes sir." I confirmed to him.
For the rest of the week, we sparred until, usually me, passed out from either being hit by our opponent or used too much mana that my body couldn't take anymore and passed out on me. I could tell I was getting better because I was landing a lot more hits on Galen then I ever had before. I learnt different ways to kill someone with my bare hands without using mana and I was also pretty competent in using the large variety of weapons that hung from the walls of the basement. Using pure mana has also become near second nature and I no longer had to speak out a spell to have the mana inside and around me to do as I tell it to.
Right now I was actually walking beside Galen with Sylvia following behind us towards the dining hall for dinner after my last day of training with Galen. All day we sparred and had made a major mess of the basement. I could tell that even though it's only just been a week I was quickly nearing Galen's power since I didn't pass out once today.
My Mistress and lady Beatrice were already in the hall when we arrived and we bowed to them both before we took our seats.
"You are looking very well Pet." My Mistress complimented as I sat down.
"Thank you Mistress." I smiled softly at her happy with the compliment.
"Galen has told me of your progress and I deem that you're ready to go on a hunt." My Mistress spoke up making me curious. "Galen tonight you'll take her on a hunt and show her what to do."
"Yes my lady." Galen agreed with a bow of his head.
"What will we be hunting if I may ask Mistress?" I asked her and she smiled knowingly at me.
"You'll find out tonight my pet." Is all she said.
I was silent for the rest of the meal and soon I was told to go back to my room and change into a new set of clothes that would be waiting for me in my room. Placed on my bed was a set of new clothes that looked elegantly made. The pants were made of soft black leather that had pockets along the seams to hide knives. A loose white long sleeved shirt tucked into the pants and allowed a full range of motion of my arms and torso. My usual wraps were around my chest to keep my breasts in place. I also had a soft black leather vest that tied up at the front and also had hidden pockets to hide knives in. Leather forearm protectors wrapped around my forearms from my wrist and kept the sleeves of my shirt in place. A light black metal plate tied around my chest to keep my heart protected and on my left arm I also had a metal piece over my shoulder to protect it. My new boots were hard leather that clasped together with buckles and had black metal shin guards. More knives were hidden in my boots. And lastly I had a leather belt that hung from my waist weighted down by a new sword in a plain black leather sheath. I tied my hair up once I was fully dressed.
"You look... dangerous." Sylvia breathed out in amazement as her eyes roamed over me and I smirked at her as the mana around me become energetic and excited like I was feeling.
"I feel dangerous." I agreed looking down at myself and feeling amazing.
A knock came at my door and Sylvia opened it to reveal Galen. He wore black leather pants with metal shin and knee guards, a belt with a sword weighing it down around his waist, a short-sleeved white shirt and a leather vest, leather forearm guards and boots. He also looked dangerous especially with his near-translucent green eyes shining brightly and the slightest glimpse of his fangs.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
"Yes sir." I nodded feeling my senses heighten a little and my fangs come out.
"The let's go." He said turning around and walking off quickly.
"Stay here Sylvia, I'll be back before morning, maybe." I ordered her before leaving.
"Please be careful." She called after me and I gave her a backwards wave as I caught up with Galen.
It was dark outside as we went through the front door but everything bright as day with my sensitive sight. Waiting out the front of the mansion was two other people that I realised where nightwalkers as well. They were both male. Both were taller than me at over six foot of height and one had black hair that looked incredibly soft as it brushed his shoulders, but the softness of his hair couldn't hide the dangerous predator he obviously was. He was made of lean muscles and tensile strength. Scars marred the muted gold of his left cheek and the most dangerous feature of all were his sharp hypnotic green eyes that shined with unnatural light.
The other man was just as deadly and had a freezing aura about him. A slight bigger build than the other man, this man had short white-gold hair and glacier blue eyes that showed exactly how dangerous this man was.
"This is Lucas and Hawk, they will be joining us on our hunt." Galen spoke up as we stopped in front of the dangerous men.
"A pleasure to meet you." I greeted them trying hard not to show how nervous I was in their presence.
Lucas, the black haired man, gave a slow smirk showing the tip of one sharp fang. "You're lady Aviva's pet are you not?" He asked in a voice that seemed just on the edge of a growl.
"I am." I confirmed with a nod.
"I hear you're quite talented, being able to control pure mana and all." Hawk commented as his cold eyes swept over me. I had to force myself still so to not shiver under his gaze.
"I can." I said and with a simple thought to the mana around the dangerous men, I pressed it down onto their bodies slightly weighing them down.
"Oh." Lucas murmured his face showing slight surprise before he grinned. "That's handy."
I released the mana from around them and breathed out a sigh of relief when a sudden pressure I was feeling on me dissipated.
Hawk gave a close-lipped smirk. "Welcome to the team Pet."
I was surprised by his kind words but couldn't help but smile back at him glad that they seemed to accept me. "Thanks."
"If you're all done now." Galen spoke up as flat faced as always. "Let's get going."
Galen and the other two men suddenly shot off down a gravel road at full speed. Surprised by the sudden take off I was left behind until I got myself under control and shot off after them. I quickly caught up to them and received a grin from Lucas.
I took up the rear as Galen lead the way and Lucas and Hawk ran in the middle. Suddenly Galen veered off to the right into the trees of a forest. Trees whipped past in almost blurs at how fast we were running and I used every one of my senses to dodge and duck under tree so to not run into one or trip. I have to admit as well, this was the best feeling I've ever had. The wind on my face the fresh air in my nose, the amazing electrical buzz of fresh mana around me. It was fantastic.
Though after a little while I realised that the other three men weren't making a noise as they ran over foliage, while my feet hit the ground kicking up leaves and snapping sticks. It was starting to annoy me that I was the only one making noises.
I stepped up beside Lucas and he turned his head to me dodging around a tree without even looking at it. "How are you running so quietly?" I asked him not really needing to raise my voice.
"It's a spell called chak rhae (Silent feet)" Lucas answered. "Gather mana into your feet and it forms a sort of platform so you make no sound when you walk or run."
I opened my mouth in amazement before doing exactly that. It felt really weird actually. Feeling your feet touch the ground but not actually touching the ground.
Galen suddenly stopped, which made the rest of us do the same. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply as Lucas and Hawk went completely silent. If I couldn't see them and feel their mana I wouldn't even realise they were there.
"I found them." Galen spoke up as he looked into the trees ahead of us. "Lucas, Hawk, cut them off. Pet stay with me and stay absolutely quiet."
Lucas and Hawk suddenly disappeared and I followed Galen in the opposite direction. As we got closer to whatever we were hunting I felt the mana of a group of people.
"Galen." I spoke my voice sounding even bellow a whispering level. "What are we hunting?"
Galen cast me a quick glance before jumping up into a tree. I followed him up and saw that he was pointing at something. I followed where he was pointing and stifled a gasp. On a dirt road was a group of about six and in a cart was a giant wolf that was bleeding out from where thick metal spikes were imbedded into its legs and through its muzzle.
"That's a wolf shifter from lady Aviva's district. The people are humans called Hunters that hunt creatures like us saying that it's for the greater good." Galen spoke his words also barely audible even to my own ears.
The wolf was a beautiful greyish blue that was stained red and I could see the pain in his pale blue eyes. It hurt me to see a beautiful creature like that. "What do we do?" I asked him.
"We kill the hunters. They hurt one of ours so the hunters become the hunted by us." Galen answered seriously and I felt him gather a huge amount of mana.
I was angry so I was glad that I could help the poor wolf. "Is there a plan or is it just kill them?" I asked getting ready to launch myself at the human Hunters.
"Lucas and Hawk will attack first and we take out anyone left. But I want you to release the wolf first." He answered just as Lucas and Hawk started attacking.
"Yes sir." I agreed and shot into the fray when Galen did.
I pulled out my sword and in a flash had it imbedded into one of the Hunters chests. I pulled it out and decapitated him before hopping up onto the cart where the wolf was. I grimaced at all the blood on his beautiful fur.
"I'm so sorry this happened to you." I murmured to the wolf as he let out a whining keen through its closed jaws. "I'll get you out, don't worry."
I placed a hand to his muzzle and grabbed the metal spike. With a sharp wrench I pulled it out making the wolf growl in pain. "Sorry." I apologised to it before going to it's front legs and pulling out the spikes there then moving on to his back legs.
Suddenly a bright light full of dazzling colours covered the wolf before fading out leaving in the wolf's place a naked man with grey-blue hair and pale blue eyes. I grabbed his arm placing it over my shoulder as I grabbed him around the waist so I could carry his weight. He was taller than me so it was hard but I managed to get away from the fighting with him. I placed him on the ground and leant him against a tree and checked on his wounds. Blood seeped from slowly healing wounds on his forearms and calves. I gathered mana and made a frozen bandage around the holes hopefully stopping the bleeding until he could fully heal.
"Thank you." He gasped out looking at me with his eyes that showed the wolf he just was.
I gave him an encouraging smile. "No problem. Just rest up here and I'll be back in a minute."
I was about to leave but a gathering of mana alerted me to someone nearby and I didn't recognise the signature. My sensitive ears registered a swish sound and I quickly jumped in front of the wolf male as a silver tipped arrow came flying towards him. I gasped out from pain as the arrow pierced my stomach through my back and out my front centimetres from piercing the males skin. Ignoring the pain I got up and found the one who shot at the man.
I ran at the slow human and tackled him to the ground. I bared my fangs at him as I straddled him. His eyes went wide and filled with fear but I was too pissed to care. I sunk my fangs into his neck as I stabbed the arrow he shot into his chest. Instead of pleasure like I usually make Sylvia feel, I made the pain so much more intense. He died quickly but very painfully. I pulled away from the corpse and licked my blood stained lips. It definitely wasn't the best tasting blood I've had.
I got up leaving the body where it was and wentback to the wolf man who was exactly where I left him.
I sincerely apologise for not updating for so long! I have had a hectic few weeks making it difficult to write and when I tried I've had horrible writer's block as well. So I'm sorry for the long wait and thank all those who have waited and those who have voted and commented.
Please comment and vote if you like the story so far! Thank you!
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WARNING__________This story is a dark romance. It will contain dark subjects, some of which may be triggering to certain readers. Subjects that may be featured are self-harm, violence and abuse and rape. It may also mention or reference sexual themes and isn't limited to other dark topics. THIS BOOK IS NOT SMUT!There is also swearing and bad language.I AM NOT GLORIFYING THESE TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS!!READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!See introduction chapter for more information.DESCRIPTION ______________Life is hard enough without the twists and turns that many of us face along our way. Alice Green was a victim of abuse, a relationship ending in disaster. Yet despite this Alice has still come out the other side strong, or so she says. Working as a criminal psychologist had always been a dream for her, however it soon turned into a nightmare when Alice is kidnapped by a ruthless mafia Don who will not rest until she truly belongs to him.
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Alpha submitted
|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|•|"You will submit to me!" He growled, clenching his jaw as he glared down at me.I raised a brow and looked him dead in the eyes "No 'Alpha'." I smirked mocking the word Alpha. "You will submit to me." *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*Aylean Rafe Beowulf born a true blood alpha, but was a runt. Being a runt is a disgrace to werewolves, so her pack would have refused her as a Luna, so her parents made her the omega of their pack. Disrespected her entire life, she had enough and chose to become a rouge, but on her journey she met her mate. Alpha Aztec Amaruq Hunter, the alpha of the strongest pack in the world a cold and stern alpha, but when his true mate comes along a stubborn girl who doesn't want to submit, he doesn't know what to do. What will happen? Will Aylean submit or will it be the other way around? Find out :)Just a small warning my grammar isn't good lol, also it's still a working progress, but enjoy! :)(All images are from Google)
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*** THIS IS THE OG 'MR GRUMPY' HOWEVER I AM IN THE PROCESS OF RE-WRITING IT AS A NEW BOOK, THIS CAN BE FOUND ON MY PROFILE, CHECK IT OUT XOX ***Somehow I managed to get myself lost in 3 minutes. I mean I know I don't have good concentration but its pretty impossible to get lost that quick you know? Well not for me.But on the bright side, I met a hot, angry, slightly scary guy. So it's probably not that bad. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't but you know what? Who cares? ◆◆◆◆Meet Anastasia Wilkson, she's very optimistic, gullible, clumsy and naive. She thinks the world is made out of Rainbows and Unicorns. She is always smiling at the littlest things.Now meet Adrian Miles, he is always angry, he hardly smiles but gives out an occasional smirk once in a while. He is also a total hottie that is always looking for a fight. He has a dark past that he hopes stays buried. What happens when these two meet? What happens when Adrian's dark past catches up?Read and Find out★BTW this Book is Cliche as Fudge. PLEASE DO NOT TRY AND COPY MY WORK!! THIS IS MY OWN FUDGEN WORK. SO PLEASE DON'T BE A DOUCHE FACE AND COPY MINE WHEN YOU CAN CREATE SOMETHING BETTER. Cover made by the lovely @Me_For_President_ Highest Rank- #17 Teen Fiction OH MY GOOOODNESS
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