《mistakes like this, hockstetter ✩ೃ》xxiv. things i imagined





‧ : *: ‧ °✧

a.n; y/c/n is your child's name!

“fuck you, hockstetter!” the shorter female shouts, gaining many surprised and fearful glances from the rest of her peers.

y/n stands up, knocking over her lunch tray and forcefully lifting her book bag over her shoulder.

the three boys glance at each other before belch and henry shrug as if to tell patrick “this is your problem”.

the hockstetter boy groans, running a hand through his hair before standing up as well and rushing after his girlfriend.

he sneers at anyone who stares, causing them to cower back.

“baby!” his voice echoes through the hall as he catches sight of her y/h/c hair.

“leave me alone.” she shouts back, speeding up and running into the girl's bathroom.

with a sigh of annoyance, he follows her, a shocked gasp falling from his lips when he hears her gagging.

patrick reaches an arm over the short stall and unlocks the door, stepping in and gently rubbing the small of her back.

when she's done, he waits for her to rinse her mouth before digging into his pocket and handing her a mint.

y/n takes it gladly, muttering a thank you. she tries to push past him to get out but he stops her.

his blue eyes are staring straight into her y/e/c ones, full of concern and love.

“are you…?” he whispers, scared to say the words out loud for fear of the past creeping up on him again.

he didn't want to get his hopes up and then have everything ripped away from him.

his girl's eyes cloud with confusion before her mouth parts into an “o” shape, and she quickly shakes her head.

“oh! no, no. i'm just, i'm pmsing.” an awkward chuckle leaves her lips, but she fixes herself when she notices the disappointed look on the boy's face.

“i miss y/c/n.”

y/n nearly falls apart at the sight of his broken expression, her feet immediately walking towards him until the tip of her shoes are touching his.


her y/s/c hand grabs the side of his face, her thumb caressing the skin as she forces him to look her in the eyes.

“i miss our baby too, trick. every day.” her lip quivers and she takes a deep inhale, “we can—what if we go visit?”

the taller boy immediately nods happily, a mixture of a sob and a laugh falling past his pink lips.

he clears his throat, blinking rapidly in an attempt to get rid of his tears. y/n giggles, her fingers wiping underneath his eyes.

the young couple smile at one another before walking out of the bathroom, fingers intertwined, heads held high as they didn't give one single fuck what everyone else was thinking.

for the first time in a while, the gang makes it through the entire school day, though they may have still slacked on the work.

when the day is over, they pile into the transam and head on their way to cause some trouble.

they start off with the usual, robbing the corner mart and taunting the cashier.

the boys were surprised to see y/n actually taking part in it, proud smile adorned on each of their faces.

"the money. give it to me." the short female threatens, a switch knife in her hand, courtesy of her lovely cousin—henry.


"you heard her. we want all the money in that register. in her hand, now." belch stands beside her, his hand reaching for something in his pocket.

y/n glares at him, as if to say "i can do this myself".

"oh, honey, are they... hurting yo—"

the elder man behind the counter is cut off as the y/h/c haired female flips the knife in her hand and stabs it into the wood, right in the middle of his ring and middle finger.

"listen, old man, i'm getting real impatient with you, and i don't think you want that. so i'll tell you one last time. money. in. my. fucking. hand."


"damn, that was hot." belch can't help but blurt out as they all speed away from the store.

patrick reaches around the seat and slaps the boy upside his head.

y/n snorts, clutching the bag of money, "i know."

the car falls silent, though it's not at all awkward. it's a peaceful and content silence.

patrick, however, breaks it as he clears his throat.

"can you uh, drop us off by the quarry?" the dark haired boy feels his cheeks heat up as everyone glanced at him confusedly.

"you guys fucking again?"

"no, god, henry!" his cousin kicks the back of his seat, "we just have some stuff to do, it's none of your business anyway."

the mullet wearing boy doesn't say anything else about it, and both patrick and his girl are thankful for that.

they arrive at the quarry in no less than twenty minutes, y/n immediately hopping out.

patrick stays behind for a second, nudging henry.

"you don't have to ask me permission to mess around with her, you know?" the dirty blonde haired boy chuckles, causing patrick to scoff.

"i'm not messing around with her. i love her."

"i was only joking, hockstetter. she loves you too."

the taller of the two nods, a sigh falling from his mouth.

"look, i—i'm planning on marrying her. one day. n-not like anytime soon, i mean, not saying that i wouldn't want to marry her anytime soon. i just want to be sure she's ready, not saying that she's not ready i just...fuck."

belch and henry laugh at the stuttering mess of a boy. you'd think he was replacing bill denbrough.

"it's all good, flamer. you can marry my cousin anyday. just know that if you hurt her, ever, you'll end up dead in the sewers somewhere."

patrick sends his friend a goofy grin, pulling the shorter boy into a tight hug before hopping the fence in search of y/n.

it was night time, some time around eight or nine, neither of the teens were really sure.

patrick and y/n sat in the grass, a fire illuminating their faces. the y/e/c eyed girl had a content smile on her face as she stared at the circle of rocks in front of her.

they didn't quite get to bury their child, so they had set up a small memorial deep in the trees of the quarry.

"you think it can hear us?" patrick rests his head in the crook of his girl's neck, as he's sitting behind her.

"maybe. why? you wanna tell it something?" y/n shifts so that she's straddling the lanky boy, her head resting on his chest and feeling the steady thump of his heart.

"i just hope our little boy or girl knows that we miss 'em. that we—that i would do anything to have them back." without even thinking, his hands snake around her waist and shimmy under her shirt, resting on her stomach.

"if anyone told the old me that i'd be sitting here, with you, talking about our star child, i woulda called them crazy." she hums, "who would've thought we'd be in love? did you even ever fathom that maybe you would end up this way? living a normal life? i sure as hell didn't."

patrick nudges her cheek with his nose, asking for access to her neck. she doesn't hesitate in lifting her jaw. the pale boy leaves many gentle kisses on her smooth skin.

he flips them over, so that he's lying on top of her, not letting all of his weight go. their lips meet in a long, passionate kiss, the crackling of the fire almost resembling the millions of sparks going off within their heads and hearts.

the rest of the night, unlike many others, is spent with lots and i mean, lots, of love.

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