《mistakes like this, hockstetter ✩ೃ》vii. baby i'm falling...





‧ : *: ‧ °✧

“you're joking right?” y/n rolls her eyes as she and henry walk through the woods, “they're not spending the rest of the week with us. hell no.”

“you don't really have a say in this, cos’. maybe if you hadn't gone and tried to fuck em all you wouldn't have to worry about things being awkward.”

“eat my shorts.” she scoffs, ignoring the pang of hurt in chest at her cousin's words.

henry glances over at the shorter female with guilt, immediately noticing her eyes dullen. he quickens his pace until he's walking in front of her, turning around and making faces in an attempt to cheer her up.

she rolls her eyes, the hint of a smile beginning to show, but as she thinks back to everything that's happened in only three days of their break, her pouty lips turn to a frown.

the mullet wearing boy groans to himself, abruptly stopping his footsteps. y/n bumps into his hard chest seconds after, but instead of pulling away she wraps her arms around his waist, her shoulders beginning to shake violently.

“oh—oh come on, y/n/n. you know i was just messing with you.” the taller of the two whispers, pulling his cousin closer to him.

“even if you were, others are probably thinkin’ the same thing. they all think i'm a slut, that i'm easy to get with! i ain't even lost my virginity yet, hen!” though the topic caused the air to be tense, henry couldn't help but sympathize for the female, “i didn't mean to kiss reginald... it's just patrick he—”

“you don't have to explain yourself. we're young and dumb, we fall for people we don't mean to fall for, we make silly decisions.” with his shaky hands he grips her cheeks and forces her to look in his eyes, “nobody's ever gonna hurt you. that's a promise, alright, bambi? cause you've got me to look out for you.”

y/n lets out a sad giggle at the old nickname, a cozy feeling spreading throughout her body.

henry was home to her.

even on the days he swore he hated her, if she were in trouble he'd come right to her side and protect her.

she nods, allowing him to wipe away her fallen tears. the relatives hug one last time before continuing their journey to rio's, where they would meet the rest of the gang.

the two teens arrive in about twenty minutes, the little bell at the top of the door jingling as they enter.


y/n waves happily at river—the owner of the lounge—before following henry to where the boys are seated.

“when i said take your time i didn't mean take a whole damn year.” patrick grumbles, scooting further into the booth so that henry can sit.

y/n sits beside belch on the other side.

“can it, blockstetter.”

victor and belch give the mullet wearing boy an amused expression, always being entertained by the vast amount of nicknames he had for the flame fixated boy.

“ten cans of coors, phoenix!” y/n suddenly calls, smiling widely at the blonde haired boy resting peacefully behind the counter.

he nods at her, pushing the metal framed glasses further up the ridge of his nose.

rio's was the place henry and y/n would come to whenever they needed an escape. the place was first owned by river's father, but as soon as he turned seventeen the place was passed on to him.

“so this week we're hangin’ at yours, right?” victor clears his throat, noticing the awkward silence.

“and you're sure butch won't be back til sunday evening?” belch joins, fiddling with his hat.

y/n chuckles, sarcasm dripping from her voice as she speaks.

“nah, he's coming back tomorrow.”

“hush up, y/l/n!” henry teases, grinning thankfully towards river as he rests the drinks on the table, “butch ain't coming back for another week or so, he went off with some bimbette.”

after that the conversation switches to some randomness, y/n automatically tuning out.

hours go by as the gang continues to drink, the sun sets, and the street lights come on.

the y/h/c haired female gets up from the booth and sits in a stool in front of the counter, her head in her hands as she goofily smiles at river.

there was no doubt that she was intoxicated, even though she'd only had about four cans.

“how're you doing, pretty lady?” rio chuckles, copying her actions. she shrugs, soft y/e/c eyes just scanning his features.

he was definitely handsome, almost like some prince you'd read about in a fairytale.

the gentle eyed boy glances behind y/n to see patrick staring with that look in his eyes.

this causes the boy to chuckle.

“what're you laughin’ at?” she slurs, playfully punching his arm. he fakes a pained expression before smiling widely.

“i think someone's got a crush on you.”

“who? yo—”

the small female is cut off by river grabbing her shoulders and spinning her around, a gasp falling past her moist lips.

she watches the scene in front of her, patrick's large hand on the back of victor's head as their lips intertwine. she wasn't mad at all, knowing that neither one of them was gay and they'd forget it by morning.


in fact, she was a bit intrigued.

“he was staring at you a few minutes ago, watching you talk to me.” rio speaks from behind her, “i think he got jealous.”

they both chuckle, until y/n stops suddenly.

“i'm gonna talk to him.”

the soft eyed boy nods encouragingly, his hair flopping around. she sends him one last smile, takes a swig of her drink, and then stands up.

when she gets to the table, she taps the black haired boy gently, to which he jumps and pulls away from victor.

“what?” he raises an eyebrow, and y/n smiles.

“can we talk?” her words seem to sober him up as he looks over at the gang before gazing hungrily at her.

instead of speaking, he lifts himself up out of the booth and grabs her wrist, tugging her further into the lounge.

he pushes her smaller body against the first wall he sees, his large hands resting behind her on either side of her face.

“i'm sorry. i'm so sorry, i didn't mean anything i ever said and i didn't mean to kiss greta or victor, i was just jealous seeing you with other people. i want you, y/n, i'm just scared because—”

the y/s/c skinned female reaches a silky smooth hand and rests it on his cheekbone, her plump lips not wasting another second of not being against his.

patrick seemingly melts into the kiss, his hands lowering to her waist, pushing the hem of her shirt up ever so slightly, just so he could feel her.

and when he did, it seemed as if fireworks exploded.

she was real. she most definitely was real.

which means he had to stay away from her—real people were fragile, real people had feelings.

he didn't wanna ruin her. so he pulls away, running a hand through his hair disappointingly.

“why'd you stop? i thoug—” as she reaches an arm to pull him back in he slaps it away, the small yelp coming from her mouth leaving him even more annoyed with himself than ever.

“we can't. i can't.”

the drive to the bowers’ residence wasn't at all eventful, y/n sat so close to victor she was practically on his lap, but she didn't care.

she just wanted to be far, far away from patrick hockstetter.

when they got home, henry put some hamburger helper on the stove and the gang sat on the couch.

“m'skipping dinner tonight, henry. see you in the morning.” y/n huffs, trudging up the stairs. the boys stay quiet, just barely flinching when they hear the slam of her door.

they watch the television and munch on food in an awkward silence, unspoken words stuck in the air.

finally, after what feels like an eternity of contemplating, patrick stands up, long legs taking him towards the stairs.

“i uh, the bathroom.” he chokes out, not awaiting an answer as he rushes up the stairs.

he walks down the dark hall, looking for the one closed door and when he finds it, his heart pounds heavily in his chest.

his long, pale fingers curl up into a fist before he gently knocks. it opens seconds after, revealing a red eyed y/n in a pair of footie pajamas.

patrick doesn't say a word, instead wrapping his arms around the girl and lifting her into a hug. she lets him, her shorter legs clinging onto his waist as she buries her head in his neck.

the feeling of his fingers running softly on her back is enough to draw out a rack of sobs, her body tensing up as the whimpers fall past her lips.

the lanky boy hugs her tightly, his eyes squeezing shut as he tries to tell her everything with just this one embrace.

he steps into the girls shaded room, using his foot to close the door behind him. very gently, he lies down on the bed.

the eighteen year old female unlatches her legs from him, but doesn't make a move to let her arms go, her tearful eyes finally locking with his.

“talk to me.” patrick whispers, nudging her nose with his own. she takes that as an opportunity to leave a small peck against his lip.

“today would've been my little sister's birthday.”

“you have a sister?”

“had. my mom died a week before her due date.” y/n feels her bottom lip begin to tremble and bites it.

“i lost my little brother too.” he admits, though the circumstances were very different.

for the next few minutes they speak about everything and nothing, cuddled up against each other and relishing in the feeling of having someone hold them.

“can you stay?” the sleepy teen eventually asks, nuzzling her head in patrick's warm chest.

he hums in response, pulling her impossibly closer.

neither of them had a clue that henry was on the other side of the door, a content smile on his face as he listened to their every word.

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