《The Family (VOL. 1)》Chapter 9


"I can't believe you've never tried Hershey chocolate! It's only like the best chocolate out there."

I pulled the glossy red lid off the heart-shaped tin of chocolate Matt had sneakily stowed in the bottom of my duffle bag. The inside was lined with neat chocolate squares some with white chocolate drizzled across the top others with clusters of nuts. My mouth watered at the sight. I'm definitely a chocolate junkie.

"Which one do you want?" I asked Bubba who was sitting on the floor across from me.

His dark eyes scanned the assortment of different chocolates in the box between us and landed on a dark chocolate truffle.

"Good choice, " I said, handing him his piece and picking out one for myself; a milk chocolate square with silky caramel inside.

He popped the candy into his mouth and happy "Mmm" noises instantly escaped his lips as he chewed. "Good," he signed, "More"

Thrusting his hand into the box he grabbed at least 4 more pieces and shoved them all into his mouth at once, cramming his cheeks full like a chipmunk. Melted chocolate seeped through the corners of his lips and I couldn't help but laugh as I watched him struggle to swallow it all down.

"What are y'all up too?" Loretta's voice chimed out from behind us making me nearly jump out of my skin.

Whipping around, I found her standing at the foot of the steps with a stack of neatly folded clothes in her arms.

" Oh, we weren't doing anything." I climbed to my feet and snatched the box of chocolates away from Bubba who had already devoured more than half of them.

"Would you like some chocolate?" I asked, holding the tin out to her.

Loretta eyed me skeptically and I gave her a friendly smile to let her know it was alright. She looked them over before plucking one from its spot.

"Loretta, I want to apologize for last ni- "

"Don't worry 'bout it, dear." she cut me off with a dismissive wave of her hand. "I don't blame ya, I know how our ways must seem to you outsiders, but in time you'll see that we ain't bad folks."

"Oh, I don't think you're...bad folks."

"Good! I'm glad, and now that that's outta the way," she held out the stack of clothes, "These are fer you."

"For me?" I handed Bubba back the tin which he gladly accepted then took the clothes from her arms.

"Mhm, these were mine when I was yer age and ya look to be about the same size I was."

"That's really thoughtful of you, Ma'am. Thank you!"

"Well, it's either give 'em to you or let 'em sit in the back of my closet collectin' dust. I know yer gonna look beautiful in these, more than I ever did." She brushed my tangley hair over my shoulder away of my face then turned to her son devouring the last of my chocolate. "Yer brother and I are going to town. We'll be back in an hour or so. You be good while I'm gone and watch the house, okay? "


He nodded absent-mindedly while shoveling chocolate into his mouth.

"And no more of them sweets, boy. You'll spoil yer appetite!" she snapped.

Bubba huffed, dropping his half-melted handful of chocolate back into the tin and tossing it on the table behind him. He walked his mother up the stairs and closed the door behind him. I took a seat at the foot of the stairs and waited for him to return, not daring to venture up by myself and possibly make him lose his trust in me again.

After some time, I heard the door open and he reappeared in the doorway motioning for me to follow. I did as he asked and followed him through the foyer into the living room.

A tattered couch outfitted with random fragments of bone, some animal others clearly human, sat against a window covered in yellowed lace curtains. An overstuffed armchair stood beside the couch, also with bones tied to the arms and feet and a large gash running down the back with stuffing protruding from the center.

The sound of squawking drew my eyes to the corner behind the chair where a birdcage hung from a large hook on the ceiling. Bubba strode towards the cage, a slight spring in his step.

"You have a pet bird?" I asked, following him over and peering into the tiny cage at the big chicken crammed inside.

Okay, so it's a bird, but the type I was expecting. So...that's animal abuse.

The floor of the cage was covered in dirty old newspapers and molted feathers. Something told me this wasn't the first bird, or chicken to occupy the cage.

He bounced on his feet and clapped his hands together. His face wore the expression of a small child excited to show you something they're proud of.

"What's its name? " I asked glancing over at Bubba who was watching me curiously.

He answered me with a shrug and cocked his head to the side.

"You haven't named it yet?! Aw, the poor little thing needs a name. You know, we could name in now, if you want. Together. "

The corners of his mouth turned up into a grin and he nodded his head. A stream of toddler-like babbles rolled off his tongue that I was unable to translate.

"What should we name you?" I whispered, leaning in closer to the bird. " Maybe Henrietta or Eggbert? Oh! What about Nugget? Watcha think, Bubs?"

"No good," he signed.

The chicken turned in circles, looking for an exit from its cage and flapped its wings all the while bawking like a kids toy that's batteries are running out of juice.

"You're a loud one, aren't you?" I jested, "Constantly squawking just like Nubbins? I'm beginning to think we should name you after him."

He chuckled under his breath, "Good name," he signed.

"Oh no, I was just kidding with you."

"Good Name. Good Name," he repeated.


"Okay, if that's what you want." I looked to the bird, "I'm so sorry to curse you with such a name...Nubbins Jr."

His suppressed tittering turned into a contagious peal of loud boisterous laughter sending me into a fit of giggles right along with him.

"And do not tell your brother about this," I joked, pointing a finger in his direction, "He'll kill us if he knew we were teasing him."

He took me by my shoulders and led me to the rather sculptural couch urging me to take a seat on the worn upholstery.

"Stay," he signed as he walked over to a vintage tv box across from the couch. I'm guessing it was from the 1970s with the tv screen tucked inside a cabinet leaving the top free for your nice normal decorations, or in this case, a creepy taxidermy armadillo.

The warm Texas sun shone in from the window behind me illuminating the room and warming my back. My eyes flitted across the space taking it all in. The walls were completely covered in different photographs, old mirrors, and taxidermy animal heads. A soft clanking sound drew my sights upward to the chandelier of bones hanging above my head. Aside from the clear evidence of human remains lying around, and the pile of feathers beneath the chicken's cage, the room was surprisingly clean. Loretta must be a good housekeeper.

Bubba spun back around to face me, A record player behind him and the sleeve of one of the vinyls in his hand. He laid it down and raised his hand up to cup his ear.

"Listen," he signed.

He moved the arm of the record player over the disk letting the needle graze the vinyl ti begin a soft melody.

"Music," I said as I signed, extending one of my arms and waving my other hand over it as if I were playing s harp. "It's Beautiful,"

'Come with me, my love.

To the sea, the sea of love... '

I watched him rock back and forth on his heels clapping his hands excitedly, but my thoughts wandered into the corner of my mind that holds my fondest memories. I know that song. My grandmother used to play it for me when I would visit her. God, I would do anything to be back home with her and the rest of my family right now.

'I wanna tell you...' sang the man's voice drawing me from my thoughts.

Bubba took a tentative step towards me, picking at his fingernails, his eyes flickered all over the room looking at everything except me.

'Just how much...'

He perked up, his gaze met mine, as he signed in perfect time with the music. "I love you..."

Wait...what! I'm speechless, either he was just signing the words and showing off how much he knows or he actually just told me he loves me.

"Oh...um...Bubs, do you actually mea-"

He scurried towards me, wasting no time, and pulled me off the couch before I could even finish my sentence.

His hands slid down torso and wrapped firmly yet gently around my waist, pulling me in closer until there wasn't a lick of space between us. I gasped in surprise at the formally shy man's boldness.

I rested my hands on his shoulders as he danced to the music, bouncing up and down almost giddily and definitely not in time with the song.

"Who taught you to dance? " I asked pulling away a little to look at his face.

"Momma," he signed, placing his thumb against his chin with his fingers spread out in a 'five' shape.

He twirled me in circles making my head spin then jerked me back to his chest sending my body crashing into his own.

"Bubs, can I ask you a question?" I asked after the dizzy spell had worn off.

He lifted his eyes from watching his feet to make sure he didn't step on my toes and bobbed his head.

"Why am I here? Why haven't you killed me yet? What makes me so special?"

He stopped swaying and stood completely still, his head tilted to the side. "My friend" he signed.

"Because we're friends?" I asked.

"More. More friend."

"More? Um...more...more than friends?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair "I- I just want to go home Bubba. I miss my family." I chokes back the tears that threatened my eyes. "When can I go home?"

He dropped his shoulders, his eyes nearly bugged out of his head, as he abruptly let go of me.

"Stay. stay. You stay." he signed, shaking his head. I took a step back a little frightened by his behavior.

"We stay." He paused, seeming to grow more frustrated by the minute, "together. Stay together!"

"Okay, okay," I said holding my hands out in front of me and lowering my voice to a soothing level. "I'll stay. I won't leave you. I'm not going anywhere."

He leaned down to my level getting right in my face. I winced when he poked me in the chest then proceeded to pat his own. Tugging me back into our dance, he forced my head to rest on his shoulder. I listened to his racing heartbeat slow into a calm state.

'Come with me, my love.

To the sea, the sea of love...'

I thought about what he meant for a moment before finally coming to the conclusion of what he was attempting to say.

'I wanna tell you just how much I love you

I wanna tell you, oh, how much I love you...'

He was trying to say, "You're mine"

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