《Her Terrifying Love》Part 21


Lyla sat on the edge of the concrete and dipped her feet into the pool. A gentle breeze skipped off the surface of the water then brushed back her hair.

"This is a lot warmer than the ocean," she cooed.

"And no waves." Jack teased.

She blushed, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

"Are you coming in or not? It's lonely in here."

A blackbird drew her attention when it landed on the iron railing. It twitched its head and watched her, its claws clattering against the metal.

She dropped into the pool and surfaced beside Jack.

"Hey, you have something on your upper lip," he said.


"My mouth." He smiled and went in for a deep kiss.

"That was nice," said Lyla breathlessly.

"Well, isn't this cozy?" Carissa's sharp voice broke the spell.

Lyla looked up and saw Carissa looming over her on the pool deck, hands on her hips.

"We're just playing," said Jack.

"Playing what? Hide the body?"

"What?!" Lyla gulped. She snapped her head back toward Jack. "Why did she say hide the body?! Did you tell her?!"

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!" Jack called after Carissa.

"Did you?!" Lyla demanded an answer.

In one athletic motion, Jack climbed out of the pool and chased after his girl. The commotion startled the blackbird that took to the air.

"Jack! Did you tell her?" Lyla called.

She turned when she felt movement in the water. A black water snake wriggled its way across the surface toward her, its muscular body cutting effortlessly across the surface.

She screamed and swam as fast as she could, desperately slapping the water with her palms, fighting to reach the shallow end of the pool. Gasping, she looked over her shoulder, choking on a mouthful of water. The serpent followed close behind, gaining speed.


"Help!" she called, but there was no one to come to her rescue. Suddenly, something had her by the ankle, jerking her below the surface.

She squinted toward the bottom of the pool and, to her horror, discovered a hand clamped around her ankle. The tattooed word SNAKE was prominently displayed across the knuckles. She closed her stinging chlorine-burned eyes and released a torrent of bubbles in the form of an underwater scream. Keenan pulled her deeper, leering at her with his crooked, devilish smile.

Lyla woke in a panic and jumped to her feet, toppling the lounge chair.

She drew concerned looks from parents and kids who had convened poolside while she was sleeping. She gathered her things, hid behind her oversized sunglasses, and made her way back to the room. Her heart pounded, her tongue felt like sandpaper. Her worst fears were confirmed. No matter how far she traveled from home, she would never be free.

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