《Dangerous Love- JJK》CHAPTER-6



I was not scared. No. I was petrified. I can see the rage in his eyes and the hatred but I was not going to show him the week side of me. I was standing straight and bold before him.

“I like your act of showing that you are not scared of me but I know you are indeed scared so no need to hide it.” He said coldly. Shit. I took a deep breath before replying “bold of you to assume that I would be scared of you. Don’t forget that my brother is a mafia too and so was my father.” I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him a scoff. I swear I saw a hint of amusement in his eyes by my remark. Yes.

He called someone on the phone and said “Yuri, come upstairs.” After a few minutes the man who brought me here who I assume is named Yuri came and eyed me a bit as if asking if I said anything? I just shrugged my shoulders. Roth said “I’ve been informed that she was kept in a small room which was not more than a cell while she was brought here? Is that true?” he asked. Yuri nodded. “Why she was not provided a better room as I’ve specifically mentioned that she was bait?” he said rather calmly. What? I am bait? Before Yuri could answer Roth pulled out a pocket knife from his right pocket and stabbed him in the ribs. The movement was so fast that one can’t even see it coming and it is done. By the time you realize what has happened you will be on the ground dying. After some seconds Yuri died. Some men came from the other room and cleaned up the place and took the body.


“So Miss Wang as you must have figured out that you are bait to catch your brother so you will not die so soon. Maybe when I kill your brother and that bodyguard’s of his, Jung kook.” Roth said turning toward me. “Would you like to take a shower?” he asked. I nodded as I desperately needed a shower at that time. I don’t know how long I have travelled and how many days have gone by.

My only one mantra was. Jung kook is coming. Jung kook is coming. Jung kook is coming.

I went to take a shower and Roth shamelessly followed me inside. I motioned him to go outside but he denied and stood by the sink watching me. He made it clear that if want to shower I have to do it in front of him or nothing. I tried to ignore his presence and stripped off my clothes and started to shower. I cleaned myself thoroughly and even down there fully aware of the weapon I hid there. Then I shampooed my hair and washed them. As I turned off the shower and turned towards the towel rack I saw Roth watching me intently which made my skin crawl and I wished I could shower all over again or at least claw his eyes out. I dried myself and surprisingly was provided new clothes with even decent undergarments.

The next few days went by me doing exercise all day as I had nothing to do otherwise and him doing his business, watching me and sometimes join me in exercise. I learned a few things about him. His right hand man Mike was also his childhood best friend who handles all of his illegal businesses. He had a smooth way of killing people with just a pocket knife. So fast that no one can see it coming.


He had killed almost 7 people in my presence and that was the same pattern of him killing. I was no longer fazed by his method of killing as now I have seen how he moves with the knife so I can predict when it happens. Thanks to my one of my ex who was an MMA fighter who taught me these kinds of things and gave me lessons of self-defense. His men dare not come to him empty handed or they will get no less than death. He was always calm while doing every work and never even raised his voice. This made him all the more dangerous.

I was never allowed to go out of the room and Roth was always in the room with me watching me intently. I had to shower in his presence only. Still I managed to survive through this by my constant mantra that Jung kook is coming to save me.

I thought of sometimes taking out he pen from down there but Roth was constantly watching my every move and I don’t want to take that risk. I would choose a vaginal infection any day over being dead. Duh.

Then one day finally came that Roth had to go out of the country for some work and I was finally alone but still stuck in the room. The elevator had an opening in the room only but it can only open through a key or a passcode and I knew neither of them. After some time the door of the elevator opened and I saw Mike come through it covered all in blood and stumbling a little. He had devilish smirk on his face. He came towards me as I backed off far into the wall and had no escape now. He tried to grasp my wrist but I jerked it free. I smelled alcohol on him. He was drunk.

“Roth has such an eye candy by his side for so many days. Finally he is out of country so I can have you all to myself.” Mike slurred. “I don’t think it is a good idea.” I said. “He will probably kill you for harming me.” I continued. “He will not kill me. I am his childhood best friend. Do you think he will harm me for raping a hostage? No way in hell.” He clarified.

Saying this he charged towards me and I dodged him successfully and ran towards the other side of the room, my defense kicking in and adrenaline rushing through my veins. “Just give up already.” He shouted at me. ‘Not without a fight’ I told myself.

You want to rape me? Not without putting up a fight fucker and a good one at that. Fight me.

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