《Dangerous Love- JJK》CHAPTER-4


Four short, sharp raps on the door jolted me awake. I glanced out the window and saw that it was probably an hour or two before dawn, the sky still black but with muted shades of gray staining the horizon where it met the rippling, glinting sea.

“Mr. Wang.” It was one of our security men. “Your presence is required, sir. Immediately as possible, please.”

I scrambled out of my bed and jumped into my shorts not bothering with shirt or shoes. I saw my girlfriend getting up and pull up a light sundress over her body and follow me out of the room.

Stepping out of the room I realized something significant has happened seeing all of our security men on high alert and with their fingers on the trigger on whatever weapon they were holding and loaded with other weapons too. Something bad has happened.

The security jerked his head toward the dense forest, and set off toward it at a quick walk. He had his rifle tucked into his shoulder, held at the ready, moving in a crouch and sweeping the barrel from side to side. There was no clear path that I could see, but nonetheless he led us unerringly between the trees through near complete darkness to a long, low building. He held open a thick steel door and ushered us in.

This was the security room of this entire island with each TV displaying different cameras fixated on the island and connected the sensors as well. The building was well hidden in the deep forest and was surrounded by a good twenty yards of clearing. The building was windowless, lit only by fluorescent tubes. One wall was entirely taken up by the bank of monitors showing different cameras while opposite it was a floor-to-ceiling case containing an arsenal: assault rifles, as well as a huge assortment of handguns, shotguns, sniper rifles, machetes, flash-bangs and actual grenades, body armor, night vision goggles, and even something huge and terrifying that I thought might be a grenade launcher.


Jung kook was sitting at a metal table, a map spread out in front of him, a red pen in one hand and a ruler in the other, marking lines and Xs on the map. He was dressed like the rest of his security force: gray BDUs, black body armor, black "A1S" ball cap, sidearm, knife, and a rifle hanging by its strap from the corner of his chair. He had extra magazines on his body armor webbing, as well.

Jung kook didn’t have a security team; he had a small mercenary army, each man armed to teeth. So what had them on high alert?

I was about to speak when another security an entered the room and stood beside the door with his palms over each other in front. I looked back at JK. He marked one more X on his map and then swiveled on his chair. "All right, now that we're all here--"

“Wait” I protested “We’re not all here. Where’s Y/n?”

JK’s expression hardened, fury darkening his face. "That's why we're here. I'm not going to mince words, sir: Roth took her. Snatched her right out from under my fucking nose.”

I was out of my mind. My baby sister was kidnapped by my enemy and I can’t do anything except for searching for her. “How the fuck is that possible?” I snarled. “I thought you had this place more secure than any other place?”

“I did. They set off a kind of bomb which fried our circuits and they hit our men on the beach as a distraction. Our men took heavy fire. While that was going on four men infiltrated Y/n’s room and took her. One man gave pursuit and took down two of them, but got shot in the throat in the process. Not sure he’ll make it. It was a quick, precise, and coordinated, and done by serious professionals.” JK explained. “Roth’s guys lost six men and two were injured.” He continued further.


“What about --- what about Y/n?” My voice cracked as I said her name.

“Before losing consciousness the man who was on pursuit was able to communicate that she was unhurt.” JK clarified. I thanked the stars a little but still my baby sister was in danger which I can’t handle.

Mia interrupted our conversation “Wait so you mean some people are killed and some are still after us?”

I was a little pissed at her as I was so worried for Y/n at that time “Mia, baby. Do me a favor, okay? Shut the hell up.” I snapped at her. This shut her up but not before giving me a sad pout.

I crossed the room to stand in front of JK. I had two inches on him, and used them to good effect, staring down at him with anger in my eyes. "Swear to me right now that this couldn't have been prevented, Jung kook."

He stared back, chin lifting. "It was a calculated strike, Mr. Wang. It was fucking surgical. The whole thing with Y/n took less than three minutes from first contact. There was nothing else we could have done, sir. I've got two wounded and one dead or...as good as dead."

“What are we doing to get her back?” I asked stepping back.

"I will rip this planet open to find her," Jung kook said. "I swear on my immortal soul I will find her, and I will end the life of every motherfucker involved in taking her." The vicious look in JK’s eyes told me he meant it.

I felt Mia shiver a little beside me and saw her looking at Jung kook feared by the rage in his eyes. I put my hand around her shoulder to give her some comfort.

Jung kook turned towards one of his men and told him to stay by our side 24/7. “Guys, I am sorry but privacy is going out the window until this is over. He will stay beside you at all times, even in your rooms.” He said pointing at the one who brought us here.

“Are you going after her alone?” I asked.

“Hell no, I am taking one of my alpha members with me along with some other security men but I’ve increased the security around the island and on each of you.” he stated and then made some other instructions on his mic and gave me a reassuring nod before we headed out of the building back to our rooms.

Stay safe baby sis, Jung kook is coming for you. I said a little prayer and went back.

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