《Our Strange Love》Chapter 13*


A carrot slice rolled across the kitchen floor. Sighing, Riley sluggishly followed behind it.

"Next time you drop some food," he picked it up, "I'm going to make you eat it." Riley waved the wasted vegetable in front of Eran, who responded with a glare.

Eran waved his knife back at Riley in return. "Are you... threatening me?"

"Nope." Riley smirked. "Just warning." Watching Eran's awkward movements amused and worried Riley. If he cuts his finger... Riley thought morbidly and imagined himself popping Eran's wounded finger into his mouth. No, no, no, no... I wouldn't have the courage if that happened. Not to mention it's dangerous. It's not like I want him to get cut. Shouldn't he have more careful hands, being a microbiologist and all?

"What?" Eran stared at Riley who'd been watching him. "I'm done." He slightly turned his body away and frowned.

Riley chuckled. He's so cute. "They're the right size, at least. Thank you."

Eran looked a bit taken aback at Riley's simple expression of gratitude. "If I'm in the way, tell me. At the least, I want to watch..." Eran's rarely-heard low, gentle voice sent an electric current to Riley's chest. He's not fair... But... I need to stay calm.

"You said you wanted to help, so don't hold back. But don't start any fires either. Here, sauté these."


"Put oil in the pan then slowly let them brown."

"Aren't we making stew? Shouldn't we just toss everything into some water then boil until hot?"

Riley held back a snicker but couldn't help smiling. "N-no... That'd definitely be quicker but having different textures and distinct flavours makes it more interesting."

Eran dropped the chopped vegetables into the oil and then turned on the burner. The oil is supposed to be hot first, but oh well... After some moments, Eran randomly said, "You have delicate hands for someone who fights all the time."

Riley looked down at Eran who was watching Riley simmer meat. He's looking at me... He's watching me. Ah, Eran, I love you. "I don't fight all the time. I'm not a delinquent; I've just had bad luck recently." Or great luck since it's how I got to meet with you. Riley hovered his hand above the stove, facing the palm down, and then turned it to face up. They look normal to me. "And a guy doesn't want to be called delicate..."


Eran narrowed his eyes, looking annoyed. "I mean... they look big and strong, but mostly soft..." Eran held up his own hand in comparison. It was smaller and much more delicate-looking than Riley's.

I want to kiss every one of those long fingers. Riley heard Eran click his tongue in irritation. "Are you jealous?"

Eran's palm smacked into Riley's temple. "Don't get cocky."

Riley reached over to turn off the burner where Eran was giving the vegetables a nice black color.

"Oh..." Eran bit his lip and mildly swore.

"It's salvageable." Eran watched as Riley poured the vegetables onto a plate. Why would he turn up the temperature, though? Is he that impatient or that hungry?

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad?"

Eran's eyes bore right into Riley. "Do you think I'll be mad at you if you get mad?"

"What?" Riley was genuinely confused. What is he saying?

"I burnt them, but it's okay?"

"Ahh. We both know you can't cook, so mistakes are bound to happen. I knew that even before you started bowling carrots."

"Bo-bowling?" Eran raised an eyebrow but then smiled. "You're weird."

He seems so vulnerable right now. It's the first time I'm seeing this side of him.

After a few minutes of watching Riley finish up cooking, Eran suddenly asked, "Does it have to do with a girl?"

Riley nearly dropped the spoon in his hand. "Wh-wh-WHAT?"

"The reason those twits were ganging up on you."

Ah, and the cold prince is back. "N-n-no. No way. Even if I was that type, do you honestly think I'd have the same taste in girls as that geeky tool?"

"A pretty girl is a pretty girl, and I'm sure you have no shortage of girls throwing thems—"

"No no no way." Riley turned off the burner then put the lid on the pot. "I make it a point not to stand out, and even if I did, I'm not the type for these spoiled ladies."

Riley looked at Eran and saw the corner of his mouth twitch. Though Riley could tell Eran was trying to maintain a straight face, he could see joy in his eyes slipping through.


"Can... I get the bowls?"

Whoa, that hesitation was so uncharacteristic. He's so sweet. I get it, he's excited to eat. I'm not surprised after seeing him burn part of it.

At the table, Riley watched Eran eat the first spoonful. He swallowed it then stopped moving as if someone had pressed pause. Eran's expression soon grew shocked and he seemed to be thinking.

Ahh... After all that trouble, he's going to be picky? No way I'm letting that happen. "Even if you don't like it, you have to—"

Eran shook his head in protest. "It's... just really good." His eyes emitted a strange feeling of being emotionally touched by the food.

CUTE. Feeling near to bursting from the chest, Riley stood up suddenly. "I think the stove might still be on."

In his usual unaffected tone, Eran said, "I can see it from here; it's not."

My chance to escape... Riley could see it floating away. I've got to get myself together... Maybe the more I'm around him, the more used to him I'll be... Yeah, that should work.

Dinner finished when Eran swallowed the last bit of his second bowl of stew. It seemed as if there was a sparkling around him. He looked... blissful. Gah... He's shining. "Then," Riley started, "I'll clean up." He moved to collect the dishes.

Eran sat at the table for a moment, before humming. "Umm... let me. You can sit down."

Just let me escape for even a minute! "Ah, but I need to make your lunch."


"If you don't want me to, I can just take the extra—"

"No, I just..." Eran interrupted then hesitated before saying, "don't really eat lunch."

"I'm not surprised. Why don't you start?"

Eran muttered, "There's no point in starting..."

There was a moment of awkward silence between the two.

Then Riley began, "I..." I can cook for you for as long as you'll let me. "You're right, I guess. I can't cook for you forever..."

"You—" Eran stopped.

"I—" Riley stopped. Having started speaking at the same time, they turned towards each other.

He'll probably say something that will make what I was going to say pointless or embarrassing. "Go ahead."

Eran turned away. "You... tomorrow..." There was another pause, then Eran turned back to Riley and said in his normal, demanding tone, "You owe me."

Riley smiled. "Ah, that's what I was going to say. You've helped me three times... And you bought me dinner at Bubba's... So, counting tonight, I have three more times to repay you."

"Tomorrow, come to my campus. I'll meet you and—" Eran suddenly stopped short. He bit his lip and frowned.

Riley dared to lean forward to look at Eran's face. "Are you embarrassed to ask for a favour? It's not really a favour since I owe you."

Eran seemed to regain some confidence. "Just come. I mean, if your parents—"

Riley interrupted, "Oh, you don't have to worry. I can go wherever I want." He smiled half-heartedly and received a hard, emotionless stare from Eran. I recognize that scary face; he's analyzing me.

Eran agreed. "Let me drive you home... as far as you want. It's gotten rather dark, and you're a wanted man so, it'd be dangerous for you to walk home from here."

Riley felt his chest tighten. It's like he... really cares about me... Or he could just be a really good actor and dying to know where I live. But I can't let anyone know, it'll definitely cause problems in the future. "Okay. I'll get changed into my uniform then you can take me to the centre of midtown. But first, let me show you how to wash dishes."

Eran frowned. "This is why I use paper plates," he grumbled.

A/N: I hate hand washing dishes. Just stick everything in the dishwasher. Am I right?

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