《Don't Leave me (Stranger Things) (Stranger Things character X Reader)》5. The Upside Down


Will's POV

I woke up it was still cold and dark. But my mom and the chief were here with me. I could barely speak. Hopper took off some gas mask off his face and put it on me. I had passed out again and I woke up in an ambulance.

I woke up. Mom and Jonathan were sitting in a chair next to me. An oxygen tank was hooked up I me. They looked up at me. "Hey. Hi, sweetheart." Mom said to me. "Hey." Jonathan said. "Where... where am I?" I asked. "You're home. You're home now. Your safe." Jonathan said. "Jonathan." I said. He started to cry. "Yeah, it's me, buddy. We missed you. We really missed you." Then I noticed his hand was wrapped. "Are you okay?" I asked him. He held up his hand. "What, this? It's just a cut. It's nothing." My mom was stroking my hair, she was crying too. "You're worried about my hand." Jonathan said. They both chuckled. "Oh, hey, uh..." He pulled up a box. "We, uh... we brought you some stuff... so you don't get bored in here. So..." He reached in the box and pulled out a mixtape. "Uh, I made you a new mixtape. There's some stuff on there I think you might like. They smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Are my friends here?" I asked. "Ya, sweetheart they got here about two hours ago, want me to ask for them?" Mom said. "Yes please." I said. She told Jonathan to go get them for me. It took about a minute till they rushed in the room. "Byers!" Mike ran in and gave me a hug. I looked around and then I spotted Y/N. I missed her. She had tears in her eyes. All the guys hugged me. "Be careful. Be careful with him." My mom said. They all got off and then Y/N hugged me. "I missed you." Y/N said. "I missed you too." I said back. She got off me.

"You won't believe what happened when you were gone, man." Lucas said. "It was mental." Dustin added. "You had a funeral." "Jennifer Hayes was crying." "And Troy peed himself." "What?" I asked. "In front of the whole school!" "Yes!" Lucas said. I began to cough. They went silent. "You okay?" Y/N asked. "It got me. The demogorgon." I told them. "We know." Mike said. "It's okay. It's dead." Mike looked sad. "We made a new friend. She stopped it. She saved us. But she's gone now." He said. "Her name's Eleven." Dustin said. "Like the number?" "Well, we call her El for short." Lucas said. "She's basically a wizard." Dustin said. "She has super powers." "More like Yoda." Mike said. "She flipped a van with her mind, and these agents were trying to shoot us--" "Yeah, it flipped over us--" "Then she squeezed the brains out... and blood was pouring out of their faces." "It was pouring out of their eyes." "And agents started grabbing us and stuff." "And a gun was held to my head, and they hit me with something and I passed out." Y/N said. "And then I had to carry her." Lucas said. "Is that why you have bandages around your head?" I asked her. "Ya." She nodded her head.


They had to leave since it was getting late. Y/N said she could stay since her parents were out of town still. My mom offered for her to stay with us for awhile and she said she could. Jonathan follower Nancy out, and my mom left to go see the Wheelers for a moment. It was just me and Y/N. I couldn't imagine how hard it was for her either. "Hey." I said. "Hey." She smiled. "Well at least we both had to be in the hospital for something." I said. She smiled. "So how are you feeling?" She asked. "I'm alright." I responded. "The night we found your body well I mean fake body. We all cried. I'm just so happy for you to be back." She said. "Ya me too." I didn't want to admit this to her but I think I was starting to have a crush on her.

It was late and my mom stayed with me at the hospital and Jonathan and Y/N went back home. They let me out a week later which was the week of Thanksgiving. Y/N's family invited us over for Thanksgiving. Her house was nice. Y/N ran to me. "Guess what." She said. "What?" I asked. "We made you you're favorite meal... green bean casserole." She smiled to me. "Thanks." I said. "No problem."

We didn't get out much after that besides school. And everyone looked at me weirder than normal it was like I was a freak but Y/N, Lucas, Dustin, and Mike helped me with coming back. I couldn't go places on my own anymore. Soon later Christmas rolled around. I asked Jonathan if we could stop by Y/N real quick, he said we could. I got her a present, it wasn't much but I felt like I needed to get her something for always staying by my side. I got her a necklace. When I rung the doorbell she answered it. "Hi Will." She said. I pulled out the tiny box from my pocket. "I got you something." I handed it to her. She opened it up. "Oh my gosh thank you so much." She hugged me. "Oh, that reminds me." She turned around and ran and got something. "I have something for you to." She handed me a rectangular box. "It's not much. But I found it in the attic." She said. I unwrapped the box and opened it up. It was a picture framed of me and her when we were younger playing in her old sandbox. "Thank you so much." I told her. She looked behind me. "I think you probably better get going. Jonathan's waiting for you." I turned around and he was looking out the window. "Cmon Will. I need to stop by the Wheelers now." He said. I turned back to Y/N. "Thanks again, bye now." I ran to Jonathan. After this we made our way to the Wheelers house.


It had been some time since I had been dropped off at Mike's. Jonathan had came and picked me up. Nancy gave Jonathan something. They exchanged saying Merry Christmas. We went back to the car. "All right, buckle up." He told me. I looked at the present. I wanted to know what it was. "Can I open it?" I asked. "Yeah, sure." I unwrapped it. It was a new camera. "Whoa. Pretty cool." I said. I showed it to him. He smiled. "Yeah." He started up the car. "Yeah, pretty cool."

We went back home. Mom had already started cooking. I was by the Presents looking at the boxes. "What you got there? That one yours?" Jonathan asked as I held a box. "Yeah." I said. "Looks pretty big." He said. I shook it trying to figure out what it was. Jonathan took some pictures with his new camera. "Be careful. You'll break it." He said. It felt like it was an Atari, that's what was on the top of my list. I ran over to the table for dinner. "It's definitely an Atari." I said. "An a-what-i?" Mom questioned. "The green present. It's an Atari." I explained. "I felt Dustin's today, it's the same exact weight." "Really, well..." "Yeah." "We'll have to see, won't we? Oh also did you stop by Y/N house today and give her the present you got her?" "Yeah. She also gave me a picture, it's when me and her were younger and we played in her sandbox."

I suddenly felt sick. Like someone was in the back of my throat. I got up from the table. "Hey, no more snooping." Mom said. I had to make an excuse. "No, I forgot to wash my hands. I'll be right back." I told her. "Okay." I went to the restroom and closed the door behind me. My hands held the side of the sink as I looked in the mirror. I felt like I was gonna throw up, it was as if something was crawling up my throat. I coughed and coughed, something was coming up my throat, I coughed up something green in the sink. It slid down the sink. I felt light headed. I turned in the sink, suddenly everything was dark and cold. I was back in that place, and the screeching came back. But now I was back in the real world. I felt tears creep into my eyes, I turned off the sink. What was happening to me. I wipped my tears away and went back to diner. Mom must have noticed I seemed off when I came back. "Are you okay?" She asked. I didn't want her to know, I didn't want her to worry. "Yeah, I'm okay." I smiled. "Mmm. Very good Mom." Jonathan said as he ate some of the food. She smiled. "Mmm. Hey, mom. Did Will tell you about, uh, the game?" "Oh, yeah." That reminded me. "No. What game?" She asked. "I threw a fireball at him..." I attempted to imitate a explosion. "Dead." I said. "Wait, what is... You mean, this is..." I interrupted her. "No, it's just Dungeons & Dragons.

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