《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Twenty-Nine


Roman was currently freaking out slightly. His parents had made him ask Virgil all his favorite snacks and then bought them all, Roman was going to do it anyway. Now he saw where he got his dramatic flair from. Roman was pretty sure that they were glad he was showing some kind of emotions other than annoyance at the house.

Roman was going to pick Virgil up soon and Remus was currently making sure his studio was clean. When Roman left home, they converted the basement a few weeks after to give Remus a place where he could actually paint without going outside. Roman thought it probably was something to keep Remus calmed down and focused while Roman was away.

Roman knew how he reacted, he could only imagine the few months of issues their parents had with Remus. However, it was much better than painting outside, but Remus had his rules about the room. It was always clean unless he was painting or in the middle of a project.

Remus was a bit of a neat freak that put the housekeepers to shame. The room was ventilated but Remus required that every guest wore a mask when they went in so they wouldn't get sick. Their shoes also had to be covered so they wouldn't track dirt into the room.

Roman wasn't sure why but Remus insisted that he would share his studio with Virgil because Virgil was also an artist. Roman hadn't told him about Virgil's many talents, but Remus always said he could identify another artist from a mile away.

"Roman, breathe. You need to be conscious to go get him." Joseph said. The entire family was happy but Roman was on edge. Joseph was just glad he wasn't going to have a basement full of Remus' friends smoking this year.

"I am." Roman said and checked the time. He swore and then flew out the door. Joseph rolled his eyes, his son was whipped and it was clear.

Roman pulled out of the driveway and headed toward Westward. He was giddy and happy that Virgil was coming around, but he was also nervous. He remembered the flowers in his room and how he still hadn't figured out what the secret message was. He had asked Virgil for clues but Virgil kept refusing.

Three hours later, Roman was pulling into his school. He had grown attached and he figured that going back wouldn't be so bad. Plus he'd have Virgil for another year. But there were cons, his friends would miss him but he questioned that really. The group was going to fall apart soon anyway, maybe Westward just gave him an excuse to get out of the role he played.

He still had until May to decide and it was only December. New Year's Eve, but it still counted. The school looked so stoic and more like he'd expect it to look when he first went without the students. How did Virgil put up with it?

Granted what he knew about Virgil, he wasn't surprised if he was good with living there with it looking scary. The school looked like a fortress. He texted Virgil once he parked in the front entrance of the school where Roman said he would pick Virgil up. Virgil asked him if he could come inside while he waited. Roman obligated and waited in the lobby.

Thomas walked by and saw Roman. "Oh! You are here for Virge, right?" He asked.

"Yes sir." Roman answered. Thomas chuckled.

"No need to be so formal, I am not his dad." Thomas joked and then went behind the desk. He picked up the phone that connected to the intercom system. "Virgil Cyrus, come to the office for pick up. Virgil Cyrus, to the office for pick up."


"What were you saying about being formal?" Roman said. Thomas shrugged.

"It annoys him and I am his uncle. I enjoy getting on his nerves." Virgil came running down the stairs with a backpack and a pillow, with a frown on his face. He handed his uncle a note and then turned away. "Sorry, I had to Virge." Virgil scrunched his nose and rolled his eyes.

"Ready?" Roman asked. Virgil nodded and they went to Roman's car. Virgil looked surprised. "What?" Virgil just shrugged and threw his stuff in the backseat. As he did, he was hit with the smell of pot from the car.

"Sorry, my brother smokes it with a friend from time to time. I tried to get rid of it before I picked you up but I couldn't, sorry." Roman said and got into the front seat. Virgil got in and settled down but didn't put his seatbelt on.

Roman glanced over and noticed. "I am not moving this car until you put a seatbelt." Virgil looked at him. "I am serious." Virgil slipped his phone out.

"Or what?" It said.

"We can wait here but we have a party to get to so," Roman unbuckled himself and reached across the car to get to Virgil's seatbelt who was watching scared. He tried to move the other way but that only helped Roman who buckled him in. "Buckle up buttercup. I don't want to be pulled over because you don't have one on."

Roman didn't miss the blush on Virgil's face which gave him satisfaction. Roman turned the car on confident that Virgil would be too distracted by what just happened to try and unbuckle it.

Roman hummed and turned around to get to the exit. "Did you figure out the flowers yet?" Virgil asked.

"Sadly, I have not. Want to enlighten me?" Roman asked. Virgil smirked and shook his head. "Because that would be too easy."

Roman grabbed his phone and handed it to Virgil. "DJ while we drive, my good sir." Roman said and then merged to the highway. Once Virgil had picked a song, Roman hit cruise control and they flew down the highway.

Virgil panicked slightly and slapped Roman repeatedly. Roman glanced over, "You good?" He asked over the music. Virgil made a swiping motion on his arm. Slow down. Roman compiled.

"Sorry, I do it a lot with my brother. Force of habit." Virgil nodded and just turned up the music. They didn't talk for a few minutes. Roman felt bad, did he just mess everything up?

Roman pulled off the highway to get gas about an hour and half later. He pulled into the station and turned the car off. "I'll be right back, check the glove compartment." Roman had put a package of Trolli worms in there for Virgil.

Roman then filled the tank up and paid. As he was filling the tank, Virgil opened the door and then signed thank you. Roman nodded towards him and then Virgil got back in the car giddy. Roman breathed a sigh of relief, maybe he didn't mess everything up.

"You two are cute together." A stranger said. He turned towards the voice. She had dark raven hair that was in a bun and was dressed well. Roman was sure that the hair was dyed, if she was blessed with that dark of hair naturally then Roman was jealous. But he had also been friends with Virgil for a while, he knew what dyed hair looks like. Her eyes were brown that he recognized, but couldn't place.


"Thank you, but we are just friends." Roman said to her. He shrugged. "I do like to take care of him though." She smiled and laughed a little.

"You won't be friends for long." And just as fast as she was there, she was gone. Roman watched the sleek car pull away. Roman wasn't sure how to feel about that. He just went back to what he was doing and finished.

Roman got back in the car and Virgil was looking at the car, while he held a half eaten worm. "Who was that?" He asked.

"Don't know, she was a nice person though." Roman started the car and music blared through the speakers. Virgil had kept his phone open while he played music. Roman hummed along while Virgil happily ate the gummy worms.

Virgil would also feed Roman some from time to time while Roman would tell him not too so he can focus on the road. Virgil would then pout for a few minutes and then go back to listening to the music.

Roman was sure that Virgil wouldn't talk to him anytime soon but he was okay with that. Roman liked Virgil's company, everything just felt right when he was with him. Roman had offered to move to Florida with Virgil, who was against the idea saying Roman couldn't leave his family. Roman had told Virgil he didn't care and he wanted to get out of his town anyway.

Roman glanced over and saw Virgil asleep. Roman was getting off the highway and then got to the streets of his hometown. He slowed down and then reached over and rolled the package of gummy worms up, put them into the cup holder. He got to his house and then woke up Virgil.


Virgil was sure he saw his mother at the gas station but he couldn't be sure. The woman had black hair, but looked like her. He had gotten his father's eyes and his mother's hair, you couldn't tell because she dyed her hair as well. In his entire lifetime, he has only seen her natural hair once and maybe in some old photos but her hair had always been dyed black when he knew her. When Roman said that he didn't know who she was, Virgil just brushed it off. But it still annoyed him, to escape that he tried to sleep.

Virgil wasn't sure when he fell asleep but when he woke up, he didn't expect to see what he did. There was a blue, big three story house in front of him. The car was sitting in the big driveway with two others.

"We are here." Roman said. Virgil was surprised, Roman said his family had money but he didn't expect this. Granted Virgil basically lived in a castle, but this was impressive for what he was used to.

Virgil got out of the car and got his stuff out of the back. "VIRGIL!" He heard a yell and then turned to see a flash of black move from the door to the driveway out of the corner of his eye.

"Remus, no!" Roman tried to stop his brother but it was too late. Remus had made it to Virgil and gathered him up in a hug. Virgil smiled and let Remus get it out of his system. He tapped on Remus to ask to be let down.

"Sorry, I had to. How are you?" He asked.

I am very good, it's cool I understand. How was Christmas for the both of you? Virgil asked.

"It was nice, our aunt didn't show up." Remus said, Roman caught on to the conversation and picked up the bag Virgil dropped when Remus hugged him.

"Thank god for that. She's a bit much." Roman said.

"More like she's a bit of a bitch." Remus grumbled. Virgil smiled wider. Roman was obviously upset by his brother inturding but Virgil didn't mind it. Remus then put his arm around Virgil and led him in the house with a grumbling Roman trailing behind. Virgil managed to hold on to his pillow and carried that.

Remus opened the door to the house and inside was covered with artwork and holiday decorations. The first floor had a dining room and the living room from what Virgil could see, he also assumed the kitchen was on this floor.

"Welcome to our humble abode. Now my brother said you'll be staying in his room, so I'll show you where it is but I am going to avoid it because well...that's not important." Remus rambled while he turned towards the stairs.

Virgil looked back at Roman and he just shook his head and rolled his eyes. Remus and Virgil made their way upstairs and Roman's mom stood in the hallway. "Remus, leave your brother's friend alone. You will have plenty of time to annoy him later, let him go."

Remus pouted and let go. Hello Mrs. Kingsley. Virgil signed after adjusting his pillow. She chuckled and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I told you Elizabeth, or Liz please, so polite. Roman, can we keep him?" She asked.

"You might have to fight his uncle and cousin for him." Roman said a little flat. Virgil looked at him a bit concerned, Roman's walls had gone back up and Virgil noticed. Virgil waved to Liz and then walked into Roman's room.

It was painted red and held a lot more posters than his dorm room did. The bed had white and red sheets while the rest of the room held pictures and other things. Roman put Virgil's backpack on his desk and Virgil noticed the flowers were sitting there.

They looked as new as when he conjured them. Virgil figured there was magic at play.

"Get yourself comfortable here and I'll be right back. I need to use the bathroom." Roman said and Virgil nodded. Roman then walked over to Virgil and hugged him. Virgil hugged back. "Thank you for coming."

Roman let go and then smiled. He left the room and Virgil immediately went to the flowers. He waved his hand near the glass and it sparkled. Roman was skilled enough then. So Virgil just put an extra spell on it so Roman would pick up the message faster or at least get him to say something about it.

Virgil wanted Roman to know. He had been freaking out constantly until he realized that him and Roman were good friends and that was a base of a good relationship. Besides he could convince Roman to stay if they were dating.


Virgil huffed and then picked up his pillow and slipped off his jacket and shoes. He hung his jacket with Roman's. He put the pillow on the bed and flopped on the bed. Roman's door opened and he chuckled at the sight.

"Sleepy already? You took a nap in the car." Roman said as he closed the door. Virgil sat up and then rolled over. Virgil heard Roman move across the room and then sit on the bed near Virgil.

"Don't be so moody, I am just kidding. We can go hang out with Remus before he heads out if you want to." Roman said.

Virgil turned over and then wrote a note. Where is he going?

"A party. We both were invited but I declined and he said he was going to go." Roman answered.

Why did you say no? Virgil didn't want Roman to stay home because he was there. Roman should go hang out with his friends.

"Well, you were coming over and to be honest," Roman made sure his door was closed before he lowered his voice and whispered, "it's not really my scene."

So, not because of me? Roman shook his head brough Virgil to his lap.

"No, you gave me a valid reason not to go. So it'll be just you, me, and my parents. But they don't stay up late, they have work tomorrow." Roman said. Virgil leaned his head on Roman's shoulder. He could feel the magic working from the flowers and he knew Roman would be more clingy and cuddly for a bit.

Can we go see Remus? Virgil asked.

"Yeah, come on." Roman said, letting Virgil get up off of him. Virgil wasn't sure if he was fully comfortable with the fact Roman was going to be cuddly but he honestly let himself go too long without physical contact and Roman made him feel better, so he wasn't too worried.

Roman led him to a room that was next to his with a green decorated door. Virgil suddenly knew where he got the blanket and plush. Roman knocked on the door. "Hey Remus, want to show Virgil the thing you wanted to?"

Virgil heard movement behind the door and then it flew open to show a smiling Remus. "Yeah! Come on." Remus pushed past his brother and dragged Virgil down the stairs. But not before stopping by Roman's room to get his shoes.

"They are required." Roman said quietly. "He has issues with things being clean." Virgil shrugged.

Remus then dragged him down the stairs. "Remus, what did I say about bothering Virgil?" Liz said.

"Mom, we went to see him." Roman said. Liz nodded.

"Going downstairs?" She asked, Remus nodded and then opened a door that went to the basement. "Be careful, remember to turn on the vents if you are going to do anything!" That confused Virgil.

"Okay, I am going to give you booties to put over your shoes, and since I am not painting you can come in without a mask but when I am you are required to wear one." Remus explained while handing Virgil and Roman plastic bags. Roman rolled his eyes and put the booties on and then helped Virgil.

"Told you he had issues." Roman said with a smile. Remus went down the stairs after flipping his brother off and Roman and Virgil followed slowly. Virgil was nervous he was going to slip.

Remus got to another door and flipped the light on. Inside was a room that had shelves on one wall of spray paint, another wall had a ton of canvases, and the third had a bunch of papers and a bench on the wall. The fourth wall had a bunch of paintings and tags on it. The wall with the bench had a stool and a ton of art supplies.

On the middle of the floor was a tarp with a bunch of colors splattered on it. Remus walked in and smiled. "Welcome to my studio. And anytime you are here, I am giving you full access to it and the supplies." Remus said happily.

Why? Virgil asked. Remus seemed confused.

"Aren't you an artist?" Remus asked. Virgil slapped Roman's arm, he was a little upset. Art was something he really didn't show people.

"Hey! I didn't tell him!" Roman said while rubbing his arm. Remus laughed.

"Dude, you have artist hands. Not to mention a lot of the makeup you did takes a skilled hand so I figured it was true. And that just proved it to me. I get not wanting to show your art, Roman convinced me to sell it and do commissions. I feel like yours is more of a hobby, right?"

Virgil nodded. "He's good at it too." Roman said quietly. Virgil turned and glared at him. Roman put his hands up.

Remus seemed amused by the exchange. "I always say I can spot an artist from a mile away. And I am barely wrong. But anyway, you can come down here if I am not here, there will be a red sign on the door saying Vacant and a green one for when I am in. If you do come in while I am painting, you do have to wear a mask. It's to prevent inhaling the fumes." Remus said. Virgil was glad that he brought his sketchbook.

Perhaps he would come down here if he needed to breathe for a bit. It made him feel better that he could work somewhere with good lighting. "Well, thank you for coming by but I got to go get ready for the party. Pranks is coming to get me soon." Remus said.

Roman grabbed his arm and then said something quietly that Virgil couldn't make out but he didn't really care as he was looking at the many coloring supplies at the art bench that Remus had. Virgil felt Remus leave and then Roman walk over and stand with him.

"Want to watch a movie?" Roman asked. Virgil nodded and they went upstairs to argue which movie they were going to watch.

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