《Things Left Unspoken (SandersSidesAU)》Chapter Twenty-Eight


Roman sat in his room, his friends were going to be over soon but couldn't bring himself to care. He was too distracted by the flowers that Virgil had given him. They were in a vase with enchanted water that kept them fresh for as long as possible. Until he figured the message out, he wasn't going to worry about it.

Today was Virgil's birthday. Roman had texted him to say happy birthday, but he hadn't heard anything back. Maybe Patton had kept him busy all day. He sighed and then pushed his chair back. It rolled away from the desk where the flowers were.

What the hell was Virgil trying to get at? There was no other note anywhere on the arrangement or in the flower petals. The flowers were very pretty, and he loved them but he had no idea what Virgil wanted to say.

Remus said it could be that Virgil likes Roman the way that Roman likes Virgil, but Roman shut that down claiming that he couldn't do that to him. What if he was wrong? He could lose Virgil and he couldn't.

Roman heard the door open downstairs and Remus say that Roman was in his room. Roman threw his not caring facade back on, it felt unnatural again. He kept comparing his life at home to his life at school and couldn't stop. A friend knocked on the door.

"Come in." Roman said, sounding bored and still looking at the flowers.

"Hey.." The guy said and drew out the y. "What are you doing?" He asked. Roman turned around and was met with a friend that went by the nickname Pranks.

"None of your business." Roman said and got up. "We going out?"

"I guess we could but why do you have flowers?" Pranks pushed. "No offense, but you don't seem the flowery kind of guy."

"Did I stutter? If I say drop it, then do so."

"Well, it's just a little weird seeing something that is like that in your room, that's all I am saying." Pranks leaned against the doorframe.

"Whatever, let's get in the car." Roman said and closed the door without another look at the flowers. Pranks sighed and followed him.

"I'll just ask Remus then." Roman stopped and turned around, the two were on the stairs.

"No, but I am not going to go too far into it. They were a gift from someone at school." Roman said.

"A special girl?" Pranks asked.

"I am gay." Roman reminded him coldly.

"So...special guy then?" Pranks asked. Roman scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You didn't say no."

Roman got to the bottom of the stairs. "I didn't because the two of us are currently in a weird limbo stage that isn't exactly defined. We are just two people who need to talk about it, but currently I can't." Roman said and grabbed his car keys.

"What are we talking about?" Remus asked while being followed by another friend.

"Roman's flowers." Pranks said while smirking. Roman sighed.


"Yes, Matt. Flowers. Apparently they were a gift from someone back at Westward." Pranks said.

"I didn't know that Roman liked flowers." Matt said.

"It's just a gift, get off my ass. Now we are going or not, if you aren't going to shut it and get in the car I am not going to drive you." Roman said and walked out of the house. He unlocked the car door and the friends got in, Roman started the car and pulled out of the driveway.


The group drove with Roman being stoic as always and Remus making inappropriate jokes with their friends. Roman just hoped they hadn't done too much while he was gone that set the car on the radar of local law enforcement.

"So," Roman said finally. "Give me the update, I have about a week here and how's shit going?"

"Well, Remus hasn't gotten into a fight since you left. One kid tried to but Remus quickly put him in his place." Matt said.

"Did he now?" Roman said.

"All I did was hit him with my bag that may or may not have had the paint for the canvas you asked for." Remus said, Roman glanced at his brother with a smile.

"About that canvas, what did you need it for?" Pranks asked.

"I wanted to personalize my room a little bit and my roommate and I decided that we were going to ask Remus for a canvas. We offered to pay but he said no." Roman lied. Remus had agreed to keep the project a secret since Remus now knew how easy it was to freak him out.

"Interesting." Matt said. "Also, the kid you told us to watch isn't coming around anymore. Dumbass decided that he was going to pin selling drugs on campus on us, good thing we never had anything like that so the admins didn't believe him."

"Yeah, we sell drugs elsewhere." Remus said, which earned a small eye roll from Roman.

"That's good, so we haven't had any issues?" Roman asked.

"Nope, by the way are you going to take over your parents company? Cause Remus has his art that is doing very well, and you got sent off to Westward sooo, what's with that?" Pranks asked.

"Dude, I don't know maybe? It's hard to tell right now, the future is a little hazy as of now." Roman said and pulled into an abandoned park. The group of friends got out and went to sit in the field.

"What do you mean, you are coming back after this year right?" Pranks asked, he hated change as much as Remus did. But the group could survive, besides Roman wanting to leave his small town in New York and go to Florida.

Virgil always wanted to live there and Roman said they would go together. If Remus stayed in contact with them, which hopefully he wouldn't with his art, then he would stay civil but his high school friends were just temporary. They always had been.

Expect for Virgil.

No one could ever replace Virgil. Everything just made more sense with him around. Roman's magic was easy to control, he would have to tell him at some point but he wasn't too scared considering Virgil was magically inclined himself. Virgil had accidentally did some of his homework around Roman a few weeks before the bad news, and locked himself in his bathroom for almost an hour while Roman pleaded with him saying it was okay.

Roman didn't go back to his dorm that night. Roman knew he had it bad but he was comforted by the fact that if he moved with Virgil to Florida then the two could have a relationship, but until then he would have to settle with a slightly close friendship.

"Some things have come up over at Westward that might prevent me from actually coming back next year. Trust me, it's annoying." Roman said and Remus rolled his eyes. Roman knew how much Remus hated when Roman played up the uncaring role. But his role in the group was just that, he wasn't supposed to care. It was easier for him to play the role and move on.


"Oh? Like what?" Matt asked as the group sat on the playscape.

"Something about grades and shit. I am doing very well and if I continue to do well then I would be offered a full scholarship to a college I choose and I have to agree to stay for my senior year or something. It was confusing and I didn't really pay attention." Roman said, laying back.

"What if you botched the grades on purpose?" Pranks asked.

"Physically impossible for him to do so. His pride would get in the way." Remus laughed.

"Would not." Roman grumbled knowing that his brother was right. His phone buzzed in his pocket. Virgil had texted back.

Roman reread the text, and kept his face neutral but his heart had fluttered. Virgil wanted to come visit.

"Yo, who is it?" Pranks asked.

Roman typed a simple message back saying he would iron out the details with Virgil when he got home, and said "No one to worry about."

"So, back to the topic at hand..if they offered you whatever the hell they are would you take it?" Matt asked.

Roman snickered. "Knowing my dad, I wouldn't have a choice." Roman shrugged. "Not that I mind, it's a good school. Nice people. Good sports teams, hell one of my roommate's friends is on the hockey team and they do very well."

"I have been to a Westward game when they went against our school, they rammed us into the ground. How are we even in the same division?" Pranks asked. Roman shrugged.

"Who knows. But I wouldn't mind staying."

"For the scholarship?"

"Yeah, gotta start thinking of the future plans we have right? We aren't going to be doing borderline illegal shit for the rest of our lives. I personally would like to leave this town, I love it but it's slightly small for my ambitions." Roman said.

"A town right outside the city is too small for the Great Roman Kingsley?" Matt said. "Sounds like something you would say."

The group wasn't one that was delinquents outside of school, they looked the part and did the minimal they could to keep the act up. But each one of them had something they wanted to hide. They all stuck together, never questioning each other and they protected each other.

Pranks wouldn't tell them his real name at all, even teachers called him by his nickname. Matt was a pothead that really didn't want to deal with friends but the group took him in anyway. Remus was almost certified crazy and had an amazing twin that helped him. Roman had himself to hide, Remus knew only a little bit. Because who would actually like Roman if they knew who Roman was?

Roman knew that answer, but he couldn't accept that yet.


Virgil looked at the response Roman had sent about three hours ago. Patton had convinced him that taking Roman's offer would be a good idea. Why did he do it? Virgil had no idea why but now there really wasn't going back on it.

After last night, the canvas was still covered and moved somewhere that Virgil wouldn't easily see it. Roman was the name that kept popping up and that would make sense why he would randomly smell roses when he was around.

Even times when Virgil would just think his name, the smell of roses just bombarded him. Virgil had two options, buckle down and confess his feelings and get hopelessly crushed or just pretend that it was all good until Roman left.

Virgil was convinced Roman was going to leave him but he had started to get attached, until there was two months left of school Virgil wasn't going to let anxiety dominate him. He was going to enjoy Roman while he still could and then he would move to Florida and quite possibly move on.

If he could talk.

On the subject of talking, Virgil was planning on trying to talk to his uncle today. Patton didn't know about it and they were having a small birthday dinner with just the three of them. Janus' hearing would be soon and Virgil wanted to try and talk out loud for it.

He felt it would be easier, even though Picani said he didn't have to worry about it. Virgil still did.

Was he making the right choice? Or was he just getting his hopes up? Maybe he wouldn't actually talk again to strangers. That would really suck for what he wanted to do.

Roman had said when he looked at his future, Virgil was there. But as what? A friend? A boyfriend? What was Roman trying to get at?

Or was Virgil reading too much into it? Roman was a good friend that would do what he needed to comfort Virgil. He didn't treat Virgil like glass all the time, he wasn't afraid to fight with Virgil, and he was able to handle Virgil when he wanted attention.

Roman didn't mind Virgil being touchy when they weren't around people, Virgil always made sure he supported Roman back. The theater thing was a success, he hoped Roman kept acting. He really liked watching Roman on stage. Roman singing made him happy, even if it was just a small tick that used to piss Virgil off. Now, it felt weird to do his homework without it. He would put on a playlist he made for when he needed comfort but didn't want to be too much of a problem and turn it to the volume that Roman would sing at.

It wasn't the same. Nothing was like Roman. The reason Roman's ancestors were pushing them made sense now. Virgil never believed in soulmates, they were something that made him want to bash his hand with a hammer but he did believe in past life connections.

It was different in Virgil's opinion. Maybe Roman and him were connected in a past life and that's why they were so good together. Virgil sighed as he blew his bangs. He had said a small spell that would fix them, around him little purple lights glowed and settled so they wouldn't get in his eyes.

Virgil really didn't use magic much but when he did, it was very small and sometimes his uncle would get upset. It was almost time for dinner, so Virgil got ready.

It was going to be casual but knowing Patton, the entire apartment would be decorated with black and purple streamers and there would be a ton of pictures so Patton could make a happy birthday post for him.

Virgil just did his usual makeup and got dressed in a pair of jeans and a plain black tank top with his patchwork sweatshirt over it. His phone went off as he finished his eyeshadow.

Virgil had some time to kill so why not.

New Years was two days before everyone moved back in. Virgil bit his lip in thought, this was what he wanted right?

That made Virgil feel better, Roman was a behavior problem even though he really didn't show it much. So what was he hiding if anything? Virgil would just ignore the fact he had a minor freak out over his brother's name. And now he had to wait a bit to actually spend the night with Roman.

Virgil smiled at that, it was just a small bit of consistency.

And with that Virgil's confidence was gone and a blush spread through his face.

Virgil got tired of fighting with him and clearly being annoying wasn't getting him anywhere so he looked it up. Plus he had to get going soon, he switched over to messages after he looked it up. He walked over to his door and left his room without his key. He never kept it locked when it was just his uncle and Patton.

Virgil stopped walking and realized Roman was right. He huffed and responded.

Virgil rolled his eyes and put his phone in his pocket as he walked into the apartment. And much to Virgil's surprise only the chair he sat in was covered with balloons and streamers. He smiled at his cousin's eccentricity.

Patton had come running out of the kitchen. "Virgil! You are here!" Virgil nodded and Patton came and hugged him.

"You said 6, I am here on time." Virgil said quietly.

"Yeah, Papa is watching the kitchen but I am going to get back but go sit down in your chair!" Patton said excitedly. Virgil nodded and moved to his seat.

Thomas came out wiping his hands on a dish towel. "I got kicked out of the kitchen." Virgil nodded and smiled at his uncle. Patton came out with dinner and they started to eat.

Patton talked about his plans for the rest of the week before Christmas. The three of them still celebrate it despite Virgil not really believing in it. He also stays home during the service that Thomas and Patton do. When that happened, Virgil hung out in the apartment. The emptiness freaked him out. Thomas was talking about New Years and what they would be doing. Virgil then remembered that he needed to ask about visiting Roman even though Patton probably already told Thomas.

After dinner, Patton brought out the cake. They sang happy birthday to him and watched him blow out the candles. Patton clapped and took a ton of pictures of Virgil and then Virgil and Thomas. And of course a ton of Virgil and himself. Patton quickly hugged Virgil and went to get a knife to cut the cake with.

"Happy Birthday, Virge. I know it's been rough these last few weeks but you have done so well. I am so proud of you." Thomas said and hugged his nephew.

Virgil took a deep breath and then very quietly said two words. "Thank you." Thomas froze.

"What?" Virgil could hear the shake in his voice.

"Thank you." He said with a little more confidence. Thomas wasn't his father, he wasn't going to yell at him. Thomas was a positive role model for Virgil and Virgil knew it. Virgil looked up at him and saw that his uncle had tears in his eyes.

Thomas always loved Virgil and had a soft spot for his sister's son. It helped that Virgil was Patton's favorite cousin, granted most of his family really didn't talk to him for taking Virgil in when his sister asked.

"You talked to me. Like out loud." Thomas said quietly.

"Yup." Thomas hugged Virgil again and started crying. Vrigil hugged him back and Patton walked in from the kitchen.

"Did I miss it?" Patton asked.

"You knew?" Thomas asked.

"I had a hunch, when Virgil started to talk to Logan and then refused to talk to Janus next that it was probably going to be you." Patton said. "But enough tears! Food time!"

Virgil laughed and then took the knife from Patton, he didn't trust his cousin with the knife completely after Patton used a kitchen knife to open mouthwash at one in the morning.

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