《Sinful Aroma { k.Th}》Part 30


I want your comments and feedback's, reactions and every emotion you feel in this chapter. Show some love for this end chapter.

The list of sequence songs: make a playlist

1: Kuch to hain (instrument song)

2: Chup ke se (instrument song)

3: Million dollar man

4: Still with you (jungkook)

6: Kaho na kaho

These are the 5 songs for 5 stanzas where I'll be mentioning below you need to play according to numbered stanzas.

1: Kuch toh hain (instrument song)

Her eyes are amazing, her face is like a mirror, she's a beautiful saga of limited sadness and endless happiness, she's my day, night, universe, God beautiful creation, she's my beautiful time and I'm the moment of her life, how will we remain separated from each other.

You're my exotic flower, your the support in the journey of our love, they are the shore of loyalty. I still remember those beautiful memories of our first flower love bloom.

Flashback: one year ago

"W-What?" She was bewildered by seeing my cold yet the stern tone of mine. "I said you can't go" I gritted my teeth. Her mouth was agape in shock and her eyes were widened in surprise. "L-let me go Taehyung" I shook my head in disagreement with cold eyes.

"By putting me into a deeper pit of love now you wanted to leave me?" I showed maximum coldness to her as she was shuddered and becomes weak under my strong gaze. "I requested and asking for the chance to prove my love for you and I'm not asking for the apology for my sinful doings yet asking for the chance"

Hana p.o.v:

his eyes show how adamant he is to gain me back.

"Hana my baby" his tone becomes soft and caring at the same time when the tears automatically welled up in my eyes. I never wanted him to see my weak side for him but that time I was blindly in love but today though I love him so much the pain in my chest never decreases nor fades away perhaps it only increases and hurts when I remember how he tortured me and betrayed me in the name of love.

"Please let me go" I requested as his expressions turned firmed and spoke bitterly "if I have to live without you then what kind of life is this?" My eyes get narrowed in pure confusion as he understood and clears it "it's impossible to forget you, Hana, because god is already destroyed two hearts and these separations are very painful" I gulped by hearing his broken voice which was full of emotion.

I had never seen him like this before his eyes only speaking the truth which I never felt before. "You we're not like this before" I whispered bewildered, he smiled "yes because I hesitated to accept that I love someone like you" I gawked at him. "All of a sudden why are you saying all these cheesy lines to me" I bitterly asked.

"My love for you is always invisible Hana, I do love you but never showed because I never accepted but today I accepted and admired with all my heart, the mirror that doesn't contain your reflection I will break that mirror" at the end of the sentence his soft expressions turns into a deadly dangerous one as I gulped and looked away.

He gently held my hands and softly caressing them as I closed my eyes in response. "Hana if I didn't get you I will leave this world" I immediately closed his mouth by putting my hands on his lips. My eyes plead for his inane and witless talks.


"Stop please" I once again spoke but this time seeking pleas for his silly words. I never wanted him to die or harm him in any kind of manner I just wanted to isolate myself far away from this cruel yet selfish world. He leaned and kissed my forehead making my eyes closed in reflex. His lips were wet and warm which makes my heart goes boom boom.

My heart pounded at the proximity of ourselves as I never felt like this before. It was genuine and soft without any conceited yet selfless and a little bit egoistic. "You so bad" I finally break down. He immediately hugged me and was caressing my back for making me calm. But this did not work and my nerves breaking down more by memorising all those painful pasts.

"I'm sorry for being a bad boyfriend baby" my breath hitched when he mentioned boyfriend. He never considered himself as my boyfriend but now he does. My sobs becomes loud and uncontrollable as he tightly hugged me and was consoling me continuously. "You are so bad I hate you" I chant this line several times but received only silence from him.

After a good time, he pulled away from the hug and cup my cheeks softly. My eyes were on the floor all the time and his soft gaze was on my face. Maybe admiring my features? "I will intertwine you with my soul and body so that you will not able to escape" he softly chuckled as I whip my dried tears. "And I will decorate your dreams just like my jewellery so that you live your life happily" I answered making his eyes went widened in unexpected and shock.

Later he smiled and showed his hearty smile. "It means my baby finally forgive me and willing to give me a chance to prove my love for you huh" he teases and I ignored him. He places me on his lap and tightly back hugged me by putting his face on my back making me a little bit bent because of his weight but it's ok if it's him I'm all okay.

"I'm ready to heal all your nightmares and scars and painful memories Hana" he whispered making me shivered under his deep husky voice which brings goosebumps all over my body. "I swear to god I will change myself for you and also this destiny" he snuggled more in me while whispering and giving me more goosebumps.

"What about your fiancée?" I asked curiously he chuckled and put his face on my right shoulder "hmm what about my fiancée? Hmm, let's marry three of us each other what say?" I stayed quiet as the unknown gush of feeling developed in me. "What? It will be good if I have two wife's one will love me and one took good care of me" I was angry at him and did not say anything because I don't want to.

"Hana" he lovingly called my name which my heart instantly melts but I did not show how weak I'm to him. His hot breath fanning in my nape giving goosebumps all over my body. "You are happy if I get married twice?" This time I burst out making him silent "huh go and marry whoever you want why are you asking me huh? And yes I don't have any problem why would I have? I'm nothing to you obviously not a girlfriend nor wife, by the way, I don't like to be someone's second wife"

He was silent for a good time and staring at me all the time with his unreadable expressions making my heart boom boom and pounded very fast as I stare at him after few seconds in a questionable manner. Why so silent? And then he burst out in laughter as I furrowed my brows in confusion. He kissed on my side head and stopped laughing "you're so naive by the way she was my fiancée because my father wanted me to get marry to her because she was Richy rich and her father is the most successful businessman in Russia"


My heart dropped by hearing his words and I stayed quiet as he senses my silence he sighed and spoke "Hana I told you she was my fiancée not now, I broke the engagement with her when I kidnapped you" another dropped something in my heart after hearing this words from him. "And I stopped all those illegal jobs for you and also left my dad behind because of you"

"Why?" I asked curiously "because he once said 'not to fall for a simple middle-class girl' a rug swept away under my feet when I hear those harsh words. I'm a simple middle-class girl? These words started roaming in my mind and blocking my mind to think straight because it hurts like hell.

"You should not leave your dad for me tae" he sighed and snuggle more into me. I gulped as our bodies colliding each other with no space. "Nope your my love and more important to me because you think and are worried for my happiness remember when you console me on our first date?" I nodded as I remember our first day and yes I shared some warm words with him.

"That day I started thinking something about me that has values and this value only you just you makes me feel appreciate and admired and realised how important I'm to me" I silently felt good about his words im the reason. "Dad never appreciates for who I am he only appreciate and admired because of my brain skills, fearless and uses me like an ATM" he was sad by sharing these words with me.

I smiled and caress his hands "I do" I encourage him. He smiled back and we both hugged tightly. And then I remember something else "Oppa" he detached himself from me after hearing this "he must be worried for me the" his expressions turns firm and lost his soft gaze to me. "Please let me go"

"On one condition" I get confused but still nodded in agreement "Marry me now" my eyes widened in shock and surprise, deep down I was happy but because of my family I was afraid. "Huh?"

"I'm not asking Hana I'm telling you to marry me now and then you can meet your family members" he casually exclaimed. "If not?" I purposely asked as his expression cold icy one "if not then forget them anyhow you will be marrying me" he winked before locking me into this room.

Flashback ends:

2: chupke se ( instrument song)

It's almost one year I got married to him. He always does things like this with goons or threatening with a knife or mentioning conditions. He can't do things as normal people does but in a criss-cross manner.

I still remember when I got married he was so happy like a 5-year-old boy got candy. But Oppa he was so angry and because of Iu unnie and Taehyung he was already mad but after seeing me in bridal clothes with flowers, unfortunately, he broke all the ties with me and this hurts me a lot.

Oppa tried his best to explain that Taehyung is just using me even in the name of MARRIAGE because I will always be his vengeance bottle and lustful temptations. But I declined and accept Taehyung's love over my family.

Today I'm 3 months pregnant and I could not share this happiness with my family. I only have my husband Taehyung, his best friend Jimin and my cutest bodyguard Jungkook, Taehyungs father also. After marrying Taehyung we first went to my family but they cut off all the ties with me and then Taehyung brings me with him to his house where his father lives.

At first, I was so afraid to meet his father. I imagined him to be the strict, harsh, stern, angry person and unacceptable behaviour with an egoistic attitude and to my surprise, he was exactly as I imagined still me and Taehyung living with his dad under one roof because of Taehyungs pleading obviously he is his father, he did not because he needs shelter to live he wants true love and affection from his father and later he accepted our marriage.

He was against this MARRIAGE but for his son's happiness, he compromised and not naturally but at least for showing he accepted me as his daughter in law.

I never talked to him only when there is a need and I always have a fear in my heart for him and I calls him Appa. Whenever I call Taehyungs father as appa it reminds me of my father. And this makes me upset more and I cried a lot in the darkness.

Why does this love never ends with a happy one?

Why do we have to choose either family or love?

Just why?

I lose my family because of my selfish love

I lose my yoongi Oppa because of my selfish love

Even if Taehyung did not force me to marry him I think I still chose Taehyung over my family.

Because I can't control my heart, my emotions in the case of my selfish love.

I'm so selfish

I'm so worst

I hate being like this

I think all this by gazing night sky which has full of stars and illuminating moon. At times I was talking about my love for the night sky and now I'm talking about my family and asking if they are doing well or not. I was worried for them. I hope Iu unnie doing well and they all are happy.

"Did yoongi Oppa living happily with Iu unnie?"

"I hope they are living happily without me"

"I know I'm the worst even Taehyung did the worst to me I chose him over my family but you know it heart who doesn't want to leave him"

"He must be angry with me"

"Did they ever missed me?"

"Did they ever take my name from the mistake?

"Oppa I'm sorry"

"I know I gave you all so much pain and you all must be hating me"

"Is there any chance if he remembers and smiled by recalling the old memories"

"I wish I could share my happiness with you Oppa"

"I wish you could feel how I feel right now"

"My life is full of happiness and love still I felt empty"

"Maybe because of an absence of brothers love"

A lone tear fell from my eyes when I stare night sky thinking about my family.

"I'm so worst"

"My love is so selfish"

The moon is hiding in the clouds

It's feeling shy, my love

The moon is hiding in the clouds

It's feeling shy, my love

Come in my arms

Twisting around, my love

It's secretive

It's silent

It's intoxicated

It's quiet

This atmosphere

Yes this atmosphere is different

I then felt two muscular arms wrapped around my waist making my stomach churn and butterflies started dancing. I was frozen when I hear his next deep voice. "Let's be close to each other" he kissed my head and in a swift moment, he makes me turned around. His eyes only speaking lust right now and I gulped how mesmerising his eyes are.

"Let the distance erase" he kissed on the head as I closed my eyes in the feeling of his sinful touch.

"Look at me how much I want you" he gave another kiss on my eyes and I did not open and standing still.

"You only tell me how can I look at my moon from a distance" he purred and gave another kiss on my nose bridge. My heart pounded fast.

"Let me hide in your arms" he kissed my right cheek.

"let me get lost in your hair" he kissed my left cheek.

"T-the" he cut me off by whispering seductively.

"Don't ask me the meaning of what my heart says" he kissed my chin.

"Now Don't ask me anything" as soon as he said he harshly kissed my lips as I winced in slight pain but I ignored it.

He locked his lips in my lips and I feel so excited and ecstasy. I was not good like he does and this makes me feel vulnerable and small under his sinful aroma. He groaned when he introduced his tongue in my mouth and I get stumble because of how harshly he was kissing me.

Right now his only intention is to ruin my lips. I sometimes think his love was love or is that youth? But you know what today I'm feeling great love for him. It's immense and immeasurable. He detached from the harsh kiss and stare at me with those hungry lustful eyes as I gulped in nervousness.

"I broke in your arms once again Taehyung in such a way that leaves fall from the branches carelessly" I whispered. He smirked and still his arms resting firmly on my waist. "Your love took away everything I had Taehyung" his smirk widened as he was satisfied am all his.

"How should I say or express my baby" I was caged in his arms when he whispered seductively. "I want to live in you till the morning" I gulped and looked away when he shamelessly shared his feelings. "This drenched smile of your wet lips I want to drink" my heart pounded fast by hearing his shameless words.

"I love you my baby" he kissed my ear lobe as I nervously dig my nails in his arm shoulders. "I won't answer baby" he whispered seductively as I gulped and replied to him "I l-love y-you too" he smiled as I smiled back nervously.

"He wasn't the wrong baby"

3: million dollar man

My eyes furrowed when he whispered dangerously near my ears. His hand was about to enter my jeans and slowly entering into my panty and there I was standing frozen don't know how to act even after being a year with him. He always makes me small and vulnerable under his sinful aroma and doings. He was softly cupping and squeezing my butt by one hand and from another, he protectively caged me In his arms.

His face is in my crook and inhaling my scent.

"W-who and what are you talking about?" He snuggles more and pinches my butt makes me wince in slight pain. "Your Oppa" I furrowed my eyes. "Huh?"

"You are the broken piece of my vengeance bottle which I already drank and also a lustful temptation which I wanted to destroy and ruin you completely underneath me"

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