《Sinful Aroma { k.Th}》Part 29


"Thank you so much for helping me" Taehyung thanked the person who helped him to take away Hana from the hospital. As it is very difficult for them to take her away due to yoongi's bodyguards. "It's ok Taehyung ahh it's my pleasure to help you unless it's related to two hearts who are empty with love and happiness and are filled with only pain and anguish"

Taehyung nodded at her comment as tears of joy left from his puffy eyes. He never expected someone like her who is actually a wife of yoongi would help him to get his love. "Thanks once again Iu noona" Taehyung purred making Iu ruffle his hair lovingly. She admired his love a lot and has so much respect.

Taehyung p.o.v:

"No matter what and where I go I find my safe place in her pure love. Your sinful aroma aka Kim Taehyung will always be a prisoner of Hana's love" I coped by seeing an unconscious figure laying on the bed. "I love you baby" painful tears escapes from my burning eyes because of kept on sobbing. "Come soon baby I'm waiting"

"Don't worry Hyung I'm sure noona will wake up because I believe your love is so strong for her and one day she will wake up and scold you so much for behaving jerk in the past" a sad chuckled left out from my mouth remembering she never scolds me only loves me a lot at every step of our destination.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour in the past" I purred while ruffling her hair lovingly. I felt jungkooks pat on my back reassuring me. "When will you open your eyes, Hana," I asked curiously. "Hyung soon" I rolled my eyes. "Shut up jungkook ahh I'm not talking to you" I heard his playful chuckled as I shrugged it off.

"Finally I got you to love" I whisper in her ears though she could not listen to me my heart screams to say all these loving words to her. Giving assurance by saying now I'm adamant to give my name to her, to stand by her side at every step of the destination, to hold her hands tightly and walk ahead. I was a jerk to behave like that in the past and I regret and now I'm a sinner of her love.

"I'm a sinner Hana be my saint, make me pure, forgive me, give me punishment according to my sins" I keep on blabbering even though she is lying unconscious and did not know what's happening around her.

I then lay beside her keeping my one leg softly on her thighs and one hand protectively caged her as my hot breaths fanning her side profile. "My safe place is in her arms and I never understand this" I softly peck her right cheek and admired how beautiful she is.

I stare at her for continuously straight an hour and I did not realise I admired my baby so much yet she deserves and beautiful soul she is. I remember all those memories again making my head ached terribly as I groaned. My breathing accelerated and my heart was beating So faster by thinking what if yoongi Hyung take her away from me after knowing Hana is with me?


No no this can't happen I'm sorry Hana I have to hide you and when you open your eyes I hope you forgive and accept me. "Please give me a chance ........please I need to rectify my mistakes what I did in the past" I nuzzled in her crook while whispering.

Sweat formed on my forehead and palms just by thoughts of separation from her. I then inhale her scent as my muscles calmed down and I feel relaxed. I never felt this type of love in the case of angels.

At times whenever anxiety reaches its peak I closed my eyes and I remember sweet memories of angels and by memorising those sweet memories my breathe calmed me down and make it steady. My heart quiver because of her loss and now I got once again my happiness and love but I need peace.

And I know I will have my peace just by her forgiveness and I will seek no matter how cruel she would be. I got up from the bed and wiped my tears with my sleeves and before leaving I peck but what I see I felt like my breathing hitched and the land under my feet slipped.

"H-Hana" I quivered. I see her eyes opening slowly.

Author p.o.v:

"What the hell you all were doing? Can't you just keep an eye on her?" Yoongi blurted out on his bodyguards in pure rage. "I want my sister back no matter what" he shouted at them. On the other hand, Iu standing at the corner of the ward quietly with a gaze on the floor.

As soon as the bodyguards left yoongi fell on his knees which was trembling due to the loss of his beloved sister. IU's eyes widened when she saw her husband is breaking down but still she kept quiet and hugged him tightly.

She also hurts deep down but she believes Hana's real place is in Taehyung's arms not in her brother's guidance. She also believes Taehyung deserves the last chance for proving his love for her and showed her brother that he deserves her love.

No matter what no other person could love her as Taehyung does and this same applies to Hana. A chill ran down to his spine when he felt his wife's hands protectively hugged him tightly. He tried to say something but he did not find any words to describe how he was feeling right now as painful tears let out of his eyes.

Iu could feel his breathing rate increased and his heart was beating faster in fear of losing his baby sister. "I'm failed in protecting her once again Iu" yoongi stutters. Iu wipe his tears and shook her head in disagreement clearing "no baby not at all you protect her very well" Iu appreciate his efforts.

Hearing her words and watching her admired words with a calmed tone he started doubting as he narrowed his eyes "don't tell me you helped him to kidnap my sister away" yoongi spit venom on his wife making IU's eyes widened in shock.

He stared at her dangerously making her terrified. On the next moment, he pushed his wife harshly and shouted at her. "How dare you Iu? Being a wife of mine you helped my enemy huh?" Iu shook her head in disagreement as tears left out of her eyes. "Your wrong yoongi he is not your enemy instead of your his enemy" Iu clarified making yoongi scoffed seeing his wife taking Taehyungs side.


Yoongi once again pushed her and left the ward in rage. Iu immediately started calling Taehyung to inform him about yoongi knows everything but he is not picking his call making Iu hiss in frustration.

"Hana you finally open your eyes" Taehyung kissed all over her face as tears of joy escapes from his eyes. On the other hand, Hana was confused and was frozen seeing Taehyung in front of her. Maybe she did not expect this from him.

"What happened to me? And why the hell are you here? Where is my Oppa" Hana cluelessly asked as she started panicking don't know where she is and why Taehyung was all of a sudden kissing and showering love to her?

Hana p.o.v:

I don't know how I ended up here, how he brings me here, I just wanted to go back and never looked back. Slowly all the memories invading my brain as I remember every single thing how he love me, then faked it, took me away on the day of my MARRIAGE, then tortured me, kept me in darkness and starve me for days, and then Oppa came to me to rescue and he no I triggered a bullet on him but how I got a bullet and who did that to me? I don't know.

"L-let me go" I somehow whispered and stood up on my feet as I hiss in pain because I felt like my legs are numb. I see his eyes blurry because of the painful tears welled up in those puffy red eyes god knows how much he cried but the question is why?

He is not good, I have to fight for my safety he again manipulating me from his fake tears. I ignored his actions and eyes because it was not a time to let out my emotions I need to be hard and stiff.

I saw myself in a blue hospital maxy I gulped as I see iv fluid injection is attached to my back palm. I try to detach it but what I see is next is a hand stopped me from doing detaching the iv fluid needle. "You need treatment hana you are weak" Taehyung purred as I ignored.

"Let me go from here" I once again spoke but in a stern manner. His eyes shows too many emotions which I felt like he's broken from inside. I started diverting my mind from dwelling in his broken eyes which instantly melts my heart and I was afraid what if I again melts in his charms.

"I'm sorry" he whispered as he held my hands softly and started caressing. "Look I want to go back to my Oppa" I try to convince him. He again ignored my comment and staring me from his broken teary eyes. As if he is seeking forgiveness and was utterly stubborn.

I clutched my fabric in pain which I felt like my chest in tightness because of his broken eyes I couldn't see him broken even after getting innumerable times he stabbed my heart and broke it and betrayed me in the name of the most beautiful word love and in a most forbidden way.

I controlled my tears to form in my eyes as he sat in between my legs in a crouching manner. His hot breathe fanning on my face as I seeing here and there but not him. But I know his intense painful teary eyes were fixed on me, not at all moving and this makes breaks my heart even more. Why am I so weak?

I finally give up and I let out a loud sob as he gets panicked and caressing my cheeks to calm me down but the pain in my chest is not decreasing. "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry baby I was a jerk to do all those things Hana, please give me a chance to prove my love for you" by hearing this I was frozen in one place.

I then felt him moving and keeping his head in my chest and his soft peck on my forehead and he kept on saying sorry for his sinful doings with me. My eyes were bewildered in shock and could not be processing all of a sudden why he changed and was apologising.

"Please baby give me chance" he once again requested as I asked curiously. "Where is this place? How ended up here? I remember I shoot you and I got to shoot" he nodded and answered while taking a brief moment. "Yes you shoot me and you also got shoot and "


"And you were in a coma"

"How many days?"

"2 years"

I gulped by hearing this I never knew I was in a coma for two years and who try to kill me. "Who try to kill me?" His eyes diverted from me as If he is avoiding the gaze from me. "Tell me who is the person?" I gawked at him dangerously. "My best man, my ex-bodyguard and your current bodyguard my maknae and muscle man jeon jungkook" my eyes widened at his introduction. My bodyguard?

"Yes your bodyguard I told him to protect you but your brother never allowed me to go near you so that's why I have to take you away from the hospital without asking yoongi Hyung" Taehyung informed everything to me. As the realisation hits "he must be worried for me, I have to go"

As soon as I got up he tightly held my wrist preventing me to go out. I eyed him in a questionable look as he gives me stern look.

"You can't go"

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