《Sinful Aroma { k.Th}》Part 27



I saw her eyes were drenched in tears yet has a vengeful taste which I never tasted before my heart skipped and was thinking about She loves me right? I mentally smiled sadly by seeing her brave movement taking a stand for her brother. Yoongi hyung is so lucky to have her at least he has someone who took the stand but for me, there is no one.

The way I was showing my pistol as I dropped it and shifted my finger pistol to her as I smiled at her sadly.

I know very well Hana will never harm me, never shoot me. Because she loves me. After angels death no one in the world makes me felt like Hana do. She said I'm her breath, her love and everything. But for me, she is my prayer, my paradise, my heaven, my desires and my worship.

I think I'm in love with her.

I was defeated in front of her love.

She won and I lose.

She is the goddess of love.

The love which I never felt before not even in the presence of the angel.

Her love is something which I never imagined and could describe in words.

Her love is pure and undying.

Her love is that worship which I never do before but now I do.

In this journey, I only torment ourselves in the name of vengeful and love.

In this journey, I only took tests of her love and she succeeded.

She won and I lose.




Author p.o.v:

Taehyung standing in front of her and yoongi like a proud person who doesn't even know what he is doing that could affect his own persona. Yoongi spoke bitterly "huh why are you smiling Taehyung" he didn't say anything as he was busy staring at his worship.

"I'm watching to my baby" Taehyung purred. A collective scoffed could be witnessed as Taehyungs sad yet proud smile faint and his brows get knitted in confusion.

Hana laughed as yoongi smirked at his condition. "Oppa do you want to say him something before killing my lovely love Taehyung" hanas out of nowhere brutal tone makes Taehyung confused as a sudden rush of anxiety fills in his veins.

She was firmly holding a pistol at Taehyung. "W-what do you m-mean?" Taehyung stuttered anxiously as he did not have anything for defence. Not even his bodyguards who he gestures to go out. He was alone in that cell with Hana and yoongi.


"YOU ATE GOOD, SLEPT ON THE WARM MATTRESS, YOU ENJOY YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST AND LEFT ME IN THIS DARKNESS" Taehyung tried his best to interrupt her and badly wanted to explain that she was not alone all the time.


"You won in breaking me in every possible way Mr Kim Taehyung"

"Now you must be happy right" a lone tear fell from her eye. Taehyung on the other hand was in full over confidence no matter what she would never harm him. Both were staring deeply and with a piercing eye boring into one dark orb.

"Drop that pistol Hana" Taehyung nonchalantly told as Hana's eyes were full of vengeance. The vengeance she suffered a lot under this roof. "Why are you scared?" Hana smirked to which Taehyung smiled proudly.

"Why would I get scared of you?" Taehyung scoffed. "Why not? I'll be having a chance to kill you openly" Hana muttered viciously. Taehyung's overconfidence once again knocked on his door of damage.

"You won't" Hana got confused by his statement. "Why not?" Taehyung chuckled and spoke with proudness "because your weak Hana, you love me and I know you won't harm me" hanas muscles get stiffened by hearing this bold statement by him.

"Don't be so sure Taehyung" Hana muttered. "I'm just stating the facts baby" Taehyung unknowingly provoked the inner beast of Hana. "I heard the people who are in love are ready to get killed but not killed them who they love the most" Taehyungs overconfidence and unknowingly provoke reached the peak.

"Your wrong Taehyung I will kill you, what if I love you but you are a criminal, you are a smuggler, your kidnapper you deserve punishment and the punishment is dying by my hands". Hana spit venom at Taehyung. "Stop it Hana doesn't do anything which you regret later". Yoongi spoke this time.

A cunning smirk plastered on Taehyung's lips as he once again spoke "no hyung she's weak she won't shoot me" yoongi got panicked by seeing aggressive reactions of his little sister. "I'M NOT WEAK TAEHYUNG I COULD KILL YOU IN ANY SECOND JUST DON'T CHALLENGE ME". Hana shouted at him to which Taehyung started laughing at her as by seeing his behaviour which he unknowingly hurts her self esteem by kept on saying weakly.

If she is in love doesn't mean she is weak she could take a stand for his family and brother. Or you could expect she is weak in love but in terms of her family she will fight with everyone and even with her love. And this persona of her is unaware. "Except it"




"HUH WEAK HANA" Taehyung mocked at her and every last string of patience broke down and she lost her sense as she aggressively reacted.

"I HATE YOU TAEHYUNG" she screamed.

But then unfortunately Taehyung's overconfidence flew in the air when a loud thud could be heard that makes Everyone left frozen. Yoongi stood frozen with wide eyes as tears fell from Taehyung's eyes while clutching tightly to his left lower abdomen.

It was not one sound that hit a loud thud, it was two sounds. One hit on Taehyung's lower abdomen and when he saw the front scenery his legs becomes weak and eventually fell on his knees watching the most painful scene.

Taehyung saw his love, his worship falling on the cold floor like a soulless as Taehyung titled his head to see who shot her directly on her head that passes from the brain and she died instantly is none another Taehyung's old best man. His old best friend and muscle man jeon jungkook standing with a pistol who killed Taehyung's worship ..... min Hana.


Both Hana and Taehyung fell on the cold as a deafening sound heard for Taehyung's. One is shouting "TAEHYUNG" .......... And another one is "HANA".

Jimin and jungkook took Taehyung to hospital swiftly as blood was oozing rapidly in a great quantity and he was about to get unconscious. On the other hand yoongi cried his heart out when he saw his little sister was laying soulless on his lap. But he didn't notice one thing.

Soon after police came and found the lost ladies as there was a raid in Kim's mansion. Jimin and jungkook were horrified and worried about his best friends condition. They hope Taehyung to be saved.

On the other hand, doctors were doing their best to save Kim Taehyung but look like he was not ready to come back in his life. As time passes doctors were losing hope.

Yoongi brought his dead sister to his house to which their mother was completely unaware of the situation. And when she saw her daughter is unconscious she swiftly stood up and started kissing all over her face.

Eomma looked at her son as yoongi as his eyes were dropped. The loud cries with a scream echoed throughout the house, she hugged her daughter after so many months... she cried her heart out while keep on screaming her daughter's name in pure agony and anguish.

Her head is on Hana's chest and crying loudly and then she realised something is wrong and she trying hard to listen to her heartbeat while keeping her head on Hana's chest and then the realisation hits and their mother barged in "SHE'S ALIVE YOONGI, her beat is so slow..... let's take her to the hospital" yoongi immediately pulled her into his arms and started checking her true pulse, her heartbeat is so slow.

They immediately took her to the hospital and were unaware of the presence of Kim Taehyung who is also admitted to the same hospital next to her intensive care unit.

Both the lives are on the verge of a death bed, everyone out there praying for good and well being. Hana's mother sat on one of the chairs as yoongi stood beside his mother and consoling. Jungkook and Jimin were standing a little bit far away from them and also worried for their best friend.

Yoongis blood boiled when he saw jungkook standing there. He didn't waste any second and barged on him making jungkook startled. At first, jungkook was shocked by seeing Hyung reacting like this but then understood he deserves it and dropped his eyes in guilty.

"BECAUSE OF YOU SHE IS ON THE DEATH BED" yoongi blurted out on him in pure rage and anger. He makes his palm into a fist and raises it to punch him and he did. Jungkook was standing there silently suffering and having punches from his Hyung. He understood that it's his mistake.

He thought Hana to be some evil or a crazy person who wanted to kill his best friend. So he swiftly shoots before she could kill Taehyung but unfortunately, the bullet passes through her head and at the same time unconsciously Hana shoot Taehyung. Jungkook doesn't know it was Taehyung who kidnapped Hana and torture her for a year.

When Jimin told everything to him, a pang of guilt was washed away and doesn't dare to face Hyung who teaches him how to be a snipper. Yes, yoongi teaches jungkook how to use a pistol and gun so he could protect Taehyung as a bodyguard and becomes his best friend not only best friend but also best man and muscle man.

The relationship between jungkook and yoongi was like the teacher and his student pure and Full of enthusiasm. Jungkook respects yoongi a lot but because of the profession and due to best friends relation he has to back away.

One more thing is jungkook doesn't like when Taehyung started his business of kidnapping young ladies and trade. For that, he fights with him and tries to stop him but Taehyung was helpless because of his evil father. So he broke and cut all the connections with him and left the job then and there.

Taehyung respected jungkooks decision and except it with all his heart. But he misses his muscle man a lot. Today he came back only to give surprises to him but in return, he only got a surprise. Jungkook wanted to share that he got the best job in music production so he came to share this news. After several years of hard work, he got the best job and now he becomes the producer.

Jimin pulled away yoongi who is completely broken with a jungkook who is completely messed up in pure guilt. Having eyes dropped jungkooks eyes filled with tears and started falling. He respects Hyung a lot so that's why he did not fight back. Soon after A doctor came with a straight face when he told them .........

"I'm sorry the patient went in a coma"

How was the chapter?

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Tingles I'm so glad by reading your comments and it's just making my day. Thank you so much!!

This ff is indeed closer to my heart and in the end, I will share with you something which was connected to my life and heart in a separate chapter exclusively for authors share and after that, I'll be deleting when I felt like it's enough for my tingles to read.

Though this story is slowly reaching high and getting so much love I'm satisfied with it because something is better than nothing.

Appreciate quantity than quality.

So tell me tingles what are you expecting the ending? It should be sad or happy?

If it is happy then why or if it is sad then why would you choose?

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